Subj: Skating Novel Date: 93-06-24 15:57:15 EST From: TeresaM106 Posted on: America Online Greetings all. I'm new on AOL. Since the rate hike on *P, I've been spending a lot of time on GEnie. Unfortunately, the figure skating boards there are pretty quiet, now. I'm glad to have found you all. Remember that skating novel I mentioned briefly on *P? It's working. Yes, finally working. After planning and plotting and writing for years, I'm within two chapters of writing 'THE END". At least for the first full draft. I'm glad to see some familiar "faces". Teresa Subj: welcome theresa Date: 93-06-24 18:04:22 EST From: TR1VIOLA Posted on: America Online You will see many of your prod friends here under some new and old names--Join us and tell us all about your novel--Does she go to the olympics?? will she marry her partner??--humm that plot sounds a bit familiar-- Skating Mom-- Subj: FORUM VACATION Date: 93-06-25 21:35:20 EST From: TR1VIOLA Posted on: America Online There will be no officially scheduled forum for the next two weeks. No problema if anyone wants to pop in on thurs 7pm est since the room will be available, but there will be no regularly scheduled trivia, guests(still working on that one!!!)--so if you want to drop in informally--come on in!! Subj: US Men Date: 93-06-30 15:17:33 EST From: TeresaM106 Posted on: America Online Who do you all look to in the men's division to be a contender for those two spots on the Olympic and World team this year? What do you think are Boitano's chances against someone like Scott Davis. True, Davis doesn't have Boitano's maturity, but he has something Boitano doesn't: healthy knees. It'll probably seem really strange for Brian not to be favored in the technical aspects of competition. How do you all think Mark Mitchell stacks up? Do you think his move to Carlo Fassi will help? Seems to me if he was looking for more consistency in the jumps, he would have gone to someone else. Fassi skaters--as great as they have been--seem to be a little weak, technically. Does Mark have a triple axel combination? I don't recall, for sure. Comments? Subj: New to AOL from Prodigy Date: 93-07-01 21:54:53 EST From: MelissaIS1 Posted on: America Online Hi everyone! This is Melissa Scharoun from the prodigy fig.sk8 bb, and I'd just like to say hello to everyone! I recognize many names from prodigy and I feel right at home. This is my first day here on AOL, and although it is very different, I think I like it, and look forward to writing to you all. I'm looking forward to a figure skating forum, but I heard on prodigy that there wont be one this week. Even so, when are they usually? Well, I'm off to go exploring, so I'll see you later. -Melissa Scharoun Subj: Forums Date: 93-07-03 06:11:40 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Hi Melissa and welcome to AOL! The forum is every Thursday at 10 pm ET, 9pm CT, 7pm PT. Use that Keyword "Grandstand" that got you here. Choose the button "Sports Club and Conferences" Then Choose "Press Box" Louise cancelled the official forums for July 1 and 8 but many of us met informally on July 1 and had a great time. So stop in on the 8th; it's likely there will be a group chat then. Let me know if you have any AOL questions; I'll try to help. Marge Subj: Forums Date: 93-07-04 20:48:31 EST From: MelissaIS1 Posted on: America Online Thanks for the welcome, Marge! I'll be sure to stop in on the 8th - I've already tried live chat and find it exciting! Thanks for your offer of help, and I'll be sure to use it. I must go now, since these 10 hourse are sure flying by fast. -Melissa Subj: Hello and many skating thoughts Date: 93-07-04 21:20:31 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online Hello everyone my name is Boise, I am 25 and a great skating enthusiast. I am from Southern California and started in the Costa Mesa CA Ice Capades (John Nicks Rink) when I was 9. I also skated a lot at the Artic Blades FSC in Paramount CA. Although I was and am a serious skater, I never became very competitive because I could never master the figures, though freeskating came easily to me. So now I skate for fun. Currently I am in Cambridge, MA skating at the SC of Boston and studying for the NY bar. I went to Brown and Harvard for college and law school respectively and am planning to start work in the fall as an attorney in Manhattan. There I plan to make good use of Sky Rink. I have some pretty strong opinions about different things in skating. But opinions raise good discussion, so here they are. SKATING COMMENTATORS: I think Dick Button is by far the greatest commentator I have ever heard in any sport. True, he can be cruel. But his analysis I think is right on the money. Examples: He is one of the few commentators who gives credit to straight backs on sit spins, pays attention to flow and edges, recognizes the distinction between superficial flailing of the arms and real artistry (Bowman v. Wylie), notes proper lay back leg positions (with proper turnout), and finally knows the music which skaters skate to and is able to talk about it intelligently. The other commentators I believe leave much to be desired. Peggy Fleming: I feel has has nothing very substantive to say in my opinion (never more profound than her choreography isn't interesting, this isn't an inspired performance, nice extensions on their legs) and her grammar I bothersome ("she has charisma with the audience"). Sandra Bezic: She isn't bad, but most bothersome is her strong partisanship toward Canadians. Sure Boitano and Browning have jumps, sure Eisler and Brasseur have good lifts, but their positions (especially in spins) in my mind need a lot of work (sit spins which aren't very low, fairly droopy camels and spirals). And Brasseur has a bad dropped back on all of her landings. Of course Sandra would never mention these things. Scott Hamilton: I like him a lot as a person. But I think he tends to be too much of a cheerleader, his comments I find a bit simplistic as well. He knows his jumps and technique pretty well, but he isn't able to discuss style, choreography or music with much sophistication. FAVORITE SKATERS: John Curry, Robin Cousins, Victor Petrenko, Caryn Cadavy. If you haven't noticed it yet, I really like classical skaters who have the whole package, and in my mind these skaters had it. Incredible style, positions, choreography, and very good jumps. KATERINA WITT: a great competitor, obviously attractive, musical--but her numbers lately have been rather one dimensional--seductive. Only Dick Button however even dares to take note of her less than first rate positions (stiff arms, sticks her but out on her spread eagle, crowched back on her sit spins, etc). However, I admire her a lot. MARK MITCHELL: I like Mark's skating, however his personality gets on my nerve. He seems to wine a lot on TV about reinstatement of pros. He also in my opinion is just not a good enough athlete to land a good triple axel (not very much height). I wasn't aware that he was moving to Carlo Fassi (Is he back in the States again, or is he still in Milan?). NANCY KERRIGAN: Mary Scotvold's choreography has done wonders for Nancy's skating. Both her Born on the 4th of July program (Olympics) and Beauty and the Beast programs in my opinion were masterpieces. A beautiful skater. Hope she pulls it together next year. KRISTI YAMAGUCHI: Her consistency is amazing (except the triple salchow of course), but her skating never excited me because she never had very good height on her jumps. Plus I never felt she communicated with the audience that well. I noticed that in the Discover Cards Stars on Ice show, her numbers drew the least applause of any one. Subj: More skating thoughts Date: 93-07-04 21:44:07 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online (continued from previous message) Kristy's En Vogue number I thought was very juvenile and was a type of number that really wasn't suited to her style (she is in my opinion basically a classical skater). The number was more appropriate for Katerina. One other thing which I don't think is great about Kristy's skating is her freeleg position on her legback (hip should be turned out more, knee should be higher skate) (compare her position with a Cadavy Chin,(late) Zayak, or Fleming's position: the best laybacks in my opinion in the sport. Though the best layback I have ever seen is Katherine Healy's (of course she has an unfair advantage being a prima ballerina). TONYA HARDING: I agree with Dick Button that Tonya has a good sense of style and is a great athlete. Personally, I am peeved that she wasn't sent to Worlds this past year. She definitely would have done better than Kwiatkowsky and Ervin. Ervin has no triples, only her triple toe is consistent. I definitely thought Harding's program at Nationals was better than Kwiatkowsky's. PAUL WYLIE: He's my hero. Such a nice guy, a great skater (artistically and athletically);I found his Henry the Fifth program extremely moving. Also I am glad to see he like Debbie Thomas are succeeding academically as well. I saddened that I won't see him at Harvard Law this fall. Most UNDERRATED skater: YUKA SATO--I love Yuka's speed and power and simple and elegant choreography. She is the only skater currently who has great flow over the ice. I wish Nancy would skate faster. If Yuka can only put the triple lutz in her short and add a triple flip to her long, I think she will do extremely well. KURT BROWNING: A phenomenal jumper, good stage presence and a good communicator. The one thing I will remember him most for is his triple salchow/triple loop combination. The only skater to my knowledge who has done a triple/triple combination with the loop second of the triples. (Midori Ito has done a triple loop as the second jump of a double/triple combination in her 1988 short. STEPHANIE ANDERSON: (a personal message) I remember you in your 1981 nationals, that was the first time I was a spectator. You had a nice double axel. Well, I think I have given way more than my two cents worth on different topics. I hope I havn't offended anyone, opinions are very personal and subjective, but these are mine. I am interested in hearing other people's views. Sincerely, Boise Subj: One last thing. Date: 93-07-04 21:55:10 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online (continued from above) I just want to reiterate again that I hope I havn't offended anyone with my strong opinions. I do hope however that they raise some strong discussion. Also I'm sorry about all the typos and mistakes in my messages, I guess I shouldn't be so hard on Peggy! Subj: Biased Opinions Date: 93-07-05 19:08:57 EST From: TeresaM106 Posted on: America Online Greetings Boise, and welcome from another newcomer. I'm thirty-something and also a great skating enthusiast. I've been a skating fan since I was a little kid and Peggy Flemming won her gold medal at Genroble. Unfortunately my family has never lived with 70 miles of an ice skating rink. Actually, the little town in SC I live in can't even support a roller skating rink. I'm compensating for this glaring deficiency in my life by writing a novel set in figure skating! Two more chapters and I'll have one complete draft! Have you heard about the Forum's scheduled every Thursday night? I have to agree with a lot of what you said. BTW, you certainly haven't offended me. A calm expression of opinion on a public bulletin board shouldn't do that, unless one has a closed mind. I agree with you about Dick Button. He's one of the most knowledgeable commentators, and it shows. I do like Scott Hamilton. I think part of his problem when he first started commentating was that he knew so many of the competitors that they were his friends and he'd get so excited when they landed that triple Lutz (or whatever they were having trouble with) that he'd forget to "critique" the performance. I wholeheartedly agree with you about Peggy Flemming. She doesn't say much and still manages to say too much. Sandra Bezic, too. Perhaps this may cause controversy, but I don't care for Katarina Witt's skating at all. I don't like her seductive manipulation at all and technically, she's not up to par with other skaters. Consider Dorothy Hamil. She doesn't do triple jumps. Neither does Roz Sumners, anymore. But both of those ladies are ARTISTS. Katarina has one routine: seducer. I can't even say I admire her "alot". I will give her one thing, thought, she has nerves of steel and she's a real competitor! She'd probably be a great teacher. Like you, I think Mark Mitchell complains too much. He whines too much, period. About being left off the world team, about the ice, you name it. Hey, life isn't fair! Certainly figure skating is less fair!. Perhaps Mark Mitchell spent too much time trying to compete, artistically, with Paul Wylie, and now finds that the "game" has changed and now he has to compete against people like Scott Davis and Brian Boitano. BTW, I understand Carlo Fassi is now coaching out of California. I think Mark Mitchell is a good, smooth skater, but in my opinion, all his routines look alot. He doesn't have much pizzaz or fire. The first few times I saw Kristi Yamaguchi's En Vogue number I didn't care for it, either. I think the premise behind that is to present Kristi as a "grown-up" adult woman. She's been looked upon as a little girl and Sandra Bezic (didn't she choreograph that number?) seems to be big on sex and sultriness. You haven't offended me. I just hope I haven't offended anyone else. Hope others will join in the conversation and express an opinion, pro or con. Teresa in SC Subj: WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Date: 93-07-06 14:06:25 EST From: TR1VIOLA Posted on: America Online Hey see what I picked up in a public room--looks like you will be a very active participant in our forums Boise!!--welcome--theresa--your comments were great to hear--keep it up and keep posting--hopefully when the run of my show(i am playing in fiddler on the roof as a viola player!!) for the next month we can all talk together--by the way--keep the forum fires burning folks even if I can't join you the room is assigned to us every Thursday--SKATINGMOM-- Subj: SPORTSFAN-we need topic Date: 93-07-08 11:06:05 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Everyone write e mail to sportsfan--our fearless leader and remind him that he promised us our own topic. It would be nice to get out of other sports before the skating season starts in reality--that way we can find lots of newbies to join us--keep that e mail coming--and check this board for new people to add to the list-- see ya soon--Louise Subj: HERE FROM *P* Date: 93-07-08 13:47:53 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online Hello everyone, I'm a refugee from *P* also....I think I know most of you. I look forward to being on here too...although kep me away from those chat rooms! (: Talk to you all later. -Caryn Subj: MARK MITCHELL Date: 93-07-08 13:54:12 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online I still haven't caught onto this too much but I thought I would say something about Mark. I can't remember who said it seems like he whines too much on tv, but I don't feel he is whining. He is voicing his opinion and I think that the media is blowing everything entirely out of proportion and putting Mark in a less flattering light. He is not the only skater to oppose reinstatement and I commend him for speaking his mind in a sport so full of politics. I have seen him land many good triple axels, although I agree that he does need to work on height. Let's hope his move to Carlo Fassi will improve his skating even more. I hope I am doing this write. It's a bit of a change from *P*! -CAryn Subj: Here from Prodigy Date: 93-07-10 23:55:01 EST From: MDAROS Posted on: America Online Hi everyone. I finally got my mom to show me this AOL. It seems to be pretty user friendly so far. I've seen some familiar names as I scanned through the messages. I think I saw Louise, Brenda, Janet, Ellen, and Caryn. Are there any others I've missed? I'm sure you've all heard about the great Flood of '93 going on here in Iowa. A lot of West Des Moines and Ames is under water, as is Iowa City (where I go to school), but so far Ankeny is high and dry. Let me know when you'll all be talking "live" again, OK? Subj: Reply to Caryn Date: 93-07-11 01:19:32 EST From: Jean in IA Posted on: America Online I agree with you that Mark isn't so much as whining as he is voicing his own opinions. He has a right to be upset about being left off of World teams that he deserved to be on. I for one think that he could have done a lot better than Todd in Albertville. As for reinstatement, I don't think he disagrees with it out of selfishness and a fear that he'll be "left out again" as others seem to see it. I believe that even if he wasn't a factor, he would still be against it. Jeannie Subj: To Jeannie Date: 93-07-11 09:24:04 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online Jeannie, There are a lot of us here and some others who are AOL "originals." (: I just got here a few dyas ago myself, but Ellen, Janet, Louise, Laura, Lynne, Julie, Branda, Marion Wood, Connie, Melissa and a few others are here as well. I have heard about the Great Flood--we're living in it too although my side of IL is not nearly as bad as IA. My grandma lives in Moline right across the river from Davenport and they are under water...and the rain keeps coming! Talk to you later--a word to the wise--watch your time. My ree hours are almost used up after six days. Caryn Subj: Oksana Article Part 1 Date: 93-07-11 19:43:15 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online I found this article on AOL using jumpword "Mercury" ; it's from a California newspaper (San Jose area I think) : SKATING CHAMPION STAND OUTS, BLENDS IN By STEVE WOODWARD USA Today CHICAGO -- Considering how thoroughly world champion Oksana Baiul transfixes audiences when wearing ice skates, her ability to vanish in a crowd is even more remarkable. Such was the scene after her recent performance at Chicago Stadium, where the Campbell's Soups Tour of World Figure Skating Champions made one of its 44 springtime U.S. stops. The tiny, pony-tailed Baiul, 15, ventured out of the arena into a maze of youngsters, all the while clinging to a teddy bear nestled inside a paper bag. The Ukraine-born youngster almost made it to the bus unnoticed. Almost. Suddenly, a cluster of children with autograph radar surround her, pens and paper eagerly thrust from every direction. At this moment, it is nearly impossible to believe how rapidly skating's latest child star has transported herself from a life ravaged by despair to one graced by medal podiums, posh hotel lobbies and MTV. Until last January, when she placed second at the European championships, Baiul's story was the best-kept secret in skating. No longer. ``Many people recognize me and congratulate me,'' she said through an interpreter. ``But I am not very surprised. They watch TV, so why wouldn't they?'' In just nine months, the implausible journey is likely to find this steel-willed wonder among title contenders at the Olympic Winter Games in Norway. Mention that to Baiul, and she scowls. ``I have another task first,'' she said. ``I have to win my national championship (in December). Then I will think about the Olympics.'' When Baiul became the youngest world champion since Norway's famed Sonja Henie (1927), many could not resist looking ahead, not after the judging panel at the championship in Prague was swept away by the sheer force of a skater's personality within a 95-pound body. How could she have finished 12th in the Soviet Union's national championship -- the last to be contested as the country broke apart -- and first in the world a year later? ``Of course, she is very talented,'' said Stanislav Koritek, her former coach in the Ukrainian city of Dneprpetrovsk, once a Cold War outpost where ballistic missiles were manufactured. ``But everyone was surprised she did this so fast.'' Koritek, 34, was not in Prague to witness Baiul's emergence as world champion. He moved to Canada in 1992 to take a coaching job at Toronto's Cricket Club, which has a well-established skating rink. He fled his homeland after state-supported coaching positions evaporated. But it was not an easy choice. Koritek had been a guiding force in Baiul's young life. She was raised by her mother, a French teacher named Marina, and two grandparents after her father abandoned the family during her infancy. The only constant was skating, which she was introduced to around the age of 4. Between 1987 and '88, both grandparents died. Then, in 1991, Marina Baiul, 36, died after a battle with ovarian cancer. Only Koritek remained. (To be continued>) Subj: Oksana Article Part 2 Date: 93-07-11 19:47:03 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online ``I saw her father after (Marina) died,'' he said through an interpreter. ``He came to the funeral. He was not a very pleasant fellow, and Oksana didn't want to talk to him, didn't want to see him.'' Asked about her family a few days before winning the title in Prague, Baiul dissolved into tears and refused to speak. Since then, she has brushed aside all questions about her past. Until last year, the subject was unknown to Galina Zmievskaya, coach and mother-in-law of Ukrainian skater Viktor Petrenko, the 1992 Olympic men's champion. But both Zmievskaya and Petrenko now find themselves at the center of her new life. Before l aving Ukraine, Koritek contacted Zmievskaya at her rink, 300 miles away in Odessa. Upon hearing Baiul was virtually orphaned, she agreed to become the youngster's coach. Petrenko, living in Las Vegas and enjoying the financial spoils of his Olympic title, has taken on a big brother role. With Petrenko looking after her, Baiul is seeing the United States for the first time in whirlwind style, jetting from city to city and staying in first-class hotels. And as reigning world champion, she is being well-paid by tour promoter Tom Collins.At 15, she has six-figure earning power. If it hasn't happened yet, the burden of expectation is about to reveal itself. ``I can imagine how difficult it is in her mind,'' the 23-year-old Petrenko said. ``Now, everyone wants to be where (she) is. Now we'll see. It's true test.'' Baiul, ever poised and uncommonly articulate, suggests she harbors no fear about the challenges she will face next year. ``One shouldn't be afraid to lose because this is sport,'' Baiul said. ``One day you win; another day you lose. ``Of course, everyone wants to be the best. This is normal. This is what sport is about. This is why I love it.'' MERCURY CENTER CODE: S000 ID: me08601s Transmitted: 93-05-19 02:36:19 EDT Any comments??????????????????????? Marge Subj: NATIONALS 1994 Date: 93-07-14 10:51:51 EST From: CarolSel Posted on: America Online HELLO EVERYONE, I am just hoping someone can tell me where the nationals are going to be (Detroit, I think), what the dates are, and the price range for all event tickets (if they are still available). Thanks for any help. Carol Subj: SKATING MAGAZINE Date: 93-07-14 15:42:41 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online I would like to know how many of you receive the USFSA official magazine --skating magazine--I am never sure who reads it and who may want to know some stuff from it!!--this months issue has lots of rules changes and other interesting things-- Subj: forum Date: 93-07-14 15:43:52 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Is anyone logging the forums?? If so tell us how to unlog them--I am still in production with Fiddler on The Roof and will leave for Australia aug 2-22--so keep the forum fires burning--hopefully I can join ya soon--Louise Subj: Skating Forum Logs Date: 93-07-14 20:18:50 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online MOM: My logging seems to be working for now. I uploaded last week's unofficial forum, it is in the Library now. (Other Sports Library). I'll keep doing it unless someone else wants to take over! :) So, everyone - if you can't make it to a Forum, you can read about it later!!! -- Julie Z. Subj: Skating Magazine Date: 93-07-16 10:40:34 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Please do post from it I did get it in the late 1980's but don't any longer. If you upload to the skating library you will get online credit for time posting it. Marge Subj: Upload??--how done Date: 93-07-16 18:31:59 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online I would be delighted to make a readers digest version of the skating magazine and upload it--only problem is I am such a puter idiot that I do not have a clue how to upload!!!--tell me how and I will select some goodies-- Subj: Money for Medals Date: 93-07-16 18:35:57 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Under a recent U>S> olympic committee proposal monetary awards would be given with olympic medals no matter which sport--gold--$15,000 silver--$10,000 bronze--$5,000 fourth place--$5,000-- In non olympic years the plan would also award money in the sports most significant competition such as a world championship--Athletes considered professional by their international federations would have their awards given to theat sports national governing body for development of youth sports programs--My question is how is this money divided among team sports such as basketball, hockey etc...??? Any comments on this monetary reward system??---Louise--- Subj: John Curry Date: 93-07-17 10:16:23 EST From: BroadwayEd Posted on: America Online Does anyone know how John Curry is doing and how I can contact him or his family in England? Thanks Subj: Lillehammer Schedule Date: 93-07-18 01:09:01 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online XVIITH OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES, LILLEHAMMER NORWAY, FEBRUARY 12 - 27, 1994 Figure Skating Schedule: Hamar Olympic Amphitheatre, Hamar, Norway Sun, Feb 13, 8:00 PM Pairs technical program Mon, Feb 14, 1:35 PM - 9:20 PM Training: Pairs free/Men free/Dance original & comp. Tue, Feb 15, 8:00 PM Pairs free Wed, Feb 16, 10:00 am - 5:00 PM Training: Ladies tech./Men tech. Thu, Feb 17, 7:00 PM Men technical program Fri, Feb 18, 9:00 am - 4:00 PM Training: Dance compulsory/Men free Fri, Feb 18, 7:00 PM Dance compulsory Sat, Feb 19, 9:00 am - 12:20 PM Training: Men free/Dance original Sat, Feb 19, 7:00 PM Men free Sun, Feb 20, 9:00 am - 12:20 PM Training: Dance original Sun, Feb 20, 7:00 PM Dance original Mon, Feb 21, 9:00 am - 12:20 PM Training: Dance free Mon, Feb 21, 7:00 PM Dance free Wed, Feb 23, 8:30 am - 11:50 am Training: Ladies tech. Wed, Feb 23, 7:00 PM Ladies technical program Fri, Feb 25, 8:30 am - 12:10 PM Training: Ladies free Fri, Feb 25, 7:00 PM Ladies free Sat, Feb 26, 3:00 PM Exhibition Schedule taken from ticket brochure & information from U.S. Ticket agency. I will update if additional information arrives. Norway time is EST + 6 hrs. -- Julie Z. Subj: I'm here....! Date: 93-07-19 08:30:06 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online Hello, all....yes, my AOL start up kit has finally arrived and you can't imagine how long it took before I was able to find you guys...Boy, are we buried deep into the system! Having a caffeine attack right now, so will be posting later. See you on the Forum....Now, about Sklar Subj: ANOTHER *P REFUGEE!(-8 Date: 93-07-19 12:13:17 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Hi All! It's really nice to see familiar "faces"! It took me ages to find you guys-this is kind of confusing. Off I go to browse! -Patti, who is beginning to regret making up such a stupid sign-on name! Subj: Pro-Am mistake???? Date: 93-07-19 12:28:00 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online As most of us are doing now, I have been watching old tapes in earnest. The other day, during Tonia's program at the Pro-Am, I noticed that either Julie or Peggy made a rather bad mistake. She said that Tonia was planning a triple toe, and then said she singled it, when she really executed a double Lutz. Now, IMHO, if someone is going to be a skating commentator, then they should be able to tell the difference between a single toe loop and a double Lutz. Can anyone tell me which woman made this mistake? I hate to think it was Peggy....she seems so knowledgeable. -Patti Subj: Pro-Am mistake???? Date: 93-07-19 21:10:52 EST From: Pattis1072 Posted on: America Online Peggy Fleming is a very good skater. Who is Julie? I like Julie. It's my favorite name. Who are you? Do you skate? Subj: John Curry Date: 93-07-19 23:25:03 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Ed, if you do find a way to contact John Curry or his family, please say that many of us are keeping him in our thoughts and hearts. -- Julie Z Subj: WELCOME-NEW MEMBERS Date: 93-07-20 14:02:58 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Welcome to more prodigy refugees--SKLAR AND PATTY--Please add them to the group mail thing--it is definitely easire to find than this little cornor of the world!!--I will post a road map on Prodigy--cute name Patty!! if you have any questions please contact Marger1 or Skatingmom-- Louise(aka skate mom in calif)-- Subj: Paul Wylie's new job... Date: 93-07-23 10:47:46 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Paul Wylie News: (I also heard this at AOL FS Forum on AOL on 7/22 but I thought I'd share the Chicago Tribune blurb about it: From Steve Nidetz's column on TV/radio sports 7/23/93: "Figure skater Paul Wylie, a silver medalist in the 1992 Winter Olympics, was added Thursday to the CBS roster of analysts for the '94 Winter Games--for short track speed- skating. 'This represents a great opportunity for me,' said Wylie, whose previous TV experience amounted to hosting a PBS special. He promised to brush up on short track speedskating, which was handled by analyst Pat Maxwell in Albertville. 'Because everything is new, it's a big challenge.But I have learned not to be intimidated by challenges.' Executive producer Rick Gentile said Wylie was hired because of his personality. 'He's got thing that allows him to be conversational, whether its with a group of writers or with people in their living rooms." Perhaps it's just me but if they at CBS like Paul's conversational skills, why not have him do color figure skating interviews. I know I'd rather see him instead of Katerina! Marge Subj: Olymic Fest News and Schedule Date: 93-07-23 10:48:29 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Olympic Festival Chicago Tribune News: Even though events start on Friday TV coverage doesn't start until Saturday. The opening ceremonies are Friday night and KRISTI YAMAGUCHI will perform in the opening ceremony. Skating events will be held Sat. July 24-Sun. July 25 7/24 Pairs Technical program Mens and Womens Technical program 7/25 Pairs and Womens Finals Mens Finals No mention of dance or exhibitions. (It looks like skating willl be mixed in with swimming events) I know Julie has published TV times before but since they were requested again on *P: July 24 TNT 3-5pm CT July 25 TNT 3-5pm CT July 26 Sports Channel 12-4pm CT July 27 Sports Channel 12-2am CT 8-10pm CT July28 TNT 7-9pm CT July 29 Sports Channel 8am-12 CT 8-10pm CT July 30 Sports Channel 8-10pm CT July31 TNT 3-5pm CT Sports Channel 11-1am CT Aug.1 TNT 3-5pm CT Sports Channel 8-10pm CT Festival ends August 1 Marge Subj: Reply-Paul's New Job Date: 93-07-23 13:09:06 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Marge- Oh my.(-8 I think a lot of people what I'll be watching a lot of...This means he's going to talk, right? Kind of like a commentatator? Or is he doing something else? I think they should have made him do something w/figure skating, too. Anyway, thanks for the info-you know how much I like hearing news about him!(-8 -Patti Subj: Short Track?! Date: 93-07-23 20:37:50 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Darn, I tried to get tickets to one of the Short Track events, but failed. Well, anyway, I'll know where to hang out... Thanks, Marge! ¤%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Mark Mitchell Date: 93-07-24 22:11:17 EST From: Igotori0 Posted on: America Online Mark Mitchell is my favorite figure skater in the mens event because he knows that there is more to skating than just the jumps even though he can jump. I really like watching him because he incorporates dance and figures into his programs which I don't see from the other skaters out there. He's right on target about reinstatement too. Subj: Animals in Figure Skating Date: 93-07-24 22:14:35 EST From: Igotori0 Posted on: America Online Have you ever wondered what animals would look like if they skated? I am not being rude here; this is a REAL subject. Remember the Disney flick Bambi where Thumper slid across the ice and was pretty good for a rabbit I thought and then Bambi tried to skate and kept falling because he couldn't balance. I think that's because he used four legs instead of two like Thumper. Please comment. Subj: Olympic Festival -- Men Date: 93-07-24 22:16:50 EST From: Igotori0 Posted on: America Online How 'bout that Michael Chack? Dont you think he dhad a great skate? I didn't like the announcers. Sure he did a triple lutz to triple toe combination compared to Rudy's triple axel to double toe and Rudys was harder but Rudy touched down. Also with Aren, a triple lutz by itself is harder than a triple flip I think. What do you think? Subj: Skating animals Date: 93-07-25 12:31:16 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Not real animals, but: I think my favorite "animals on skates" idea was from a European ice show on TV many years ago, in which some of the skaters were ostriches. They skated backwards(!) and were bent over at the waist in the body of the ostrich costume (looking through their legs to see where they were going, I assume). So the ostrich heads stuck up from their posteriors. It looked great, and the legs bent the right way for ostriches. I didn't envy the performers, though. Obviously, they didn't do much in the way of fancy moves! ¤%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Novelist With Skating Question Date: 93-07-26 14:15:30 EST From: TeresaM106 Posted on: America Online Hi, all. The novel is going pretty well. I'm working on the final first draft of the last chapter. Anyway, I have a question. Could a skater with one hand bandaged so that he couldn't move his thumb be able to lace, properly tighten and tie his skate laces? Said skater is pretty tough, but he's been in an altercation with a man with a knife and has had stitches in the hand in the fleshy part of where the thumb and hand connect. That muscle right there. He intends to skate, but I wonder if he'd have to have help lacing his skates. Seems to me it'd be pretty difficult for one person to lace another's skates. This character is a world class skater, and I'd expect that they are pretty fussy about how their skates are laced. Many thanks in advance, Teresa Subj: Mommy puts on skates Date: 93-07-26 18:10:14 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Come to our rink any day and watch all the mommies and coaches lacing up the skates--actually the skater only loosens then between each use, so it would be very easy for someone to assist your hero in putting on his skates--it would actually be almost impossible for him without a thumb--but I must realize, my daughter put onher skates withher arm in a cast--but her fingers were available--you could use this as a set up for one of his former competitors or someone who has hated him in the past to come over and offer to help--it could add a tender feeling to the moment-- Louise Subj: Injured skater Date: 93-07-26 21:11:02 EST From: BrendaW660 Posted on: America Online Teresa: I think iti would depend on which hand the skater has injured, as to whether he could lace up his own skates. However, he could easily be assisted by the coach, which owuld eliminate the problem. BTW, did you get my e-mail ages back? I hadn't heard anything back, so I just wondered. Where in SC do you live? Brenda, also in SC Subj: Rudy Galindo Date: 93-07-27 01:19:41 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online Hi, all... I guess it's about time I started getting involved in here as I have back in them good ol' *P days. I never knew of this, but there was an article in the LA Times regarding the skating at the Festival yesterday, but they focused mainly on Rudy. It says that his father had passed away from a heart attack back in April. Says his father did not buy a new home for his family; rather, the money was used for Rudy's skating. It also states that Rudy's sister gave up her skating career to coach in order to help pay for Rudy's skating costs. The article also talked about Rudy's break up with Kristi, stating that pressure from the USFSA forced Kristi to choose between pairs and singles to compete at the Olympics. Rudy said that many he considered friends abandoned him after the break if he were a nobody. Rudy says now he's skating now not for the Olympics, but to be the best he can for his father. I'm glad he finished 2nd at the Festival and would really like to see him excel at the Nationals bettering his 5th placing this year. So, move over, Brian Boitano... Sklar Subj: Injured Skater Date: 93-07-27 14:35:51 EST From: TeresaM106 Posted on: America Online Thanks, all, for your responses. I've talked to a source who knows about knife fighting, and said that the most common place to be cut would be on the hand--trying to knock the knife out of the assailant's hand. To minimize permanent damage, I'd figured in the muscle at the place where the thumb joins the hand. Wouldn't it be difficult for someone to lace a top skater's skates the way they liked them. I'd think the tightness would really affect the jumping. Also, has anyone been cut badly enough to need stitches in a muscle? I'd guess it would really hurt and throb like crazy. Brenda, I did get your E-mail. I'm so embarrassed. I thought i'd answered you. Perhaps it just never got sent. I'm so sorry. I'll rewrite my letter soon. Teresa Subj: Skating Novel Date: 93-07-28 21:17:56 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Teresa - I don't know about a bandaged hand (sounds kinda difficult), but I've known several skaters with broken wrists (a relatively common ice dancing injury) and they've always managed okay. Actually, I've known several who have even tested and passed dances with casts. If only that would make the judges more sympathetic! In any case, I definitely couldn't stand to have someone else tie my skates. Of course, when I was a kid, my mother tied them, but I wasn't all that picky about how they felt then. -Ellen Subj: Rudy Galindo Date: 93-07-29 11:53:06 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Sklar and All, I am not sure how you reply to a message so if someone knows, please advise me. I wanted to add to what Sklar mentioned about Rudy in that I think that I hope that the USFSA is helping Rudy alot more than I think they probably are. I just hope that there is more money forthcoming to these is ridiculous that some better way of funding has not been found. On the subject of his and Kristi's split up I have to say that I guess we will never know how far the two would have gone in pairs but hopefully Rudy will get his chance to shine soon. I missed the men's skating at the Festival and was really looking forward to seeing Rudy skate. Hopefully, he will be covered at Nationals . BTW, does anyone know what network is covering the Olympics? Lynne Subj: Olympics Network Date: 93-07-29 22:46:00 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online I'm pretty sure CBS is covering the Olympics... again. Subj: CBS Coverage of Olympics Date: 93-07-30 15:24:50 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Nebula and All... I am really sorry to hear CBS is covering the Olympics again. They did a lousy job last year. The best coverage was in 1988 by ABC. Bummer. Lynne Subj: Tracings News - Aug/Sept Date: 93-07-30 20:05:04 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online Isabelle Duchesnay & Christopher Dean are divorcing as most already know - she supposedly dropped the news at the beginning of the Campbell's Tour and relations were icy throughout the Tour (understandably).... reasons for the split are the varied schedules of the Duchesnays and Torvill & Dean which prevented Isabelle and Chris from spending much time together and Chris' devotion to skating in the Olympics again. Isabelle is said to partially blame Jayne Torvill for the problems saying that "The only time she ever smiled at me was when I announced I was divorcing Chris."....Torvill & Dean are not planning to publicly perform their new Olympic programs until British Nationals. They have also arranged for a film director to produce a video following the progress of their programs from idea to execution at the Olympics. Sort of like Path to Perfection. Steven Cousins (GBR) is now training under Dough Leigh in Canada. Louis Stong is now coaching Charlene von Saher (GBR), Josee Chouinard & Karen Preston as well as Kurt Browning. Petr & Janoschak (CAN) have married and have "temporarily given up the sport." Robin Cousins has considered adopting a child - "Just because I am able to father a child does not mean that I should. There are many children in this world who need fathers." More later - articles on Brasseur & Eisler, Sarah Kawahara (with news of Chris Bowman) and Juvenile competitors Caitlin Marino and Jaisa MacAdam & David Pelletier. Subj: more articles!! Date: 93-07-30 20:49:42 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online You left us all wondering--please post more articles since so few of us subscribe to tracings and many of us get the skating mag... louise Subj: Katie Wood Date: 93-07-30 22:44:12 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online Found this in the Mercury Center online and thought it was interesting. Transmitted: 93-07-23 02:19:57 KATIE WOOD: A COURAGEOUS FIGURE SKATER By Phil Hersh Chicago Tribune Katie Wood has found both the courage to keep going and the will to stop.The pairs figure skater from Winnetka, Ill., came back to the sport after a 1990 skating accident cost her the hearing in one ear. She and partner Joel McKeever seemed to have a good shot at the 1994 Olympic team after their fourth-place finish at the 1993 national championships.That potential reward was no longer enough for Wood, 21, to continue. So, just three weeks before she was to compete in the U.S. Olympic Festival later this month, Wood simply quit and returned from her training base in Delaware to her parents' home.``We had both programs ready for the festival, but as I was doing it, I was coming home every night, curling up and crying,'' Wood said. ``I was just miserable. I was lying to myself, my parents, everyone by saying I still enjoyed it. Something was missing from my heart.``It's hard to sum up why in one sentence. Most people on the outside thought I could have lasted another six months (until the Olympic trials). I had a lot of pain and injuries, and I felt so isolated in Delaware I couldn't stand it any longer.'' Wood, who had been a competitive skater 14 years, told herself she was quitting three times in June before making what she says is an irrevocable decision in early July. Three days earlier, Wood had been close when another pairs skater broke her nose and lost teeth during a fall in practice.``That really shook me,'' Wood said. ``I didn't want to risk it again.''In pairs skating, the woman is constantly exposed to dangers by the required throws and lifts in the event. Wood dropped eight feet to the ice when she fell from a lift in 1990. The impact broke the inner ear bone housing, fractured her skull and led one doctor to predict she might not live very long, let alone skate again.``I don't regret coming back at all,'' Wood said. ``I wouldn't be able to be content with myself if I didn't do it.``I thought I would come home (after this decision) and say, `What a mistake, what a mistake.' I don't regret that, either. ``The specialness of being a skater is gone, but I kind of enjoy that. Now I'll be able to pursue something else. Skating is in the past, I guess.''Wood has applied to several colleges, including Purdue. For now, she is happy to spend time with her family. ``A lot of skating people think if you don't make the Olympics, you're nothing,'' Wood said. ``But the Olympics aren't everything. I know I accomplished a lot.'' Subj: Olympics Date: 93-07-31 00:40:06 EST From: Mellifur Posted on: America Online Hmmmm...I read in the paper the other day that NBC had the contract for the Olympics again. Unless that was for the Atlanta summer Olympics and CBS has the winter Olympics. Subj: Olympics Networks Date: 93-07-31 08:05:15 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Mellifur: Yes, NBC = Summer, Atlanta CBS = Winter, Lillehammer (I want my ABC!) ¤%& : ) Julie Z Subj: More from Tracings Date: 93-08-01 11:05:37 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online Found these comments by Brasseur & Eisler about some of their lifts to be VERY interesting. Lloyd said "You have to have a lot of guts, but you also have to have to have a lot of smarts. You have to be smart to know what things you can do right away and what things you can't. Some things you do off the ice at first. You do it standing still; then you do it slowly with someone spotting you. Then you can do it on your own." The one lift where Isabelle is upside down in a vertical position with her head on his shoulder took them a year to get. She is quoted "What scares me are the young kids who just go out and try it. They have no idea how much we work off the ice before we do it on the ice. We do hard things, but we always think before doing. I always make sure nothing will go wrong. But I see kids at home who just go out and try it and get hurt. I can't even watch them." It's also very interesting that as reigning World Champions they see themselves as the underdogs for the Olympics because of the reinstatement of Gordeeva & Grinkov and Mishkutenok & Dmitriev. They are staying in through Worlds to hopefully give Canada three teams for 95 and then plan to turn professional. Subj: Hi Everyone! Date: 93-08-01 12:52:01 EST From: LarryF4984 Posted on: America Online I'm so glad everyone's here! Subj: Brasseur and Eisler Date: 93-08-01 18:02:39 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Thanks, Julie, for the info on this team. They are one of my favrorites. I, too, find it strange that they would consider themselves underdogs going into the Olympics. I think it might just be that they have competed before against the other Russian teams who each did win the Olympic gold and feel a bit (I don't think this is the word but I am sure you all will know what I mean) insecure. B&E have certainly become just as good and as skillful as the other two teams...both of whom I love also. It is just a matter of pre-Olympic qualms maybe. Lynne Subj: B&E Date: 93-08-01 19:29:15 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online I think Brasseur and Eisler are smart to think of themselves as underdogs. It puts lets pressure on them and probably makes them feel freer to do moves they might hesitate on. One thing that really stinks is seeing skaters get conservative, for fear they'll lose their standings. Too often it ends up CAUSING them to lose their standing. It also makes the moves they do try even more important and, too often, they end up messing those up. Yet another reason I love ice dancing. There's no room for wimping out! -Ellen Subj: Yet MORE Tracings! Date: 93-08-01 22:48:31 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online Yet more from the latest Tracings I hope all of this will spark some conversation! There was an article on Sarah Kawahara and she had some observations about Scott Davis & Christopher Bowman. She says that Scott Davis is an outstanding spinner but he doesn't really take advantage of his spinning technique. "He throws it away. He doesn't finish anything. They don't engineer it; they don't use it musically. They're interested in his triple axel...and he's a good jumper, but not an exceptional jumper. He's as good as any of them. But he is an exceptional spinner." As far as Chris Bowman is concerned, since he has turned pro "He became irresponsible and didn't show up for rehearsals...He's talented, but he's gone off the deep end. It's unfortunate. I don't know if he'll be able to get it back.... He could have been a big star. It's one thing to win a major championships (sic), but it's another thing to take that and parlay it and develop it and realize that it's just the beginning. It's not the payoff, though it sometimes seems as though it's the payoff. If yu have that mentality you're in trouble." Subj: Skating Costumes Date: 93-08-05 23:12:03 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Well, since my hobby is costumes, I have my opinions... But what do you think? Who in skating has the best costumes? And the worst? And why? *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Costumes Date: 93-08-05 23:17:06 EST From: Peckster Posted on: America Online My favorite costume is the one that Dick Button wears... He's so cute! ;) Subj: Brasseur & Eisler Date: 93-08-06 09:46:15 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online I seem to remember that in '89 the U.S. "lost" the third Worlds slot because of Boitano retiring. In other words, he won Worlds, giving the U.S. three slots for next year, but then left amateur skating, which somehow "cancelled" that third spot. Instead, we only had two spots available. Wouldn't this happen now, with Brasseur and Eisler? They'd medal at Chiba, giving Canada 3 pairs spots for Birmingham, but then if they quit ISU skating, Canada would only have two spots (I'm assuming one of the other Canadian pairs would make top ten). Or is it different for pairs? Does anyone know for sure? JLP Subj: World Team Spots Date: 93-08-07 03:55:23 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online Janet, I don't know how it really works, because I read in the LA Times that the British FSA is hoping for Torvill and Dean to earn them 3 spots for the Worlds in 95! Subj: I'm Here Date: 93-08-07 19:50:13 EST From: MarySdncer Posted on: America Online Ican't believe I finally did it!! Hello everyone MarySdncer Subj: Skating Costumes Date: 93-08-07 23:40:47 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online My votes for the worst costumes in skating go to Alexei Urmanov (pink 'n pearls and those awful tassells on the shoulders have GOT to go!) and Surya Bonaly's stuff from the last few years (this year was an improvement but not much better) - also don't care for anything of Nancy Kerrigans (especially that overused white dress). As for best dressed, my vote goes to Jill Trenary - I've yet to see her in anything that does not go perfectly with the program being skated - she is always impeccably dressed. I also like Dick Button's costumes but back then everyone wore the same thing so that doesn't count! Julie Subj: Costumes Date: 93-08-08 01:54:34 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online My favourite costume, and I can't believe I only have one, is Kristi Yamaguichi's Blue Danube is so beautiful and classy... However, I do have many least favourites...many have been from Surya, especially that awful thing she wore back in 1991...the silver one..sure didn't match what she skated to -- Swan Lake. I also found costumes worn by Larissa Selezneva and Oleg Makarov, pairs, to be tasteless, especially their 1984 outfits....for the short program, he was in a black tuxedo suit with a yellow shirt and red bow tie...and she in a red and yellow dress (talk about overdoing the nationalism bit!). Sklar Subj: Dick Button! Date: 93-08-08 09:28:52 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Actually, (seriously!) wasn't Dick the first one to start loosening up what the men wore on ice? I don't mean looser fitting! Just white jackets instead of black, and such. But that's WAY before my time. Peckster, do you know??? :) -- Julie Z. Subj: WHAT?? Date: 93-08-08 09:34:27 EST From: Peckster Posted on: America Online Are you accusing me of being old?? Besides, I was talking about Dick's CURRENT costumes... Which are probably the same ones he wore on the ice... ;) Subj: Skating Costumes Date: 93-08-08 14:05:23 EST From: MarySdncer Posted on: America Online Julie and Sklar, I think Surya's costume in 91 look like she was wearing a breast plate. Kristy and Jill are my vote for best costumes. Sklar I think you may be a little bias Aren't you her #1 fan? Mary Subj: skating costumes Date: 93-08-09 10:02:06 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online On the subject of costumes, I have always liked most of Nancy's costumes, because they are more simple and elegan. I do feel that her yellow dress would have been much more smashing in violet and this year's pink costume wasn't her best. (: But her '91, '92, and '93 long costumes are in my humble opinion beautiful. I don't care for Jill Trenary's costumes --fine but a little uninspired. I've dabble in costuming and I like to sketch them out so I tend to favor "different" stuff I suppose. Most skating costumes are just fine, but not too many stick out for me. I did not like anything Surya has ever worn--always been TOO different for me. (: -Caryn Subj: Skating Costumes Date: 93-08-09 10:58:27 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Caryn- Violet? I never thought of're right, it would probably be a good color on her. IMHO, I think she looks wonderful in red. I really don't like the yellow costume, but I do like the "over- used" white one. That and the one she wore for her Olympic exhibition with Paul. -Patti Subj: Losing World Spots Date: 93-08-09 11:03:17 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Janet, What you said makes sense, but then why did we still have 3 spots after Kristi turned pro? It was the same situation....she won, we got three spots..she turned pro. Of course! We still had the 3 spots because NANCY got the silver. Back to the old drawing board! IMHO, it's a really stupid rule! -Patti Subj: SkalrKToy Date: 93-08-09 18:52:08 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Maybe they mean that they think Torville and Dean will finish high enough in the 1994 Worlds to earn England 3 spots in 1995. LeeAnn 1 Subj: Those Darn Worlds Spots Date: 93-08-09 21:04:08 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online LeeAnn -- what you said was my point. If T & D medal at Worlds in 1994, Britain would get three dance spots for 1995. BUT, T & D are currently planning to "retire" (again) after the 1994 Worlds. SO, wouldn't that mean that Britain would "lose" that third spot? The same way the U.S. "lost" a third men's spot when Boitano retired after the 1988 Worlds? That's my question. The U.S. could only send 2 guys to the 1989 Worlds, and it was my understanding that it was because Boitano retired. So wouldn't the same thing happen with T & D? In fact, Britain would lose TWO spots, because T & D would be the ONLY team going to the 1994 Worlds, so there'd be nobody placing in the top 10 to earn two spots (as Chris Bowman did in 1988). It's frustratingly confusing, isn't it? JLP Subj: Skating team spots Date: 93-08-09 21:11:09 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online You lost me--I'm clueless. Maybe someone like Morry Stillwell will know once he gets here? Caryn Subj: LisaSeven report, Tonya Harding Date: 93-08-12 09:02:58 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Subj: Re: Tonya Harding Date: 93-08-12 01:01:08 EDT From: LisaSeven I will try to post this in the skating folder also later but don't know how to upload yet. I have heard that Tonya is skating to music from Jurassic Park. Also, she doesn't have enough money to get to Norway in Sept. for the Pre-Olympic Training Camp. This is sure sad if this is true because the USFSA should help her. Lynne Subj: Bios Date: 93-08-12 21:57:56 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Hi all! Please post your bios, especially including your interest/involvement in skating, on this here board. I'm slightly falling asleep now, but will post mine tomorrow... -Ellen Subj: Skating boots Date: 93-08-12 22:01:26 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Hi all! I just had a friend visit from Australia. She's a podiatrist in Melbourne and works with the dancers from the Australian Ballet. Anyway, she had one patient who was a skater and had all sorts of problems. To make a long story short (I may add more about it tomorrow), she looked at my boots and thought they were the most archaic-looking footwear she'd ever seen. She said they weren't even shaped like feet and had all sorts of weird features. She thought the insides could be redesigned without changing the aesthetics of the outside. Good idea, really. I certainly wouldn't mind more comfortable skating boots. And that wouldn't even have to mean it would be harder to feel your edges or anything... -Ellen Subj: Skating Boots Date: 93-08-12 22:22:28 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Somewhere in my stacks of stuff I have an article - from a year or so ago - about how technology was working on redesigning skating boots. I think the Scotvolds were participating in some of the research. I'll try to dig it up. Subj: Costumes Date: 93-08-13 14:12:06 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Nebula had asked who we thought had the best costumes. I have got to say that Jill Trenary has the most gorgeous costumes going and after her comes Caryn Kadavy and Linda Fratianne, Dorothy Hamill and Peggy Flemming. Of the men, I have to say I like Kurt's innovative costumes he comes up with (or his costumer) plus his sophistication in his choice of the tux for "Casablanca." For one can wear jeans and a T-shirt like Paul Martini and make them fit the music and the mood. Lynne Subj: Costumes-worst Date: 93-08-13 14:19:18 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online I forgot to mention my choice for worst costumes. It is painful to have to mention skaters that one likes in this area...SIGH. Well, I have always liked Bestianomova and Bukin though since they turned pro I have not cared for their routines or choreography...they have gone overboard. Their costumes are just beyond Mars. I absolutely have hated most of what they have worn the past few years. I really do like them as skaters, though... I wish they would do beautiful skating once in awhile and not the heavy theatrical and dramatic and far out things they have done for the most part. Surya Bonaly's costumes in the women's category are the worst in my opinion. I don't know who decides on these and who decides on her makeup but they are not doing her a favor. I have to say that though I don't care for Surya's skating overall, as a person she seems to be a very nice girl. I have observed the way she treats her fans and showed kindness and sweetness to all of them. I wish this girl luck in her future if only because I think she is a very nice girl who has had alot of bad direction. In men's I wish Viktor would come up with a different shirt and Alexi needs a new costumer. Lynne Subj: ATTABOY Date: 93-08-13 15:56:25 EST From: Peckster Posted on: America Online Just wanted to give a public "attaboy" (or should that be "attagirl") to BrendaW660 for an excellent job as our first weekly Figure Skating Forum host. Great job!! Subj: Attagirl Date: 93-08-13 16:52:43 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online I just wanted to agree with Peckster that BrendaW660 did a fantastic job as forum host last night. :) Subj: Triples Date: 93-08-13 20:28:06 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Hi to all: Nothing good on television, so I loaded my "Ice Castles" tape into the VCR the other evening. I wonder if anyone else who has this film chuckles as I do when Lexi's coach "lights" into her for "making a fool of herself" by popping a triple during a practice session. I believe the dialogue is as follows; "Triples may be big crowd pleasers, but to world class judges, it's just a piece of show-off acrobatics". That was about twenty years ago, if my memory is still intact, I first saw the film around 1974-75. It also occurred to me that the film's use of the Broadmoor will now make it somewhat of a remembrance of the arena for the future, since it is now going to be torn down. Marion Subj: Triples Date: 93-08-13 20:35:25 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Marion - I saw that on TV a couple of months ago. If I remember correctly, the "triple" she did, wasn't even a triple. I think it was a double axel because it had a forward take off. I did laugh when I heard that comment about judges not liking triples. That certainly isn't true now. LeeAnn Subj: Attagirl Date: 93-08-13 22:11:51 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online I just want to say I'm sorry I couldn't show up at the forum! My computer died about a half an hour before the forum and I was so mad! I'm sure Brenda did a wonderful job and I am lucky my dad fixes computers! Caryn Subj: Tonya Harding Date: 93-08-14 02:38:11 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online Oh, where's Maggie Morris? Maybe we should be her little sponsors and chip in for her tickets to the pre-Olympic Camp. What about her fan club? If word gets out now and we start a trust fund, can we make it work for Tonya? I'd be willing to drop in some $$ from my next (possibly) last paycheck for her! Sklar Any Ideas?? Subj: Bio - azell Date: 93-08-14 14:07:25 EST From: AZELL Posted on: America Online I've been skating for a little over 30 years - started when I was 31. My wife & I had gone to Sun Valley for our honeymoon and 5th annivesary. Decided to bring our daughters 4 and 1 with a baby sitter the next year. Portland had just gotten ice after a long hiatus. So oldest daughter and I started lessons. And thereby hangs a tale! I became active in the Portland ISC when I got home. later became Pres. and later helped start 2 other clubs as the years passed and we got more ice. I have also been on the board of theSun Valley Club. When Portland was asked to go for hosting the 78 Nationals I and 2 or 3 others started the OregonSkating Council representing all three clubs here to make the bid. We were awarded the event - the first time the USFSA had awarded it to such a group. I have also been active in the USFSA. I was vice chair for the pr committee and chaired the trophy and medals committee years ago. I have passed my pre-silvers; have not gone on because I don't have the figures to make it through the higher levels. Until April this years I have skated every dance session available, usually 2 or three a week. In April at a free-style session, practicing dances, I had an accident and ended up with a skull fracture. Will have to wait until late Oct to see if I will be able to skate again. Doctors don't know yet how the fracture affected my inner ear and it's too early to tell. I have been very active in helping skaters. For one, I've been their "cheerleader". I have handled money donated to skaters, one of which was Tonya Harding. When she was 5 her coach, Diane Rawlison, whom I've known for many years called me to tell me she had a skater who would one day be a Worlds Champion. She asked me if I would talk to some people who would be willing to sponsor her, etc. When Tonya got up the ladder I was no longer needed as some of her expenses were being covered by the USFSA and from some other donors outside of the NW. My oldest daughter, Lauren, has passed her gold dance tests shortly after graduating from Wesleyan Univ. in Conn. She is active in her club, Highland FSC in Seattle. She is a member of the Precision Team that won 3 at Nationals last year. She works for a pension planning and admistration firm. My other daughter did skate but gave it up for........ Until 1983 I worked in the family business, Zell Bros - a large jewelry, giftware, and tableware retailer here in Portland. My area of responsibility was over "if it didn't tick and you couldn't put a stone in it." In '83 I left to start my own business, Attitudes For Selling, an advisory service for individuals, firms, and organizations that ask other people to accept and adopt their ideas, information, policies, procedures, services, and products. In short, I sell "Selling" to people who don't like to sell." azell Subj: Bios Date: 93-08-14 19:21:53 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Here's mine, Ellen! Just make the screen black, and we could be back on *P! NAME: Patricia Sufficool BIRTHDATE: September 3,1976(2 weeks and 6 days! I plan to be at the movies for the first showing of THE FIRM on that fateful day) EDUCATION: I am a rising junior at MCLean High School. I want to go on to a college that's at least 50 miles from my home, and major in French and International Studies, and then minor in Spanish. Anybody know of a good college for a foreign language major? RESIDENCE: I live in McLean, Va, which is a small suburban town about 7 miles outside of D.C. I FAVORITE SKATERS: Anyone who has talked with me for 5 minutes can tell you who my favorite skater is-Paul Wylie. I also like Mark Mitchell, Nancy Kerrigan, Caryn Kadavy, Kurt Browning, etc. MY SKATING: I have my penguin patch, and I took Alpha, but to no avail. So I'm taking a brief hiatus from skating in order to save money for private lessons, which IMHO, I think will make me much happier. Okay, I hope this is alright.(-8 If I think of anything else, then I'll add it! -Patti Subj: bios Date: 93-08-14 20:08:17 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online Well, I'm on-line right now so this will have to be brief. I live in a suburb of Chicago but I will be leaving fin two weeks to go to Boston University to major in Political Science and Journalism. I'm a *P* refugee. I became interested in figure skating about six years ago and have watched religiously since then. When I joined *P* my knowledge of figure skating was just what I knew from commentators and observation; but my knowledge grew in leaps and bounds during my stay on *P* with the many officials, coaches, skate parents, fans and coaches who comprised our bb. Also, the folks at *P* are what inspired me to make my involvement in skating more than just spectating. I bought myself a pair of SP Teris and took classes this summer. Officially I am a Beta since that was all we had time to test but my many years of observing have paid off and I find that I am willing to risk embarrassing myself to try more things--one day I decided to try a waltz jump and I actually did it. At Boston U I will have skating lessons with the University two days a week and I am going to join their skating club, which has ice time every day. Enough about me! Subj: Bios - Patti Date: 93-08-14 22:19:22 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Patti - My sister, Kathy, majored in Spanish at Mount Holyoke College. In the fall she is going to get her masters through NYU, but she'll be studying at the University of Madrid. She has lived in Seville, Spain for the past two years, but has come during the summers. If you want, I'll ask her about college that have strong foreign language departments. I'm sure she'd be happy to help you if you want. LeeAnn :) Subj: additional bio for azell Date: 93-08-15 01:05:17 EST From: AZELL Posted on: America Online Forgot to say I was from Portland, Oregon. There are about 7 or 8 Portlands in the US. Also, I served as Oregon Chairman for the USOlympic Comm. from 73 through 84. Mostly fund raising and PR. Also attended 9 or 10 US Olympic Academies where Olympic scholars, enthusiasts, athletes, students meet to discuss Olympism and the credo of quality sports. Also represented US at the 1980 International Olympic Academy. This annual event has about 100 people from many countries to discuss Olympism. I am also a member of Comite International de Pierre de Coubertain, a group who studies and discusses how his original ideas fit into today's sports, social, and political worlds. Subj: Bios Date: 93-08-15 20:27:29 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Hi all! Sure, I say I'll come back with MY bio the next day and then I don't! Sorry....I was at the rink watching a test session and then yesterday I just didn't get to the ole computoire. Anyway, I'm Ellen Dunkel. I live in New Jersey, work in New York City and I'm secretary of the Skating Club of New York. I also skate with the Essex Skating Club of NJ, the South Mountain FSC (which is hosting Easterns this year) and, occasionally, the SC of Morris. I'm 27 and have been skating since forever (but not always dance and took off time to go to college and work at a newspaper in New Zealand for a year). Okay, not QUITE forever, but close. Anyway, I'm on my pre-gold dances, which are a lot of fun. I especially like the paso, although it's extremely aerobic and I have exercise-/ cold-induced asthma, which makes it even more difficult. Anyway, that she is all for now... -Ellen Subj: Colleges-Thanks!(-8 Date: 93-08-16 13:29:17 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online LeeAnn- Thanks a lot! Mount Holyoke seems like a really good college, and it's one of the ones I'm looking at, but it's something like $21, 000 a year, and that's a lot of money! I'm in a tight spot-my family can't afford to send me to a really expensive college, and we have too much money to qualify for need-based aid. It sems that most academic scholarships require you to be in the top 25% of your class, and that's impossible where I live. Anyway, you don't want to hear all that, but I do thank you for the offer! -Patti Subj: Bios Date: 93-08-16 22:35:29 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Hi all! I'm still waiting for bios from Lynne, Caryn, Julie, Brenda, Janet, Connie, Marion (who said she'd upload it, so she's off the hook for now), Mary, Jeannie, Sklar and plenty o' other pals. I know we did this dozens of times, but please, please, please...humor me this one more time! Thanks muchly! -Ellen Subj: Peckster's Bio???????? Date: 93-08-16 22:36:29 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online *********Hint, hint......*********** (-: -Ellen Subj: My Bio (gasp!) Date: 93-08-17 01:37:44 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online First: Patti, UCLA has a good Spanish Major and a relatively good French Major/Dept. Name: Sklar Toy Residence: Los Angeles, California Age: 26 Sex: Male Background: Chinese Education: Senior at UCLA, Chinese Major Work: Secretary (at least until 9/24); Sales Clerk Hobbies: Skating (of Course); movies; laserdiscs; watching gymnastics/Olympics/skating; pin collecting; video taping; dining/foods Favourites: Subj: My Bio, Part 2 Date: 93-08-17 01:49:19 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online (sorry, accidentally posted the first part without finishing, continuing:) Favourite - Movie (1993): Wedding Banquet, (later) The Remains of the Day TV Series (93): The Simpsons; Seinfeld Actor: Harrison Ford Actress: Meryl Streep Musicians: Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel, Everything But the Girl, Enya, Julia Fordham, Cocteau Twins, Linda Ronstadt, Dead Can Dance. Skaters: Kristi Yamaguchi, Paul Wylie, Robin Cousins, Tiffany Chin, Torvill/Dean. Future Plans: After earning my BA, I plan to either enter Law School or study to become a Paralegal, then go to law school part time while working as a paralegal full time (pressured to bring home some $$$ by my family). Would love to go to law school in Boston or Boulder, CO....must get away from Los Angeles! Background with Skating: Fan since 1984. First watched skating during the 80 Olympics. Friend from high school was a big fan and developed my interest in skating in 1983 as she kept talking about Scott Hamilton, Elaine Zayak, the Carruthers, Blumberg/Seibert, Rosalyn Sumners, and Elaine Zayak. Started recreational skating in 1986....beginning Alpha lessons finally (and no more excuses) this fall at the Pickwick. Other sports I participate in are bowling, volleyball, golf, softball/baseball, basketball. If there's anything else you'd like to know about me, feel free to E-mail me. And Patti: If you change your mind on French and/or Spanish, at UCLA, you can switch to Afrikaans, Quechua, Italian, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Swahili, Czech, Polish, Romanian, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Persian, Portugese, Uzbek, Turkish, Hungarian, Bulgarian or Sanskrit! Subj: A Linguists Heaven!(-8 Date: 93-08-17 09:53:04 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Sklar, Oh, wow.(-8 Thanks, I need all the info I can get! Tell me, are the Ca. public colleges and universities more lenient to their own, or to outsiders? -Patti Subj: I wrote my bio already Date: 93-08-17 11:04:44 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online Ellen, how soon we forget. I posted my bio several days ago. Caryn Subj: Those Darn World Spots Continued Date: 93-08-17 12:51:37 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Janet, LeeAnn and all.. It would seem that the number of positions should be retained regardless if a medal winner retires. Doesn't make much sense, does it? Lynne Subj: Ice Castles and Cutting Edge Date: 93-08-17 12:57:31 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Marion, Your watching "Ice Castles" reminds me of how last night I once again had to watch "The Cutting Edge." I don't remember much about "Ice Castles" location wise so thanks for the info. Wasn't "Cutting Edge" done at Lake Arrowhead? Does anyone know? (the rink, that is). I still don't think that it is possible to do a bounce spin in a competition (aren't they illegal?) and then throw someone. It defies the laws of gravity and centrifugal force. I would assume that Moira Kelly would have landed across the rink draped on the sideboard in real life. So, you all this move possible if a skater tossed his partner straight up as much as possible? Lynne Subj: Peckster's Bio Date: 93-08-17 13:02:24 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Ellen... Peck has not published his bio because he is actually Dick Button writing under an alias on AOL. Lynne P.S. Just kiddin Peck. Subj: Lynne's Bio Date: 93-08-17 13:14:44 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Ellen and all.. Alright, Ellen you win...I bore myself so I am sure I will bore all of you again. Nothing much is new. I grew up in San Antonio, Texas, taught school for awhile and also taught in Hawaii and then moved to Kalamazoo, Mich. and now have lived in Louisiana for the last number of years. As those of you from Prodigy know, I would love to move from here and there isn't a rink in the entire fact it is the only state to my knowledge without a rink. I taught school here, owned a children's boutique, worked for Special Olympics International, and in the past few years have freelanced in film and television production and location casting. I have four who is a junior in college and twin boys who are entering freshman in college...they all go to separate colleges! I have a 13 year old who is starting high school this week. I have always loved skating and began taking lessons when I was 22 in Houston at the Ice Capades Chalet in the Galleria. I did get to some rinks in Michigan but since I have moved here I don't get to ice skate except when I go to Houston. So all of you and the television are my salvation when it comes to ice skating, knowledge, and sharing of info. and fun involved in the sport. My dream place to live is somewhere in California...a state I have always loved. I hope to write a script in the upcoming year and have a few articles published. I also hope to help a few people get some great acting and commercial jobs! Lynne Subj: Bios Date: 93-08-17 19:24:05 EST From: MarySdncer Posted on: America Online Yes I will humor you Ellen. I'm probably the senior member of this board . I have two children. Son and daughter who both live in Boulder Colorado. Two grandchildren and one great grand child. I was born on the east coast where I went to school and worked in research lab until I married my husband who had just graduated from Engineering school in Troy N.Y R.P.I. We were transferred by his company to Denver in 67 . We actually live in Littleton which is about an hr. from Colorado Springs. I've spent many hrs doing volunteer work for the local hospital and working with retarded children. I started skating for the first time when I was 52 . Twelve years later I am still skating. I was on the Board of the D.F.S.C. for 8 yrs and Vice Pres for 4yr. I have worked most competitions and worked on the Music committee at nationals when they were in Denver.My husband retired 2 years ago and we are building a house in Phoenix so we can spend the winter there and the summers here in Colorado. I will miss my skiing but I have been working on my tennis game . If you didn't down load this you,re going to have a bill like Sklar. (-8 Mary (I skate 5 days a week) Subj: Languages Date: 93-08-17 20:06:16 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Sklar- A person could major in Uzbek??? And I thought it was amazing when my friend said her bro-in-law had a masters (maybe it was even a PhD) from Oxford in tone! Where do they speak Quecha? -Ellen Subj: Sorry, Caryn! Date: 93-08-17 20:07:34 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Ooops, sorry! I was just getting into the heat of asking for bios and I wrote every name I could think of...anyway, sorry and thanks! -Ellen Subj: California Universities Date: 93-08-17 23:52:57 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online I don't know about others, many have a quota to meet to diversify the student body....the easiest way to get into UCLA is to apply as a transfer student (since UCLA tends to overenroll and there's too many students per professor). But it's always best to try! Sklar Subj: Languages Date: 93-08-17 23:56:05 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online Ellen, Actually, you can't major in Uzbek, I should've been more specific. But UCLA does offer 4 quarters (trimesters) worth of Uzbek. Quechua is one many indigenous languages of Peru. Sklar Subj: Non-major Languages/UCLA Date: 93-08-18 00:00:46 EST From: SklarKToy Posted on: America Online There are no majors at UCLA for these languages, but they are being offered: Tagalog, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Uzbek, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Quechua, Afrikaans, Swahili, Gaelic, Czech, Portugese, Ukrainian, Serbo-Croatian. Majors: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Latin, Greek, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese. Sklar Subj: Hawaii!?! Date: 93-08-18 09:28:52 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Lynne, You taught in Hawaii? Where? I lived there for two years-it's my favorite place in the world. I just adore it. When were you there? I(we) lived there from May '85 to March '87! -Patti Subj: Hawaii?? Date: 93-08-18 20:41:24 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Patti.. Yes, I taught on the island of Oahu. I commuted from Honolulu and taught on the leeward side of the island in Maili...not far from Makaha. (This is where they have the HUGE waves and the big surfing championships for those of you who aren't familiar with the area.) I taught at an elementary school there and had a combination 2nd/3rd grade. I wanted to teach on the windward side in Kaneohi or around there but they said I had to teach two years in the same district before transferring. I taught there in the 70's...probably before you were born. I hope it hasn't changed much. I loved the place!!! I always wanted to go back and take the kids to see all of my old haunts that I used to go to. Lynne Subj: Languages Date: 93-08-18 21:51:04 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Neato! My brother is fluent in Swahili (he lived/worked in Tanzania for a year), quite proficient in Portuguese (his wife is Brazilian) and pretty good in both French and Spanish. I'm lucky if I can speak English! -Ellen Subj: Bios Date: 93-08-19 00:21:31 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online My apologies, Ellen, for taking so long to post but I have a good reason as I've been skating every night! Okay - here goes the bio again! Name: Julie Doctor Hails From: Alexandria, VA - Also have lived in: Willingboro NJ, Charlottesville VA, Louisville KY, Nashville TN, Mountaintop PA, Marietta GA, Decatur GA, San DIego CA, Lake Worth FL How I pay the skating bills: Lots of busywork for an indepentdent firm specializing in government contracts - What qualifies me for the job to pay the skating bills: I hold a masters degree in American government with a concentration in intergovernmental relations, national institutions and constituional law from the University of Virginia which I just got this May. I also have a BA in political science (with a minor in history - just 3 credits short of a double major) from the University of Louisville. What I do besides skate: I play a mean clarinet and the french horn. I also can "doodle" with the trumpet, flute, sax and viola. I read a lot - mostly biographies and I used to watch a lot of old movies but don't have the time anymore. Faves are MGM musicals and anything with Cary Grant or James Cagney. In high school I was on the tennis team but don't really play anymore - also like volleyball and riding a bike for fun - not exercise! - and I love watching college basketball. I write terrible poetry and do a bit of cross stitch on occasion. I also have a minaure schnauzer who lives with my parents but he likes me best because I picked him out. Skating: Currently I'm ready to pass ISIA Freestyle 1 except for the program which is being worked on probably as you read this. I'm working on getting my edges in better shape and cleaning up spin entrances. Jumps are in good shape and I'm working on a toe loop now. I'd like to start dance soon but my edges still need some more work! I do start private lessons in a few weeks and should see some fast improvement (I hope!). I'm a charter member of the Vagabond Janet Skating Tours of the Universe Club but I only signed up for the mini-tour - finances don't permit anything else! :) Any questions? Oh yes, I still have never eaten Chunky Soup with a fork! :) Subj: My Bio (Long) Date: 93-08-19 01:04:13 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online I've delayed posting my bio, since I'm embarrassed that I actually have an official one (sorry): ====== Biography: Julie A. Zetterberg Julie Zetterberg has practiced the hobby of making and wearing costumes since 1975, first as a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, then at science fiction conventions and other historical diversions. Since her first convention masquerade (as Princess Leia at Norwescon I in 1978), she has appeared across the country as everything from Olive Oyl to Venus (the planet). Costuming has given her many odd pleasures and occasional rewards, including winning major awards at CostumeCons and Worldcons. Some of her costumes appear in the Hugo Award nominated book, "The Costume Maker's Art," published by Lark Books in 1992. She lives and works rather mundanely in Seattle, and is one of three co-chairs for CostumeCon 14 in Seattle, May 23-27, 1996. ====== Now that that's over... My interest in skating goes way back, to when my dad and I used to watch Jon Micha Petkevich on TV. Now, I watch as much skating as possible, and go to shows when time and budget permit. I can skate around the rink forward without falling down--that's all. I am not related to, nor do I personally know (other than online), any skaters. And no, I've never yet made any costumes for skaters. Favorite skaters: Paul Wylie, Brian Orser, Martini & Underhill, Toller Cranston, Rosalynn Sumners, Siebert & Blumberg. Single, turning 41 darn soon, one cat. Work: small computer consulting firm office manager. BA, History, University of Washington. Going to Lillehammer, Norway, in February 1994... *%& : ) Julie Z OK, who's next?! Subj: Quechua Date: 93-08-19 18:35:31 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Ellen -- Quechua is a South American Indian language. There's a novel called Deep Rivers by Jose Maria Arguedas that has a lot about Quechua in it. All right, I'll do a bio! Geeeezzzz! JLP Subj: Music for Skating Date: 93-08-19 23:55:32 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Obliquely on the subject of music for skating: I got a chance to go to a James Brown concert last week. During "I Feel Good," I felt a surprising twinge of sadness for one skating routine we'll probably never see again... I _was_ hoping Rocky & Calla would come up with something equally energetic for a competition routine; ah well, guess not, but that's skating life. *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Hawaii Date: 93-08-20 09:01:21 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Lynne, The names sound familiar, but I can't put a place to them. Were you on the North Shore? That's where we lived the first year. I went to Sunset Beach Elementary. I think I've losing my touch-I can't remember how to spell the name of the town we lived in. Haleiwa? Is that it? Great. 7 years, and I'm losing it. Next thing you know I'll be pronouncing the Like-Like Highway the wrong way! For those of you who are curious, it's pronounced leek-ay leek-ay., not like-like!(-8 -Patti, who is very happy to find a fellow Hawaii fan! Subj: Hawaii Date: 93-08-21 12:53:03 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Patti, I know where Sunset Beach is. It has the really big monster waves that only the daring and those who don't care if they die surf. I used to go there alot with my roommates to sunbathe. I remember that town too but can't remember the spelling. Well, some of the Hawaiian words sound so much alike because they only have a few alphabets. I didn't teach that far up. I taught where you had to drive up the leeward side and it was past Nanakuli and before Makaha. Makaha had a big country club by the way...I don't know if you ever went and I can't remember its name. It seems to me that I couldn't get to Sunset Beach by driving up the Leeward side because the highway didn't go all around the island but stopped at left corner. You had to drive through the center of the islands which was what was then the pineapple fields..Dole. Then you could get to Sunset Beach. I don't know if they ever completed the highway and made it all around the island or what. Do you remember seeing James Michener's house at Sunset Beach? It was set back some from the shore... James Michener is that author who wrote alot of books set in exotic places. Lynne Subj: Hawaii Date: 93-08-23 08:35:44 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Lynne, I know who he is, I just don't remember the house. My memory is fuzzy on some things, since I was only 9/10 at the time. I know a country club/resort/developement called Turtle Bay. Is that what you're talking about? Their Sunday brunch is to die for. Tables of just desserts, cheese, fruit, meat, seafood, etc. We used to go there on special occasions. And a few times we just wanted to...(-8 I remember the pineapple fields! They had such a neat smell to them-soil, and water, and pineapple.(-8 If I really concentrate, sometimes I can smell them. We always had to go that way to Wahiwa. I think that's how you spell it.... Actually, Sunset Beach was only bad in the winter. During the spring, summer, and fall, we were able to swim most of the time. Sometimes the water was like glass. And it was so clear! You could see all the way to the bottom..... Anyway, I think I'd better stop before I give in to the urge to hijack the next plane going to Honolulu! -Patti Subj: Hello out there... Date: 93-08-26 12:16:48 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online Anyone still around? There must be some sort of news to share.... Caryn Subj: I saw Kristi!! Date: 93-08-26 12:21:37 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Yesterday Kristi was at the rink. She was just sitting on a gloomy old bench like one of the kids looking kinda lonely. She is planning on going to Reno now to prepare for a big Xmas show at the university stadium. She said it holds about 7,000 so get your tickets early--Michael Siebert was there with her and he is doing the choreography for it. Other than that not much else doing--she said hi to all of you--I felt like a reporter asking her questions to feet to you guys--sorry i could not come up with more!!--Looks like theDanster may have some partner news this week--I'll let you all know--Louise Subj: Hawaii Date: 93-08-26 13:59:40 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Patti... I think you remember the places and spelling very well considering how old you were when you were there. I can remember the smell of the fields too. Someone said that they aren't there anymore...sad, huh? Now that I think about it we did used to go to Sunset Beach mostly during the fall and winter so the waves would have been higher then. The water WAS gorgeous...really clear. The undertow was horrible there. My roommate almost got swept into the ocean when a wave came up and engulfed her as she lay sunbathing. It was so strong it dragged her out and it took me and two guys to pull her out from it. Lynne Subj: Kristi and Louise Date: 93-08-26 14:02:33 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Louise and all, Well, Louise, at least you TRIED to come up with some news and it was something that maybe people around in that area could use if they can go see the show. I didn't know Kristi knew about us. I wish I had some news but down here I hear Thanks for the tidbit. Lynne Subj: Thanks Date: 93-08-26 18:38:39 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online Thanks, Louise, for the info. There are times when I really wish I lived somewhere else! (: But I will be in Boston soon so hopefully I will hear and see more... Caryn Subj: Skating Forum Date: 93-08-27 07:55:30 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Next week's topic is "Resources available to Skaters" and Julie D3964 will be the forum leader. See you all on 9/2 Thursday in the Pressbox at 9 CT, 10 ET or 7 PT! Marge Subj: Skating Game? Date: 93-08-27 09:54:26 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online I seem to remember at one of our earlier forums, someone mentioned a computer skating game. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Is there such a thing? *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Resources available to skaters Date: 93-08-28 14:05:33 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Don't mean to be dense, but what kinds of things will we discuss in this forum? -Ellen Subj: Skate America Date: 93-08-28 14:11:51 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Hi all- Well, this is nothing we don't already know, but here's a little blurbie from a Dallas Convention Bureau newsletter I got yesterday at work: International Champs Compete in Dallas Sixty of the top figure skaters in the world will bring their magic to Dallas in October for the Sudafed Skate America International competition. The field of international champions includes 1988 Olympic Champion Brian Boitano and 92 Olympic champ Viktor Petrenko. Women skaters include reigning World Champion Oksana Baiul, while the pairs competition features Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov, 1988 Olympic Pair Champions and four-time World Champions. Set at Reunion Arena, Sudafed Skate American 93 is the only amateur figure skating competition on the international calendar sanctioned by the U.S. Figure Skating Association. The event also comes just three months before the 94 Winter Olympic Games in Norway and promises to provide skating enthusiasts with a glimpse of Olympic hopefuls. Those enthusiasts will include a combined arena audience of more than 60,000 and a national ABC Television audience of 20 million. The Hyatt Regency Dallas, adjacent to Reunion Arena, is the official hotel for the competition. WHAT: Sudafed Skate America International 93 WHEN: October 20-24 WHERE: Reunion Arena ADMISSION: Ranges from $10 single day to $75 all events MORE INFO: (800)275-7577 -Ellen Subj: Skate America Date: 93-08-28 14:12:49 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Oh, one other thing. The Dallas Convention Bureau newsletter also includes a photo of Calla and Rocky. OOPS! -Ellen Subj: Excerpts from Mercury Date: 93-08-29 00:07:28 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online I found the following 2 paragraphs in 2 different "Miscellaneous articles" on Mercury on AOL by doing a text search using "Boitano": 1st article: ... Skate America looks like an Olympic preview.....The late-October competition in Dallas will feature the last two Olympic men's champions, Brian Boitano of the United States and Viktor Petrenko of Ukraine, as well as the 1-2 women's finishers in the 1993 World Championships, Oksana Baiul of Ukraine and Surya Bonaly of France. Also in the women's event: 13-year-old sensation Michelle Kwan of the United States. ... 2nd article: How hot is Brian Boitano's comeback attempt? ABC has rescheduled the men's final of January's U.S. Figure Skating Championships for Thursday prime time instead of Saturday afternoon. The U.S. Championships is the selection meet for the 1994 Olympic team. My comments: Michelle Kwan listed as one for Olympic Preview ???? This is really getting out of hand !!!!!!!!! Does ABC have the power to influence when events are held or just when they are televised? I hope the media doesn't put all the pressure on Brian but spreads the attention to all the male skaters. It is nice that the male final is getting more attention than it usually does and will be in prime time. In my opinion, all the male skaters will benefit from the increased visibility of this event,so all skating fans should think kindly of Brian this week. Marge Subj: Mercury Center Date: 93-08-29 00:18:48 EST From: CarynS Posted on: America Online I checked the Mercury Center as well and found two articles about Michelle Kwan--found them to be a little overboard, describing Michelle as a top Nationals contender and Olympian. Also, they claim Michelle has really very small goals before '94--improve her artistry, perfect the triple loop, and get the triple axel. All in a day's work, right? I wish! Well, we'll see. Subj: Burn Out Potential Date: 93-08-29 15:05:39 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online This article just confirms my belief that removal of the figures would have devestating consequences up the road. Well the road is here now--a 13 year old referred to as Olympian or even olympic potential puts unbelievable pressure on the skater. She is a sweet very unassuming quiet girl (her sister also is a very promising skater) who will only be distracted from becoming a more mature, polished skater. If she had to complete her figure tests it would give her the needed maturity blanket. Triples at 13 and 14 are now expected. There used to be 15-20 Junior girls in our region--now there are 5-10 because they all quit at age 12 if they dont have triples. Maybe with time they wouldhave gotten them, but now the time has been shortened so the average life span of a competitor is now over by age 12 instead of 15 since jumps are the only basis of judgement. I hope all works out well for her, but I predict she will be under enormous pressure which at this age can be very damaging....Louise Subj: Michelle Kwan Date: 93-08-29 19:45:44 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Getting a triple axel is just a little brush-up work?! -Ellen Subj: Hawaii Date: 93-08-30 18:32:50 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Lynne, You sure that wasn't Waimea? I remember that we went swimming there once, and the undertow was so bad that it knocked me off of my feet, and dragged me out a little bit. Granted, I probably weighed 50 pounds, but still.. I think one of the reasons I remember so much is that I was sort of taking everything in, savoring it. I also happen to have a pretty good memory. Hearing about what Iniki did to my favorite island(Kaui) just killed me last year. I read an advertisement in an airline mag that Princeville, a resort-development where my family stayed while on vacation there, has just re-opened. Sigh.... -Patti Subj: Skating Forum Date: 93-08-30 18:35:19 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online I know that I will try to be there-my b'day is the next day, so y'all can wish me a happy 17th birthday!(-8 I'm feeling old right 23 years I'll be 50! -Patti Subj: Michelle Kwan...Olympics? Date: 93-08-30 18:42:10 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Do any of you guys think that 13 is a TAD BIT young to even be thinking about going to the Olympics? IMHO, she is just too young. Michelle has a lot of talent, but I feel that it would be best for her to wait until '98 before going to the Olympics. Even then, she'll only be 17. -Patti Subj: Olympic Age Date: 93-08-30 18:46:06 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Remember the top 3 Laidies in the World ar 15, 16, and 19 and two of them have already been to Olympic once. It is very difficult for a 20 year old young lady to take the beating that it takes to be in the top 3 at Olympics. Subj: News of Mark Date: 93-08-30 18:56:11 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online This last weekend I spent several hours with Mark and Carlo at Ice Castel. Here goes. Carlo left Ice Castel today. Mark will stay for one more week to work with Jaime Isley his new choriographer. Mark will meet Carlo in Boston next Monday and proceed on to Milan. Jamie Isley wiil join them later in Milan for one or two weeks. Mark thank all you Prodigy people for the interest you show in him. It really helps. I have permission to tell something about his program. The Technical Programs has a tpl Axel, trp Toe Loop combination. The solo jump is preceeded by some great footwork that goes from end to end "flat out". Mark has an awsome Flying sit spin. He actually gets into the position on the way. As a Judge I was impressed. Mark is skating to music from Raisin in the Sun for his Technical Progarm and to a Gershwin Medley ( Porgy & Bess). Again Mark wants me to tell you all thanks. Subj: PARTNER FOR DAN FINALLY Date: 93-08-30 19:19:07 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Today we sealed the deal. Dan has a new partner--Ohh would you like details??? Her name is Kristina VanKretgen(classy name huh) and she is 9 years old. She is really tiny and looks so delicate next to Dan (who is now 5'2--my size) she is half philippino and half dutch and has waist length black hair huge brown eyes and looks a great contrast with a red head. She has been skating since she was 3 and already has better extensions than Dan. The interesting part is that her sister Janessa competed against our Daughter Joanne(both are now coaches) so we know the family. All have agreed no pressure--no competition till next year. This year they will just test up Kristina and work on Dans basics--especially bending those stupid knees--I have great hopes for Kristina since she is already nagging him about bending his knees. After two lessons she has already learned the dutch waltz. News as it develops--but this looks like the right non pressured situation for both kids. Louise..... Subj: Happy Labor Day Weekend, All! Date: 93-08-30 20:13:20 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Before I head south: Louise (welcome back!): that's great news -- is this a different partner than the one being considered before you left? I'm glad they're not feeling pressured into competing too soon, but hope they get in gear so we can see them when they are ready! Morry: Thanks for sharing the news about Mark. (What about us non-*P folks)? :) Patti: Tomorrow is _my_ birthday. Old? I have a lot fewer years leading to fiveoh than you -- and I don't feel especially old (mentally). :) Happy B fellow Virgo! Everyone: have fun at the Forum! *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Scheduling for TV Date: 93-08-30 20:36:37 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online As distastful as it may TV has a major say in the scheduling of Nationals. They tell us when they want to go live and we set up the event as they wish. I have first hand knowledge of this since I was Chief Referee of Nationals in Phoenix. 6 schedules were prepared before most all were happy and the rest bitched. There is good reason to go with TV's wishes. We must satisfy our sponsors since the organization cannot operate only on Membership dues. Almost 70% of the USFSA income now comes from sources other than dues. I must say that it is very tough to schedule Nationals with all the opposing factions asking for special consideration. Last year was especially difficult because of the large number of entries caused by International Byes and Reinstated Skaters. Subj: Michelle Date: 93-08-30 20:40:01 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Don"t bet against this one. She has been a natural from day one. It is only in the last few years that she has had a real Coach. Her Father coached her until she got to Junior. She is oujr greatest hope for the next few years. Subj: Middle Atlantics Date: 93-08-31 21:48:18 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Hi all! Well, Middle Atlantics, the oldest nonqualifying competition in the United States (in fact, it's older than Nationals!) is coming up in less than a month. I work on it every year--I have to, since I'm secretary of Skating Club of New York, but I would anyway. Anyway, it's also comes right before North Atlantics, so it always attracts a lot of national senior competitors, who want to try out their new programs. It's pretty neat, because most of these people don't go to the other nonqualifying competitions. Anyway, this year Rocky and Calla and their new partners are skating Mids, along with 100% more senior pairs teams than last year (and last year we had six or seven teams). I'm pretty sure Kyoko and Jason will also be competing and, while I'm not sure about them, Karen and Todd skated Mids two years ago. Don't know much about the other entries yet, but it certainly should be interesting. I'll let you know what happens..... -Ellen Subj: Skate America and Media Date: 93-09-01 08:41:49 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online I found Marge's note about Skate America to be very interesting and have to agree with all she said. It certainly is very telling that the men's program will be prime time! That shows how much they know the sport draws when it comes down to it and especially when they have a hot competition on. There has been alot of flack aimed at Brian for reinstating but I have to say that no matter how anyone feels about the reinstatement issue, it has to be said that his competing has definitely raised the sport to an even higher level. The more coverage the more interest and hopefully there will be more funding available for up and coming skaters as a result...more companies etc. willing to sponsor people. Ofcourse, the downside is the pressure not only on Brian but on all the skaters in general as more people be come so intensely interested and the media coverage becomes so heavy. I have to say that Brian is taking on alot of pressure and how many people could handle it? I hope that everyone will think kindly of him like Marge mentioned. looks like the media can control when the events will be scheduled. I think they have influenced college games and playoffs too. The big hoopla over Michele Kwan has been ridiculously overblown, I feel. I think the press needs to get a grip. Lynne Subj: Michele Kwan and Figures Date: 93-09-01 08:45:06 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online As Louise mentioned, the elimination of figures and the consequences are beginning to show up. I agree with her about Michele not having time to mature and the pressure on this child now whereas if she had to complete figures she might have more time. I also think that eliminating figures is going to show up in the number of injuries in the younger skaters. I wonder how many will make it to Brian's age or even Kurt's and still be able to even remotely compete. Lynne Subj: Patti's Birthday Date: 93-09-01 08:47:07 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Patti..I am sorry I missed the forum but wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday. Hey...23 years passes very fast. Before you know it you will be 50 and trying to remember who competed in the 94' Olympics. Lynne Subj: Mark Going to Milan Date: 93-09-01 08:50:15 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Morry...that means Mark leaves around Sept. 4th? Does he have a forwarding address or do you have Carlo's address in Milan. I think that this is a wise move for him as he needs to stay with Carlo during this season. Lynne Subj: Oops! Date: 93-09-01 12:52:42 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Lynne, Thank you, but my birthday is this Friday! Wait a sec-was that note for LAST Thursday? If so, I made a mistake. I thought we were talking about 9-2, not 8-26! Sorry for confusing everybody!(-8 -Patti Subj: Michelle, Olympics, Age Date: 93-09-01 13:00:51 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online All, I agree with those of you who thinkl that she's too young, or that the press is stupid, or whatever. True, skaters seem to be getting younger, and true, the current world champion is 15. But there is a huge amount of difference between 13 and 15. I should know-it was only a couple of years ago that I was that age. At this point in a young girl's life, 4 years make an amazing difference. Four years ago, I was a very different person. I think that it would be a huge mistake to let Michelle go to the Olympics next year, even if she is able to compete at that level. IMHO, she needs another four years to mature, and to polish up her skating. I'm not saying that she doesn't have talent: her potential amazes me. She's just too inexperienced. -Patti Subj: TV Coverage Date: 93-09-01 14:56:49 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Gee, if the TV networks can control timing of big-money sports like baseball & football, it really isn't surprising that they have some say in scheduling skating coverage (which I suspect brings in much less $$$ for them)... *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Mark & Carlo Address Date: 93-09-01 17:58:00 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Lisa, Next time Carlo and I talk on the telephone I will get it for you. RGDS - Morry Subj: TV Income Date: 93-09-01 18:01:39 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Believe it or not Figure Skating brings in the highest advertizing dollar for a 30 sec commercial than any other sport. Our problem is to get the proper share of the income. TV negotiators are better than the State Department Subj: New on Here Date: 93-09-02 00:07:01 EST From: EdRussell Posted on: America Online Hi! well I finally tried it out. Now the question I have is how do I download the notes to read them off-line! Ten hours of free time isn't a lot! Subj: Mark & Carlo Address Date: 93-09-02 00:55:17 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Morry, Thank you so much for offering to get Mark's address for me. I really do appreciate it as I would like to send him a few notes between now and Nationals to encourage him and let him know he has people who care. I would send a card to him at Lake Arrowhead but am afraid I will miss him. I normally don't write like that but Mark is such a nice kid and I feel like I know in a way through Laura. He also wrote me a nice note about a month ago. I was supposed to meet him after the Campbell Tour as Laura mentioned me to him but missed him. Thanks again, Morry. Lynne Subj: Welcome Ed. Date: 93-09-02 00:56:46 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Ed, Welcome to AOL. I haven't learned how to download this either. Lynne Subj: Talk Sports Date: 93-09-03 18:29:25 EST From: GrizlyBear Posted on: America Online Hey there fellow sports fans! This is the GrizlyBear, and I am hosting a Late,Late sports talk forum in the Stadium Club on Sunday nights/ Monday mornings. 1:00 A.M. Eastern, 10:00 P.M. Pacific, not sure of mountain or central. Tain't never host a talk forum before. But I'll give it a try. I have an opinion on everything. And enjoy most sports. Or read about all sports. So if you suffer from insomnia, or work strange hours like I do. And would like to talk about sports in the wee hours of the morning, or the late hours of the evening to you west coasters. Join me in the Stadium Club. Heck fire, we can talk about whatever. Subj: Ladies Night Sports Talk Date: 93-09-03 22:39:26 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Hi All - This is not exactly skating news, but I'm trying to get the word out about this new forum I'm hosting. I sent out e-mail today about it, but my address book is a disaster area, and I'm not sure who got what. So here goes my little notice again. There is a new forum for women on Sunday nights. The Ladies Night Sports Talk is the forum for women to come and talk about sports. It is a general sports forum and topics may be different every week. Women are the fastest growing audience for sports of every kind and this forum is just the place for them to express their views on any sports topic ranging from the Olympics to the NFL. The forum is at 11PM at the Stadium Club. Hope to see you there. LeeAnn 1 PS - Sorry to bug you all about this again (especially if my e-mail actually worked and you got the message), but I need to promote it. :) Subj: Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Date: 93-09-05 15:12:12 EST From: MaliaS1 Posted on: America Online Hi Malia here, I was wondering how can I print these boards I can't figure it out. E-mail me . Thanks Malias1 Subj: Hello Again Date: 93-09-05 21:08:11 EST From: EdRussell1 Posted on: America Online It appears that this is going to be my new screen name here on AOL. I'll be checking in here on a regular basis from now on. It looks like I'm going to drop *P for AOL. RGDS, Ed. Subj: Help for Malia Date: 93-09-06 12:13:34 EST From: EdRussell1 Posted on: America Online Try setting up your logging, then as you open the files it will save them for you. That is the best I have found so far. Hope it helps, Ed. Subj: bad spin Date: 93-09-06 21:51:31 EST From: MaliaS1 Posted on: America Online i'm having trouble on my scratch spin. (forward) when enter to the spin it's okay but the 2nd step of it is horrible i'm not finding the center and i'm sometimes on my heel or on my toe pick. and i need any suggestions on how to do it better. wbs maile (malias1) Subj: Bio-BWilhite Date: 93-09-06 23:14:31 EST From: BrendaW660 Posted on: America Online I'm online, so I'd better not be *too* wordy. The basics: Age, 32 (just barely) Married Two cats Occupation: grants administrator, part-time writer Interest in skating: Began in the late 70s, completely awed by Tai and Randy. Have followed skating since, although personally am much more adept on 8 wheels than two blades. Skating future: Will attend Nationals in January 1994 Subj: Bio-BWilhite, quick add Date: 93-09-06 23:15:58 EST From: BrendaW660 Posted on: America Online Oops, forgot something: I am a freelance writer, and am currently querying markets about skating-related articles. Subj: New Home!!!!!!! Date: 93-09-07 20:43:25 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Hey look, we have a new home! Coolness! (Now if only we could answer a message...) Anyway, the competitive season is approaching so let's get a-posting lots of new messages! -Ellen Subj: Skating in general Date: 93-09-08 13:46:09 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Nice place! Good to have this happen just as the new season is beginning. Though roller is not a "winter sport", the season has officially begun this month. Erin's first competition will be in October at her home rink. Her coach is working with her on her new program, using another piece from Swan Lake. Her coach is doing the music this time and Erin is going nuts wanting to hear it. She has her choriography....she doesn't know how it all fits together. I guess with a new coach, she must expect things to go a little differently. I expect she'll get her wish and hear it soon. Oh! she is also getting new skates! All new equipment. But that means breaking in those nice new boots! It shouldn't be too bad. Unlike ice, freestylists use the more flexible boots. Who else has competition on the horizon????? Connie Subj: Printing the message-Malia Date: 93-09-08 14:24:00 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Malia.. To print a message go to File and click on PRINT. Lynne Subj: Ed Russell Date: 93-09-08 14:25:20 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Ed, I tried to send you some group E-mail but kept putting in just Ed Russell so it didn't get sent. I will include you in the future. Do you have everyone's screen names? Lynne Subj: Brenda's BIO Date: 93-09-08 14:27:02 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi.. Brenda will never say anything but I am proud of her and she has written several articles for American Skating World..the most recent was the cover story on the Carruthers and also she has one coming up in Blades. Lynne Subj: Roller Nationals Date: 93-09-08 14:28:22 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Connie... Have you seen anything about Nationals being shown on a sports station yet? Lynne Subj: Good to have you aboard Date: 93-09-08 15:03:47 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Hi Ed, You found us. Yesterday I thought they had dumped us. Programers on the BBs are just as disruptive as those on my projects Subj: Poll of women's sports preferenc Date: 93-09-08 16:23:47 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online An AP article in the SF chronicle gave the results of a National Sports Study of Sports and Women's preferences--these are the results of Females age 18 and over and their choices-- 1. NFL PRO FOOTBALL 2. WOMENS FIGURE SKATING 3. WOMENS GYMNASTICS TIE WITH MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 5. PAIRS FIGURE SKATING 6. MENS FIGURE SKATING 7. PAIRS ICE DANCING 8. MEN'S GYMNASTICS 9. NBA PRO BASKETBALL 10. NCAA-CFA COLLEGE FOOTBALL "The high ranking of figure skating may shock some fans, but it comes as no surprise to CBS which saw its figure skating broadcasts during the Winter Olympics last year trail only the NFL in Nielsen ratings of all sports programming." This survey is very interesting--perhaps we can discuss it in the forum on Thursday--Any comments?? Louise Subj: Roller Nationals Date: 93-09-08 23:55:27 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Lynne: Not yet. I'll let you know just as soon as I do.....maybe you'll even hear about it before me! Connie Subj: Winter Sports Library? Date: 93-09-09 00:21:29 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Just noticed that our new library has a gymnastics file in it. Hmmm... Peckster??? *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Skating in General Date: 93-09-09 19:56:21 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Hi Connie: I think that you can consider Roller Artistic Figure Skating a Winter Sports. Until such time that arenas became climate controlled, that was sure the only time that it was possible (or comfortable) to skate. Although admittedly the competitions are now earlier than they once were, I would not have wanted to compete in the Summer back then. It's good to hear about Erin's preparation for her first competition. It sounds like it will be a good year for her. I wish her all the best. I have called the local PBS station about televising the Nationals with no result yet, but I will keep at it. Marion Subj: Poll of sports preference Date: 93-09-09 20:06:41 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online The survey concerning the placement of figure skating is eye opening. Especially interesting is the placement of the different disciplines. There was a sports survey out of Texas last year that pretty much agrees. I am also surprised that Women;s Gymnastics is tying with Baseball! I never heard that one before. Check out the survey of fans in Blades this month. It is much more detailed and the respondents there placed Men's first and Women's second. Marion Subj: Climate control Date: 93-09-09 20:58:30 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Actually, the rinks I skate at are all heated. Doesn't mean they're not freezing at times (after all, there is ice involved), but mostly they're not too bad. But I've skated in rinks in other cities that weren't heated. Connie, is Erin's current rink also freezing (or don't you know yet)? Do they heat any roller rinks ever? Or do they just figure the figure skaters should be tough and turn on the heat for public sessions? -Ellen Subj: Dan and Kristina Date: 93-09-12 19:31:14 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Just a brief report on the new team. She already has better extensions then the never bend the knees Dan. After only 3 lessons Kristina has learned the preliminary dances, so they can now work on them using music. Dan is really pleased to be the better dancer and in control of the team. She is a very talented skater and anxious to catch up and learn new dances. The personalities are totally compatible for now--she is not quite as aggressive as Anna, which is a relief for Dan. Everyone has been commenting on how nice they look together since she is so tiny he looks more in control and protective. Anna and Brian are looking very good together, but may not even have a chance to compete before Juvi nats since there are so few Intermediate teams so they may just get a bye all the way to nats.....It is fun to watch the progress and see Dan improving his prelim dances and relearn some basics. This is making him think more about his stupid knees!!!!--Louise Subj: Clip Art Date: 93-09-12 20:24:37 EST From: DavidNAnnC Posted on: America Online Now that we have some new people reading this folder I am going to ask again - anyone with skating clip art to share???? I can use almost any format! Thanks David Newman Genesee Figure Skating Club Rochester, NY Subj: Skating in general Date: 93-09-13 08:51:33 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Ellen: The rink Erin had skated up til now only turned on the heat for public sessions. The teachers were not allowed to turn on the heat. The building is not very well insulated and to keep the building comfortable at all times would be very expensive. Besides, the owner said that they didn't heat the building when he skated, so why should he? Every once in a great while if HE got cold, he'd turn on the heat. Now I don't know about this new rink Erin is going to. Some of the skaters mentioned there were some very cold practices as well as some very hot ones. But the building is built MUCH better, it has air conditioning which they did use this summer and practice has been very nice. We'll see about this winter. Ellen, I had fun chatting with you last night. Please do let me know if you hear anything on that job! Connie Subj: Skating Social Life Date: 93-09-13 17:32:47 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online It was reported to me that Nancy Kerrigan has a new love interest in none other than Mike Collins, son of Tom Collins. The new relationship appently started during the Tom Collins tour. Subj: Roller skating Date: 93-09-13 21:59:37 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Connie- I had fun chatting, too! It certainly seems like an unlikely job but I'll be interested in hearing more about it! South Mountain has been absolutely freezing last week and this week. As a result, the ice has been way too hard. Skyrink's ice, I'm told, has also been too hard. The rink manager (at South Mountain) told my pro he wouldn't turn on the heat until October. Meanwhile it's very hard to believe that, according to the calendar, it's still summer! This just better work on the ice a little before Easterns! -Ellen Subj: Skating social life Date: 93-09-13 22:00:36 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Morry- I guess that means Nancy's engagement is off?! -Ellen Subj: Heated Rinks Date: 93-09-13 23:25:13 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online You don"t know how lucky you are to even have heat available in your rinks. In California most people feel that is always warm so they don't bother to even put in heat. 5:30 AM patch is like the arctic. Subj: Nancy Date: 93-09-13 23:26:52 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online I think so. Subj: Heated rinks Date: 93-09-14 21:04:26 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Morry- I've found that in warm places in general, not just rinks. A lot of areas don't have much central heating when they could really use it because it's supposed to be temperate there. That's how New Zealand was when I lived there. Boy did I freeze! -Ellen Subj: Heated Rinks Date: 93-09-14 23:07:57 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Morry, Ellen, Connie and all, I found that in Houston at the Sharpstown rink, it isn't heated in the winter and it can get very cold and damp there in January. I guess because it is in the south it isn't heated as you all noted. Lynne Subj: New to the Forum Date: 93-09-15 00:02:50 EST From: BrwnEyeMan Posted on: America Online Hello, I am a non skating parent of a 13 yr old.Also an officer of the Austin Figure Skating Club. She has 2nd Figure and Silver Dance test but alas no partner. She skates at the same rink as Ed and Cherrie(Hello Ed, welcome to AOL) in Austin. We are limited by our facilities and Houston Figure Skating Club had a USFSA competition last weekend and it was quite well done. My daughter did well too, see results board Glad to find you and look forward to sharing info and ideas on how to find a Dance partner for Clair. Richard Subj: EMail List-update Date: 93-09-17 02:25:03 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online I have sent a letter out E mail to all on my list--I am compiling a new E mail list--if you wish to be on or off of it please let me know and I will post the complete list here within a week--thank you Louise Subj: Biographies Date: 93-09-17 02:29:24 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Ok I am willing to take on this task since I just want an excuse to show off my new Centril 610 Macintosh .....Everyone can either E mail me your complete biography privately including your home or work address--or you can mail it to me including any photos or inserts you like--I will then compile a book and mail it to each of you free of charge so we can have a guide by our puters to know who is who---if you want my home address please e mail me and I will send it to you--we did this for the trivia club, and it was really neat to put faces to the words on the screen--even if the face i sent was my cat!!!--after all she is a lot cuter than Me--also if you are a skating parent include photos of your skaters--Louise Subj: Writing Date: 93-09-17 21:56:52 EST From: BrendaW660 Posted on: America Online LisaSeven: Just read your nice note about my writing ... you're tooo kind. Just in case someone else sees, though, my next article is coming up in Tracings, rather than Blades. If the editor of Blades saw this, I'll bet she'd be confused! Thanks again for the encouragement! Brenda Subj: Bio book Date: 93-09-18 17:14:57 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Louise- That's a great idea! How do you like the Centris 610? We use the 650 at work and love it! Anyway, maybe there should be a deadline for sending info...? I'll send you mine as soon as I can. Please e-mail me your address. Thanks. -Ellen Subj: BIOS Date: 93-09-20 22:55:10 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Ellen: I think I have finally figured out this BB uploading, so I will try to post that BIO that I (in good faith) promised to you. I've already done a "short version" on the group e-mail, but here goes: My name is Marion Wood, and I live in Southern New Jersey, and am the "elder' here. I have two children, both adults. My son was a music major who is currently into computers (yet another specialized language). My daughter is an attorney. I couldn't interest either of them in ANY kind of skating! I have one very beautiful grandaughter. My major was Sociology and I did a minor in Accounting, which is where my career went. I am a fan of both Ice and Roller Skating. I used to skate, started on Ice, switched to Roller and competed in Dance, many moons ago, when the governing body was RSROA. Lots of rinks in my area, but since an adult injury, pastimes are of a less physical nature. I belong to a group, somewhat like the group here, all ages and various backgrounds who come together to attend the Ice shows and Competitions in the area. (Don't travel) switch tapes, and generally keep each other informed on the sport. As a fan, my current favorite skaters are: Tonya Harding, Roz Sumners, Cindy South, ( would like to see more of Gia Goddat), Paul Wylie, Gary Beacom, Jayson Sutcliffe, Roca & Sur, Usova & Zhulin, Torville & Dean, and Wait & Monaghan (Would like to see more of Kravette and Webster). Louise, If you need any more information, let me know and e-mail me your address, and I'll try to get it off to you Marion Subj: E-mail list Date: 93-09-22 00:29:37 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Louise, I think the group E-mail list is a good idea and posting that we have one going is going to let people who would like to talk more participate. Lynne Subj: Tonya Harding has problems Date: 93-09-22 20:13:32 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Tonya was selected to go to the USFSA Training Camp in Lilly-Hammer, Norway. On the morniing of departure she called her Coach and said she was not going because she did not feel well. Locals indicate that she was OK the previous evening during late night activities. There is some feeling that she may really be quite Ill and not be able to enter the Northwest Pacific Regional Competition so as to qualify for Nationals. Subj: Tonya Harding has problem Date: 93-09-23 00:07:50 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Morry: I am really sorry to hear that Tonya Harding may be really ill. That is so sad. This skater has sure had her share of problems. I was hoping to see her when we go down to the U of Delaware fundraiser, but I assume that she will not be there now. I do hope that she recovers in time for the Regionals! Marion Subj: Poor Tonya Get well card? Date: 93-09-23 14:11:32 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Sorry about the choppy subject, but they don't allow much room here. I was really sorry to hear that Tonya's sick. She is definately one of my favorites when looking ahead to Nationals, and Lillehammer. I hope she can go to regionals. She had such an off year last year that she deserves this year to be good. Ditto for Nancy. Do you think we could send her a get-well card? Just to let her know that we're thinking about her. I know she knows all about *P, but does she know about AOL? -Patti PS-Why does she have to go to Regionals? Just because she got 4th at Nationals she has to start at the very beginning? Subj: TONIA REGIONALS Date: 93-09-23 17:19:53 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online If she had been in the top 3 at National she could have received a Bye to Nationals. The only way she could now go directly to Nationals would be through assignment to the Pro-Am. We can't do that because of the reported illness. There are those that beleive that Tonia's only problem is psycological and with life style. Subj: Tonya Date: 93-09-23 22:14:04 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Morry- I can see why some people might think Tonya's problems are all psychological and lifestyle but..... I would believe it more if I didn't have asthma. Skating is really tough with asthma and I don't even have it all that badly (although I have horrible allergies). I try to do everything to increase my stamina, even go running a few times a week (which I REALLy don't like), but it's still very hard. Of course, psychological factors don't help asthma either but I still can't help but side with her. -Ellen Subj: TONYA Date: 93-09-25 17:11:38 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Morry, I would have to say that psychological problems do interfere with a skaters ability to perform at an individual peak level, look at Nancy (and some others). But I do think that Tonya's problems are indeed made more difficult because of the Asthma factor. And I'm sure that you will find much agreement with Ellen's statement. Although I do not have Asthma, I understand the problems that it creates for any athlete. It is my opinion that Tonya has had to work extra hard for anything that she has attained because of it. Marion Subj: Tonya Date: 93-09-25 17:54:43 EST From: EdRussell3 Posted on: America Online Morry, I sure do hope Tonya H. gets well soon and can stay well. Please keep all of us up to date on her status - and if you get teh opportunity, do let her know that her fans on *P and AOL are behind her. Regards, Ed. Subj: ADDRESSES Date: 93-09-25 18:46:59 EST From: MaliaS1 Posted on: America Online ANY ADDRESSES OF ANY SKATERS!!!!!!!! Subj: Tonya Harding has a problem Date: 93-09-26 00:10:52 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Morry, Please let us know about Tonya when you hear something. Thanks for posting the update and I know everyone is hoping that she is going to get well soon. I just can't imagine a worse break for her after how hard she has worked to have this happen and not even get to go to Nationals. Lynne Subj: National Ticket for Sale Date: 93-09-27 19:38:05 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online I have one ticket to the Figure Skating Nationals in Detroit from Jan 2 - 9. It is an all event ticket. I am looking to sell it. If you're interested e-mail me. LeeAnn 1 Subj: addresses Date: 93-09-28 22:59:52 EST From: MaliaS1 Posted on: America Online DOES ANYONE HAVE A CURRENT ADDRESS FOR MARK MITCHELL. AND IS HE NICE IF AND WHEN ME MIGHT REPLY. ALOHA, MALIAS1 Subj: Address-Mark Date: 93-09-29 13:15:41 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Malia, I heard from Mark around August when he was at Lake Arrowhead training with Carlo Fassi. He is a very nice person and really does like to hear from fans and people who in general love figureskating. Lynne Subj: Skating Forum Uploading Date: 93-09-29 20:20:16 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Thanks to Nebula5 and LeeAnn for uploading the last two forums. I downloaded it and also printed out copies for Laura. Lynne Subj: Boitano and Regionals Date: 93-09-29 20:23:52 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi.. Morry I hope you are reading this. If Tonya didn't place in the upper three positions at Nationals last year and therefore doesn't get a bye to Nationals without doing regionals..what about Brian Boitano? Does he get a bye to Nationals? I was thinking since he didn't compete in last year's Nationals he would be technically in the same boat as Tonya. Since Tonya was a National Champion she doesn't get a bye so I guess this holds true for Boitano. Is it possible he can bypass Regionals and go onto Nationals automatically because of his gold in the Olympics...or does he have to go the route of Regionals to Nationals? Thanks... Lynne Subj: Uploading forum Date: 93-09-29 21:08:14 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Your welcome Lynne. :) Lee :) Subj: Boitano and Regionals Date: 93-09-29 22:42:42 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Hi, Lynn, I was wondering the same thing about Brian and Tonya's seemingly similar situations about how they would get to Nationals. It does appear that if one had to do the Regionals, both would. Or do you think the reinstatement thing has different rules than those applied to amateur skaters? Marion Subj: Regionals-Sectionals-Nationals Date: 93-09-30 02:49:03 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online There are three steps to Nationals--Regionals---Sectionals and Nationals--- Top 4 from regionals advance to sectional Top 4 from sectionals advance to nationals If there are not 4 senior men at Centrals then Boitano has a bye to Sectionals--Sectionals will be held at our rink and word is that he will compete at Pacific Coast so we are preparing for an influx of press attention week of dec 11-- In the case of Dancers and Pairs very frequently there are not enough to compete at sectionals so they go right to nationals, but must register for each event and then receive an official bye from USFSA-- For juvi nats Juveniles qualify--top two from each regional go to nats-- Inter mediates qualify--top 4 from each section go to nationals--In many cases there is no competition for these levels in dance or pairs-- Louise Subj: Boytano and Tonia Date: 93-09-30 15:05:19 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Along with the rule allowing reinstatment a rule was adopted that any reinstated skater that had been a member of the World or Olumpic team must enter at the Sectional Level.. We felt that it was not fair to the Regional Skaters to dump this crowd on them. As a result Brian would be required to enter Pacific Coast Sectionals. However, since he is entering the Pro-Am in Phil. he is granted a bye to Nationals just as is all other entering the fall Pro-Am. Tonya on the other hand can't be sent directly to Nationals because she did not place 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th at the last Nationals and she is not being asked to skate the Pro-Am. She has been assigned to Skate America. Unfortunately for Tonya the dates of SA do not qualify anyone for a Bye from either Reg. or Sec. I expect her tactic to be to enter SA and indicate she is injured after SA and apply for a Bye to Nationals.. Good Luck but little chance. The last I heard the forum tonight is on proposed rule changes. I may not be able to spend much time tonigt. I would appreciate a personal communications on any proposed rule changes that are not off the wall. Next Wednesday I go to the Executive Committee Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting. If any of the proposed rule changes seem feasable I will put them up for consideration. Thanks. Subj: Asthma Date: 93-09-30 23:44:59 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Morry: I can vouch as a parent of a skater with exercise induced asthma that the emotional plays a big part in the problem. But that doesn't mean, ofcourse that "it's all in her head". It's very physical as well. She may realize that this is a part of the problem, but dealing with it is a whole other battlefield! Subj: Scott Davis & other Male skaters Date: 93-10-01 00:52:52 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online I discovered the following post over on *P and thought I would share this with all of you: It is about Scott's program and some info on a trip to Norway by US best men skaters. Marge Subject: SCOTT DAVIS To: ALL Date: 09/26 From: RUSSELL SCHMIDT Time: 9:57 PM Just returned from the Midwest PSGA Seminar at the Pettit National Ice Center in Milwaukee. Scott Davis was there with Kathy Casey and he performed his new technical program. Its to music from Zorba the Greek and his jumps where unbelievable. The speed of the whole piece is rather hectic and Kathy Casey said "It still needs some work" which it does but will be an award winning number by the time Nationals roll around. Gale Tanger the team leader for next years Olympic team was there as well,and her and Scott Davis, Mark Mitchell, Brian Boitano, and Michael Chack just returned from Norway. They stayed near the Olympic rink and practiced on it. Apparently the US Olympic committee feels that these are the top male canidates for our country next year. No mention was made of any of the women skaters who may have went along on the trip. Subj: Uploading Forums Date: 93-10-01 09:03:39 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Thanks Lynne. I tried to e-mail a copy of the file to Laura but found we can't send files via Internet. Would take forever to send as a letter! Thanks for passing on to her. *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Boitano spotted in Belmont ca Date: 93-10-01 17:52:46 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Yesterday I went to Belmont iceland to pick up some papers and THE BRIAN WAS THERE. He was working with Linda Leaver(always there for him) on what looked like choreography for a technical program. They were only working on one part of it which was Aaron Copeland(remember Hoedown)-Appalachian Suite ---I stayed and watched(actually drooled) for about 1/2 hour--he looked tired, but I don't know how long they had been there. The word is that he does not have to do Coast since he will represent us in either skate america or pro am as Morry said....maybe I will catch him and talk to him next week--humm should I camp out on the hood of his car??--leave love notes on the windshield--Louise Subj: ASTHMA Date: 93-10-01 20:11:33 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online I agree that asthma can be agrivated by head problems, however all of the top skaters (there are a number that do) that suffer from that malady have a real medical problem. It is hard enough on anyone with asthma to keep breathing but a 4 miniute program is torcher for some. I know of at least two skaters that realize just how bad they are going to feel after going all out for 4 miniutes and need to control the onset before the program. The engery expended in a 4 minuite program is the same as expended by a mile runner according to the technical staff of the OTC in Colorado. RGDS - Morry Subj: wHERE IS EVERYONE? Date: 93-10-01 20:39:18 EST From: Skrmom Posted on: America Online cAME FROM*P TO PLAY--WHERE ARE ALL THE SKATERS ??????? Subj: Individual nationals tiks Date: 93-10-02 19:01:33 EST From: NicoleJ Posted on: America Online MargeR1, On 9/21 you posted a schedule of national events. I bought tickets for the ladies free skate which according to ticketmaster is at 5:00 on January 8. I asked them if there was a 7:35 show and they insisted that there isn't. Do you have an inside track to the schedule? I mean when I go to the arena in January 8 will the security guards toss me out because I unknowingly bought the wrong tickets? I am getting a little paranoid about this but I spent almost $100 bucks for those tickets and I want to make sure they are for the right event. Any help you give me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Nicki Subj: National time schedule Date: 93-10-03 19:10:08 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Hi Nicki, The schedule that I posted is the one that came with my all event ticket confirmation. It is possible that event times may change due to the number of competitors or due to TV coverage. The schedule I posted is the only one I've seen. I just rechecked and the schedule lists junior pairs free skate at 5pm for Joe Lewis arena and Ladies free skate at 7:35 pm. I would suggest checking with the Joe Lewis arena during the week of competition and confirming the time. If the network asks for a time change, it will likely happen. Hope this helps. You could call this 800 number for the 1994 USFS Championships Competition Office now (1-800-241-1994) and ask them to set your mind at ease. Marge Subj: Individual nationals tiks Date: 93-10-03 22:27:50 EST From: NicoleJ Posted on: America Online Hi, Marge, Thanks a lot. I will call them in the morning. Bye, Nicki Subj: Love notes and asthma Date: 93-10-04 21:33:06 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Louise- Don't leave love notes on his windshield. I once did that to someone and then found out it wasn't his car!!! Actually, I wrote sort of a cryptic message and didn't sign it so it wasn't totally embarrassing. Just a little wierd (but I'm always good for a little wierdness). Morry, Connie, et al - A skater with asthma really has to work twice as hard as most other people in practice, just to be able to pull off what's expected when it's the real thing. -Ellen Subj: Bowman? Date: 93-10-04 23:01:30 EST From: Jenna10723 Posted on: America Online Does anyone know what Bowman is doing? It seems like forever since I have heard anything about him> Jenna Subj: Brian and Tonya and Sectionals Date: 93-10-09 21:32:22 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi.. Thanks for the reply, Morry and Louise, concerning the Sectionals and Brian. I have another question. How can Brian's performance at Pro-Am be compared with that of the senior skaters at Pacific Sectionals? How can his performance be scored in relation to theirs since they are different competitions? How is this done? Any word on if Tonya will make it to Regionals? Lynne Subj: Brian's Music Choice for LP Date: 93-10-09 21:35:27 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Dear Louise, I have heard Appalachian Spring and though pleasant, I didn't find the music particularly interesting, stirring, inspiring or emotional. Perhaps if bits and pieces of it are put together something can be created. How did what you saw of the program look to you? In my own humble opinion , I just don't feel Appalachian Spring is music that will stir judges or the crowd and wish Brian had chosen other music. Lynne Subj: ESPN this Thursday Date: 93-10-10 10:36:55 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Reminder: ESPN will televise the "Professional Figure Skating Masters" taped June 8-9 in Paris at 7pm central time and 8 pm eastern time. (Check your local listings for other time zones.) I have no idea which skaters are included but I'll be watching! The show will be 1 and 1/2 hours in length. Just an Idea: Since this televised show should be over prior to our forum, would it be a good topic to include in this week's forum? (We'll discuss other issues too, so send your topic suggestions to me. ) I guess I am hosting again unless someone else volunteers. Marge Subj: Phil Hersh Column 10/10 Date: 93-10-10 11:02:31 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online From Phil Hersh's International Sports Column in Chicago Tribune Sunday October 10: "Two time Olympic figure skating champion KATERINA WITT unveils her new free-skate program at a Frankfort Germany gala Dec. 3, two weeks before the German Figure Skating Championships. Witt, returning to Olympic style skating after a 5 year absence, must make the top two in her national meet to earn a place at the 1994 Winter Olympics..." ( Her picture accompanies the article.) Other news: Short track speed skater CATHY TURNER(age 31), who some of you may have seen singing and skating with the Ice Capades, returns to competition at the Canadian International Challenge Oct. 15-16 in Montreal. She had taken a year off after winning gold and silver medals at the 1992 Olympics. Th- Th- That's all folks!! Marge Subj: thanks Date: 93-10-10 21:43:28 EST From: LORICONLEY Posted on: America Online hi!!! i just wanted to say thanks for thr tip about the program on espn on thursday. i'm new here..was just browsing and found the info thanks again:) loric Subj: show on ESPN-general info Date: 93-10-11 01:51:29 EST From: SERNDIP897 Posted on: America Online have followed this sport for over 25 years. I go to all the shows that come through our area. I read an article on Dick Button in People Mag.last year stating that he lived in New Salem N.Y. That's only ten minutes from my house! I wish I'd run into him at the grocery store one day. I'd "chew" his ear all about the sport, and the individual skaters! I "stumbled upon this forum while taking advantage of a trial offer from AOL. I can't tell you all how happy I am to have a place to obtain information and share the love of the sport with folks who feel the same as myself. Does anyone know when the DiscoverCard tour will begin again? And when is Dorothy Hamill's Ice Capades touring the Northeast-Albany? I will be spending lots of time at these departments. This is better that the defunct magazine IceCycles! Thanks for your time. I hope I hear from some of you in my E-mail. Serendipity Subj: Michele Kwan-Junior Worlds ??? Date: 93-10-11 07:43:39 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi.. I have just read that Michelle Kwan has qualified for the World Junior Figure Skating Championships along with Jenna Pittman (Delaware) and Michelle Cho (Calif. also.) The Junior Worlds is held Nov.30-Dec.5 in Colorado Springs. For some reason I had thought she would be competing for a berth on the Olympic team and this would mean that she would have to qualify for Seniors at Nationals. Is she allowed to do both competitions which are different levels in the same year? Thanks..Lynne Subj: Figure Skating Followers Date: 93-10-11 07:49:13 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Serendipity... You have stumbled onto a good group here of people who feel just like you do. There are a bunch of us and we range in age from the teens on up. In our group are skaters, recreational skaters, parents of skaters, non-skaters, and other people connected with the Figure Skating world. Be sure and come to the forums every Thurs. which are 10PM EST, 9PM CST, and 7PM PST. I will add you to our E-mail list if you would like to join in there also. Some of our ambitious people have started a newsletter for here also. BTW, remember that Skate America is coming up this month. Lynne Subj: Sectional Comparison Date: 93-10-11 17:13:04 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online The Byes are not given due to any comparison of competition level. The reason for a Bye is the time between the International competition and the sectional competition. We feel it is not wise to make a skater compete twice in a short period of time. It was determined that it is more inportant to the USFSA to have Brian skate in Skate American against International competitors and with TV esposier rather that in his home rink with only 600 seats. Pacfic Coast is in Redwood City. Tonya is entered in Northwest Regional. We will see if she shows up. Subj: Michelle Kwan Date: 93-10-11 17:18:01 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Michelle is not qualified to enter Olympics due to her age unless she finishes in the top 3 at the Junior World Championships. The rule is the same rule that allowed Surya Bonnaly to enter Jr. worlds and Worlds in the same year. RGDS - Morry Stillwell Subj: Welcome! Date: 93-10-11 20:14:27 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Hi Serendip! Welcome to the boards! Did you actually GET an issue of IceCycles? I remember sending them a check and getting diddley-squat in return. They went under FAST! JLP Subj: Jr. Worlds/Kwan Date: 93-10-11 20:17:39 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Now you've got me confused, Morry. Is it the IOC that sets the age rule for Olympics and the ISU for Worlds, or is there one rule (set by goodness-knows-who) for both? JLP Subj: Olympic Rules Date: 93-10-12 10:10:03 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online The IOC is organized so that the general Olympic rules are formulated by the IOC country members. This includes the awarding of the Olympic event and the sports to be included. When an event is accepted by the IOC the detailed rules for that sport are the responsibility of the NGBs that controls the sport. In our case it is the ISU. The ISU appoints the Officials, sets the technical rules, age rules, qualification rules for ice skating and all other rules that directly effect ice skating. The ISU also controls all speed skating events. Subj: Age Rules Date: 93-10-12 19:19:11 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Thanks Morry! The fog has lifted! JLP Subj: skating forum Date: 93-10-13 12:11:34 EST From: Peg6924780 Posted on: America Online i'd love to see a skating forum added. Subj: Skating Forum Date: 93-10-13 15:23:01 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Peg: There is a skating forum on Thursday nights at 7:00 PST (add an hour(s) for your time zone). All skaters and skating fans are very welcome! Go to keyword Grandstand and the forum is held in the "press box". Connie Subj: Skating Forum Date: 93-10-13 19:43:14 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online There was also some talk of starting another skating forum on a different night & time; it was decided we should wait until the season got under way -- which means Real Soon!!! You can download logs of past Forums from the Winter Sports Libraries, if you're interested in seeing how they go. *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Michelle Kwan; Byes to Nationals Date: 93-10-13 20:50:45 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Morry, Thanks for the info. I wasn't clear on what Michelle was planning to do. Also, later I realized after writing the other note that it was because of the time of the Pro-Am and not a matter of comparing the performances. I don't know where my mind was for thinking that...thanks for clearing that up too!! Lynne Subj: Pro-Am & Regionals Date: 93-10-13 21:13:26 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online I am just looking at the advertised list of skaters to appear at the Pro-Am. My question now is, do all of those skaters who have been "invited" to skate in the Pro-Am get to by-pass Regionals? There are quite a few there. Or is that just for Brian? And what is the criteria for an invitation to skate in the Pro-Am? Marion Subj: Pro-Am Byes Date: 93-10-14 19:52:29 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Skating in the Pro-Am qualifies the skater for a bye from Sectionals, not Regionals. To my knowledge all of the elegible skaters in the Pro-Am will be requesting byes from a Sectional. Subj: Pro-AM Byes Date: 93-10-15 14:58:42 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online OOPS...brain not in gear! Meant sectionals. Thank you Morry, it does look like a lot of skaters will be getting byes. Can you tell us what the criteria is for an invitation to skate at the Pro-Am? Marion Subj: Invitations to the Pro-Am Date: 93-10-15 20:55:35 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online For the elegible skaters we start at the top rated from the last nationals and work down until we get the desired number of Skaters. A number of skaters did not want to enter for fear of a bad performance too near our Nationals. Pairs was a real problem because of all the breakups and we could not afford to invite the new teams since we had no history on them. With the Pros we invited the most active and with the most history. Again several did not want to enter. Subj: SKATING MAGAZINE-NEW LOOK Date: 93-10-18 17:21:16 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Wow is the new look of the skating magazine from USFSA hi tech or what???? I got mine today and could hardly believe the change--it could stand alone on any magazine rack in any store and someone mite even buy it!!! It will now come out every other month with a supporting newsletter between issues of magazine to get out competition results and meeting roports more quickly as well as test results. How many of you DO NOT get the skating magazine?? Maybe those of us who do can pass on some of the results and information to you--included this month were complete results of olympic festival and collegiate competition--i will be glad to send them to anyone who wants them-- Louise--- Subj: Skating Magazine Date: 93-10-18 21:55:09 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Louise- I wanted to like the new look, really I did. I liked the 8 1/2 x 11 format. But the whole thing is so overdesigned. The headline type is hard to read, the photos are difficult to look at because they're either strange sizes or have color screens over black and whites (could be interesting occasionally but really made the details fade away). And every page is so overdesigned that the look just isn't clean. Also, the departments don't look different enough. The reader is supposed to know at first glance what he/she is looking at. Also, I didn't like the pix they chose of Michelle Kwan. Hardly any were skating pix and those were so small you could hardly get an idea of what she looked like. The poolside pix were cute but I would've made THOSE the small ones. Oh well...always an editor... -Ellen Subj: Skating Magazine Date: 93-10-18 21:56:16 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Louise- I wanted to like the new look, really I did. I liked the 8 1/2 x 11 format. But the whole thing is so overdesigned. The headline type is hard to read, the photos are difficult to look at because they're either strange sizes or have color screens over black and whites (could be interesting occasionally but really made the details fade away). And every page is so overdesigned that the look just isn't clean. Also, the departments don't look different enough. The reader is supposed to know at first glance what he/she is looking at. Also, I didn't like the pix they chose of Michelle Kwan. Hardly any were skating pix and those were so small you could hardly get an idea of what she looked like. The poolside pix were cute but I would've made THOSE the small ones. Oh well...always an editor... -Ellen Subj: Skating Magazine Date: 93-10-18 21:57:36 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Louise- I wanted to like the new look, really I did. I liked the 8 1/2 x 11 format. But the whole thing is so overdesigned. The headline type is hard to read, the photos are difficult to look at because they're either strange sizes or have color screens over black and whites (could be interesting occasionally but really made the details fade away). And every page is so overdesigned that the look just isn't clean. Also, the departments don't look different enough. The reader is supposed to know at first glance what he/she is looking at. Also, I didn't like the pix they chose of Michelle Kwan. Hardly any were skating pix and those were so small you could hardly get an idea of what she looked like. The poolside pix were cute but I would've made THOSE the small ones. Oh well...always an editor... -Ellen Subj: Ditto Date: 93-10-18 22:03:19 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Sorry all- Didn't mean to overstate my opinion but AOL was giving me a hard time and my note ending up getting posted three times. -Ellen Subj: editor, editor, editooorrr Date: 93-10-19 00:46:20 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Definitely always an editor Ellen. I went back and looked at it through your eyes and actually agree with you completely especially about the olympic festival pictures where you can not see the skaters at all....and the cutsy picture at the pool was inappropriate for the cover...but they should know this---send them a letter so this constructive criticism can be passed on--Louise Subj: Skating magazine Date: 93-10-19 19:17:16 EST From: MarySdncer Posted on: America Online Louise and Ellen, I'm glad they have changed the magazine but I'm not sure it was an improvement. I agree the pictures weren't great but hopefully this will get better.The old magazine was boring and they needed to change. Mary Subj: Swimming Magazine? Date: 93-10-19 20:08:13 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Mary and Louise- Between the new size, the new logo and the picture of Michelle Kwan by the pool I had NO IDEA what this magazine at first glance. I can't remember any other issue that didn't have a skating cover...or at least one with a type treatment talking about skating. -Ellen Subj: Swimming Magazine? Date: 93-10-19 22:07:22 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online When I first saw this issue, I thought it was a swimming magazine too! It reminded me of all of the swimming mags I used to get when I was a kid. It's nice to see skaters without their skates on but it would also be nice to see them WITH their skates on too. Especially on the cover! And what about Meno & Sand on the beach? I didn't see much SKATING in this magazine. Only the little green, blue and orange pix you couldn't make out. Julie Subj: Skate Canada Air Date Date: 93-10-20 14:54:49 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Hi All - Skate Canada will air on CBS on Nov. 27. Lee :) Subj: Invitations to the Pro-Am Date: 93-10-20 17:49:26 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Thank you, Morry. I had assumed that any skater that was invited would participate. So much for assumptions! I can see the problem that you had with the pairs. We saw the new teams and the consensus was that they do need time. I'm hopeful that when they do accumulate histories, you will have a larger field from which to issue your invitations. Marion Subj: Skating Magazine's Cover Date: 93-10-20 22:05:16 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Louise, Ellen and all, I have to agree about the cover. The poolside pix is cute for inside with the story but not for the front of the magazine. I think everyone wants to see a skater shown skating or doing something ice related.... Lynne Subj: TV Times for Skate Am. & Sk. Can Date: 93-10-20 22:07:40 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online LeeAnn... I am probably remembering wrong but it looks like Skate America and Skate Canada will be shown around the same time if not the same day. Am I wrong? I hope so. Thanks for the info. Lynne Subj: Lynne - Skate Am. and Can. Date: 93-10-20 22:24:46 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Lynne - Nope.Skate America is on ABC Nov. 21 from 4-6. And Skate Canada is on Nov. 27. Thank goodness they are not on at the same time, I would be a channel flipping maniac. (Although, I would have to stick with Brian. :) ) Lee :) Subj: TV Times Date: 93-10-20 22:38:59 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online All times Eastern: 10/30 Piruetten (CBS 4:30-6) 10/30 92 World Pro Championships (NBC 4-6) 11/06 Piruetten (CBS 4:30-6) 11/07 Skate America (ABC 2-4) 11/13 Piruetten (CBS 4:30-6) 11/21 Skate America (ABC 4-6) 11/27 Skate Canada (CBS) 12/11 Pro-Am (ABC) 01/09 US Open (USA) 01/15 Canadian Nationals (CBS 2-3:30) 01/22 Europeans (CBS 5-6) 01/22 Challenge of Champions (ABC) 03/12 Challenge of Champions (ABC) 03/19 Challenge of Champions (ABC) 04/02 Challenge of Champions (ABC) DEC Stars On Ice (CBS) JAN Nationals (ABC) FEB Skates of Gold (ABC) FEB Olympics (CBS) Subj: Skate America Date: 93-10-21 00:09:22 EST From: NicoleJ Posted on: America Online Hi all Brian Boitano and Michelle Kwan fans, There are two articles online about them Keyword: mercury Text Search : Skate America Enjoy, Nicki Subj: Skate America Men's Results Date: 93-10-22 00:45:51 EST From: Linda8894 Posted on: America Online Hi all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN! Here are the standings after the technical: BOITANO URMANOV PETRENKO CANDOLOR ELDREDGE CHACK NIELSEN BRITTEN Hope everyone is as pleased as I am! Linda Subj: Sk America Date: 93-10-22 10:21:29 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Way to go, Brian!!! I am surprised that Petrenko isn't holding 2nd at least, though. He usually did very well in his technical programs in the past, usually better than his long. Here's wishing all the skaters the best. I hope they all skate the performances of their lives! (-8 Connie Subj: Skate America Date: 93-10-22 16:11:05 EST From: Grosy Posted on: America Online Hi ! I'm new here. I just read the results of Skate America (so far.) Very interesting... I wish I could see it for myself. When is the ladies event? Anyone have any predictions about what will happen there? Subj: Swimming Magazine Date: 93-10-22 20:14:53 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online Last comment--Michelle Kwan: Making a Splash (on the cover). Doesn't that sound just a little like she fell through the ice? -Ellen Subj: I'm Back!...Temporarily.. Date: 93-10-23 02:56:12 EST From: SKTBush Posted on: America Online Ouch! Hello, everyone! Sorry for the sudden disappearance....when they couldn't deduct the $170 needed from my checking account for July, I got zapped off AOL! My student loan checks are coming next week and hope to pay off my complete bill of $251. So, hopefully, I will be back to my good old self in a matter of weeks! Thank you, someone, for sending me another kit. I'm using it under my friend's new account. However, I don't think he's really interested in keeping it beyond the 10 free hours, so please hold all mail until I'm back to my good old ID. See you guys soon! Sklar Subj: New to AOL Date: 93-10-23 16:32:06 EST From: RickN11015 Posted on: America Online Hello everyone, I cancelled my Prodigy membership, and I have a trial membership in AOL. Not sure whether I'll keep it. I'm glad I found the skating area, and I'm glad to see so many familiar names from Prodigy. I was mostly a "lurker" on *P, and probably will be here too. I haven't quite figured out the AOL interface for Windows yet. I couldn't figure out how to look at the latest messages in this topic. Does anyone know when Skate America will be televised? Did Tonya Harding really get the gold? Is there still a chance of getting tickets for Nationals in Detroit? I have a certificate for a free airline ticket anywhere in the US that TWA flies, but I'm not sure if I want to use it for Nationals. I mean, Detroit is not somewhere I would ever think of going on vacation if it weren't for skating. I have a brochure from SkateTours, and their price (including all-event tickets, hotel, etc.) is $700-$1000. Comments? Rick Newell AOL ID: RickN11015 Also CompuServe: 71431,262 Also Internet: Subj: Sk8 Canada - Mark Mitchell Date: 93-10-24 16:09:57 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Hi Sports Fans, I'm off to Skate Canada in Ottawa week after next. Mark Mitchell is competing there, and since we have a lot of Mark fans on here, if anybody's got any warm and friendly messages of encouragement to send to him, e-mail them to me and I'll print them out and do my darndest to get them to him. The deadline would be sometime on Tuesday, November 2nd, as I am leaving on the 3rd. The competition runs from the 4th through the 7th. Go Mark! JLP Subj: Boise's Report from SK8 America Date: 93-10-24 23:22:07 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online Hi all, havn't contributed to the board for a while due to lack of news, but I just got back from a glorious trip to Skate America in Dallas and have made a report which I hope this time will make it. (I have spent an hour typing this report twice and twice AOL cut me off--losing everything). I didn't see the dance so can't comment, but here's the highlights of the rest. PAIRS: Not in my mind a memorable competition. 1st place: Naumov and Shiskova did same Strauss Waltz program as last season. She missed her side by side triple toe (fall out) and singled her side by side double axle. 3rd place Reynolds and Courtland had problems. She fell 3 times (side by side double axle, throw double axle and footwork). 2nd place Inna and Dundgen though were impressive. They have improved a lot in terms of speed and power and presentation. Nailed side by side double axles and triple toes. She did fall though on a throw triple salchow at the end of the program. Overall, a so so competition. (see next post for Mens) Subj: Sk8 America (mens short) Date: 93-10-24 23:27:39 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online (continued from last message) MENS: By far and away the highlight of the competition. SHORT: Rigolleto seems to be popular as music this year (Nielson, petrenko and others). Boitano did his pirate program which many of you may have seen on the televised pro am last season. He fell out of tano triple lutz (one hand overhead), but still got first. Marks of mainly 5.6 for technical and 5.8 for artistic. Urmanov wearing a gaudy, mannerist, blue Hapsburg prince outfit nailed his triple axle double toe combo, but otherwise skated unmemorably. (Personal bias: I hate his skating, he doesn't even know how to do crossovers right, so stiff and awkward). Petrenko skated a strong program, nailed his triple axle double toe, but like Boitano fell out of his triple lutz. While getting the highest artistic marks mainly 5.9's, he got very low marks for technical 5.3's (judges obviously saw an error I didn't) to finish third. Chack, Nielson both fell out of their triple axle combos, Eldredge fell on his. Nielson has a very clever program to rigolleto. Subj: SKATE AMERICA (MENS LONG) Date: 93-10-24 23:36:03 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online (CONTINUED FROM LAST MESSAGE) LONG: By far and away the performance to remember was Aren Nielson's. The only performance which Dick Button applauded all night. Huge jumps, great flow, clean lines, elegant, simple and masculine, and skated with great feeling for the music (sounds like a soundtrack to a movie, but don't know it). He nailed his triple axle, did two triple lutzes, and the rest of the triples except the triple salchow. I don't understand how he can't do one. Standing ovation, nevertheless. Eldredge and Chack again both missed their triple axles. Chack skated to the Tchaikovsky violin concerto, and I don't think it was a good music choice for him. No feeling for it I thought. Eldredge skated pleasantly, but not inspired. Urmanov, another unmemorable program except for a triple axle, turned his quad toe into a triple. Boitano and Petrenko: well you probably have read a lot about their programs already and will see it on ABC. It was a tossup in my opinion. Petrenko was more solid technically, two triple axles, Boitano had better height on his jumps and skated with more feeling. Brian's missed second triple axle I think gave the judges a reason to place him second. There is no doubt though that Petrenko had better spin positions and more intricate choreography. Subj: Skate America Womens short Date: 93-10-24 23:41:47 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online (continued) I anticipated the women's competition the most. But found it rather disappointing. SHORT Lisa Ervin fell out of her triple flip combo (nice to see her try to add a triple flip though) and was out of contention with that miss. Kwan skated cleanly and nailed her triple flip double toe combo. Kielman barely made her triple flip double toe combo. Bonaly skating to Rossini made her triple lutz double toe, but choreographically an uninspiring program to finish 3rd. Tonya (wearing a simple orange outfit) skated a fantastic program, nailed her triple lutz double toe to receive first, but barely as Oksana despite turning her triple lutz double toe into a double lutz almost beat her. Oksana wore a black swan outfit from Swan Lake and performed to the pas de deux from that Ballet. She was very dramatic and had wonderful swan like arms, but 5.7 for technical merit? Well at least Tonya still got first. Subj: Skate America (womens long) Date: 93-10-24 23:47:28 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online (continued from above) Women's Long Ervin skated first to open the competition. She did the same program as last year (If I were King and Thais Meditation), but her opening triple is a flip now instead of a toe loop. She also has added a three turn between her ina bauer and her triple salchow in the slow section and has added another triple salchow, for 6 planned triples. She wore a lovely brown sequined outfit. Unfortunately, she two footed her triple flip, put her hand down on her triple loop, and doubled her first triple salchow. But otherwise skated well. Technical marks of 5.1 and artistic of 5.3. Kwan didn't skate as well the olympic festival, doubled her first triple lutz, tried a triple loop but turned it into a popped double with a fall out. Nevertheless, 5 other triples made it a strong program including the ending triple lutz. She beat Ervin by 4 judges, but because of the low marks of the other 3 judges finished below Ervin. Subj: (more women's long from Sk8 amer Date: 93-10-24 23:55:14 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online (continued) Of the leaders Oksana skated first. She did the same program as last year, but fell on her triple flip out of a mohawk, fell on her triple salchow, doubled another triple salchow. But still got very strong marks. Tonya, as you all know started strongly, but somewhat nervously. She doubled her triple flip in her slow section, looked tired, and then had her skate problem. The judges seemed to really penalize her for the break in her program, one judge giving her a 4.8 for artistic impression. I felt really sorry for Tonya, her was her great chance to restablish herself as a serious contender for the olympics with a defeat of baiul and bonaly and now this. She has had so much bad luck it is incredible (last year cold, 1990 flu, 1992 ankle injury). Bonaly skated what I thought was an uninteresting program. Though nailing a beautiful quad salchow in the warmup, she fell out of it in the program. The wonderful improvements in choreography and style made by Frank Carol and Sarah Kawahara last year in her 4 seasons program are completely gone as this year her emphasis again is jump jump jump with little attention to style or choreography. The judges appropriately gave her rather low marks despite her landing 5 triples. Still she beat Tonya unfortunately. Subj: (some more women's long) Date: 93-10-25 00:02:59 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online (continued again) One skater to watch though is Junko Yaginuma, she nailed her triple lutz in the short to finish 4th and again did it in the long, adding a triple loop and a triple toe walley to add. She skates with great speed and has a slim fast line on the ice. After she finished skating she stood in second place beating both Harding and Bonaly. But then Marina Kielman skated and screwed up everything. Kielman skated to Phantom of the Opera and didn't skate nearly as well as last year at worlds, falling on a triple lutz, and doubling other jumps. The marks varied widely. 3/7 judges however put her ahead of junko but below Surya, and 3/7 judges put her above kwan but below Ervin and the strange way the ordinal system works Kwan dropped below ervin and Yaginuma dropped below Harding and Bonaly. So went skate America: sadly our two americans who led the short programs didn't win. But hopefully they will do it at the olympics. If anyone would like to know anything else, I'd be happy to try to answer. Thanks for everyone else's contributions to the board. I've enjoyed reading them. Later, Subj: Junko Yaginuma Date: 93-10-25 02:35:35 EST From: SKTBush Posted on: America Online Hard to say about this skater. She's been on the senior circuit since 1988 when she made the Olympic team with Midori Ito. But since that quick rise from juniors, she's been relatively inconsistent, and I don't know if it's due to past injuries she may have had. Seeing her at the 92 Worlds, one would've thought that the talent in Ladies' singles in Japan was going to end with Yuka Sato. Who knows, maybe this will be the year for Junko to shine before new juniors will move ahead of her like Kimiko Kowaii. Subj: Skate America Postings Date: 93-10-25 08:15:49 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online Thanks everyone, especially Boise. Wish we had live coverage, but your quick & informative postings sure helped! *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Newcomer to the Board Date: 93-10-25 19:04:27 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online My family just got AOL last week. We also have Prodigy. I think I recognize a few names from that BB. I just thought I'd write and say hi. (My real name is Jennifer and not Gienafer. I'm just spelling it this way because Jennifer spelled the right way has already been used too many times.) So what did everyone think of the Skate America results? I can't wait to see it on TV!!! I'm a little disappointed that Brian didn't win, but I am happy for Viktor. This Olympics is going to be great! There are so many terrific skaters competing against each other! Subj: News about Tonya and Nancy Date: 93-10-26 18:45:38 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online Just read some interesting news about Nancy and Tonya in some Chicago Papers. According to Evy Scotvold, Nancy has seriously cutback her commercial engagements to focus exclusively on skating. Her work with a sports psychologist has been helpful, and for the first time in the 8 years he has coached her, Nancy is doing clean programs in practice. She is looking forward to the Pirutten Competition. Tonya, however, has some major problems. Scandal has hit again, she was found carrying a handgun by the Portland Police. In addition, she was found smoking in a bowling alley. The real reason she didn't go to the Norway training camp was that she has an ovarian cyst which surgeons recommend should be removed. Diane Rawlinson was informed of the same day she was about to board the plane for Norway. Tonya has refused to have the surgery for fear of being behind in her training, despite the risk that the cyst might explode. She appears very hungry to win the gold medal at the olympics. Although she didn't train to do a triple axle at Skate America she has planned one for Nationals. Subj: Tonya Article in Library Date: 93-10-27 16:41:07 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online If any of you missed the Tonya Harding article from the 10/18 Chicago Tribune, it was uploaded to our Winter Sports Library and you can upload it there to read OFFLINE. If you want me to add some of the other Tribune Articles from Skate AMerica week let me know. MargeR1 Subj: Tribune Articles Date: 93-10-27 16:49:13 EST From: NicoleJ Posted on: America Online Hi, Marge, I for one would love to read those articles if you have time to upload them. Thanks, Nicki Subj: ONE WORD MARGE--YES Date: 93-10-27 16:53:03 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online One day I will learn how to upload stuff--maybe you can send me some directions since coverage here is pretty good and chronicle sometimes has good skating articles--thanks for the time you take to do it!!--Louise Subj: Tonya Harding Date: 93-10-28 02:40:55 EST From: RickN11015 Posted on: America Online I downloaded the (Chicago Tribune?) article about Tonya Harding. It was garbled, so I downloaded it again, and it was still garbled. Anyway, I wanted to comment about the sentence in the article to the effect that Tonya was seen smoking in a bowling alley. I don't approve of smoking, and it's stupid for someone with asthma to smoke. However, Tonya is an adult, and smoking isn't illegal. The media can't seem to stop digging up dirt on Tonya. I haven't liked her skating the last few years (I saw her skate at Skate Canada in Victoria last year), but I was impressed when she landed the triple Axel a few years ago. Of course the media likes to dig up dirt on athletes in other sports too, so maybe this is a sign that skating has become mainstream? Rick RickN11015 Subj: Go Skate! Date: 93-10-28 08:55:49 EST From: Nebula5 Posted on: America Online A fun night of skating: Last night I dragged my friend Sue up to the Sno-King arena (Home of Rosalynn) for her very first attempt at skating. After being an avid fan for so many years, she decided she ought to at least put a foot on the ice, to see what it feels like. I'm happy to report she survived, and may try it again! We're too late for the current adult beginner class session, but I don't think she's ready to try that yet anyway. She mostly hung on to the boards and pulled herself along, but she didn't fall. She used to roller skate a lot, and was concentrating on the similarities and differences in the feel of the skates on the surface. I'm trying to convince some other friends to come make this a regular outing, every other Wednesday. Wherever you are, all of you "non-skater" skating fans should give it a try, too! After the Zamboni break, we had a treat: an exhibition by a young pairs team who train at Sno-King. We couldn't hear the announcer very clearly, but I think the boy's first name was Toby and that he (at least) was bronze medalist juvenile last year, so perhaps she's a new partner. They were great! They did an energetic number to Gaite Parsienne, in pretty bronze-colored costumes. A few unison problems, but that's all. I hope they do well in December! *%& : ) Julie Z Subj: Tonya Harding Date: 93-10-28 12:59:09 EST From: NicoleJ Posted on: America Online Rick, I agree with you 100%, but I think we better get used to it because it happens to most of the top athletes. Nicki Subj: Paul Wylie's Birthday Date: 93-10-28 16:39:26 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online I just thought that the birthday of a great skater deserved to be aknowledged![g] Happy birthday, Paul!(wherever you are!) -Patti Has anyone heard from Jamie Farrell? She hasn't written in 2 months, and I'm really worried... Subj: Canadian TV Coverage Date: 93-10-29 10:07:17 EST From: RickN11015 Posted on: America Online For those who live close enough to the Canadian border to receive CBC, here is some information from the skating news group on Internet: Skate Canada: Friday, Nov. 5, CBC, 8:00-9:30 PM Eastern Time I checked my TV Guide (we get one CBC station on cable here in Olympia, Wash.) and this isn't listed. Aargh!! I forgot about the skating forum last night! Maybe next week. -- Rick Subj: Skate Canada Date: 93-10-29 13:26:20 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online Rick-- Thanks for the info. about Skate Canada. I get CBC where I live, and I'm sure I'll watch it. Subj: Hello Date: 93-10-30 01:48:47 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online Hi! I finally managed to make it onto AOL courtesy of Ed Rusell (the same guy who got me onto *P and then left as soon as I got there!). The figure skating "action" over here looks great. I just counted 7 different figure skating folders. Please allow me to introduce myself. My real name is "Kevin", not (thank God) Axel 9. Unfortunately, every conceivable permutation of "Kevin" was taken (the computer suggested a number of about 1.5 million to stick on to the end of "kevin" when I asked for it :-o ) I'm both a practitioner and fan of figure skating. That means I like to do it as well as watch it. I used to skate when I was a wee lad but gave it up when I was about 12 or so. I picked it up again 18 years later! Right now I do freestyle, but I figure when parts of my body start falling off :-( I'll take up ice dance. I'm particularly interested in talking about the technical and mental aspects of skating, although I can disect Paul Wylies "JFK" program with the best of them! The latest topic of discussion I've been having with Ed is in regards to the issue of taking ibuprofin to make it through a skating session. Here's another topic for discussion. I saw some guy at my rink the other day doing what looked like a death spiral by himself (where he did the woman's part). He was almost horizontal to the ice with his head only a few inches from the ground. It was one of the neatest things I've seen in awhile. I'm going to spend the next few weeks trying to master it (it looks pretty hard: tough on the thighs too). It's the kind of a move that can become a "signature" move because of it's uniqueness and neat looking-ness. Denise Beilman probably has the most famous signature move (which I'm sure you all know of). What are some of your favorite signature moves and who does them? I think these moves help to define a skater and set them apart from the pack. Kevin Subj: Piruetten Results--Men Date: 93-10-30 14:32:39 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online The Detroit Free Press listed the men's final results at Piruetten. The Top 5 men are... 1. Elvis Stojko 2. Phillippe Candeloro 3. Scott Davis 4. Masakazu Kagiyama 5. Igor Pashkevich I'd never heard of those last two skaters. One is from Japan and the other is from Russia. (I'm sure you can tell which is which by their names.) Does anyone have the results of the ladies' competition? Subj: Lurkers and Writers Date: 93-10-30 16:36:07 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi to All.. I would really like to encourage the "lurkers" to put in their two cents worth because I everyone is interested in whatever you like to say if you like figure skating. Put in your opinions..whatever. I am not in a state that has an ice rink and so most of what I write is opinion or discussion and not first hand, as such. Subj: hello everyone Date: 93-10-30 17:17:56 EST From: Skate Posted on: America Online My name is Kathleen and I am a skater as well as a fan. I have been on AOL for a few months but have only recently become aware of this area! Having read Axel 9's message- great, I'd love to discuss technique! Heaven knows that I can use the help! I began skating about 4 years ago at the age of 27. ( Never had the funds as a kid) I compete as an Adult Senior Lady. I would love to hear from other skaters, especially adults. Axel 9- Does the man have a hand down on the ice? I look forward meeting all of you! :) Subj: Lurker no more Date: 93-10-30 21:44:08 EST From: TerriNack Posted on: America Online Well, I guess I am one of those you refer to as a lurker--I hop on and off of AOL mostly for skating info. I suppose I should contribute! I really am interested in what's going on. Well, I am a late beginner (age 31!) and would love to discuss technique with the previous folks who've mentioned it. I skated a bit a few years ago, but I'm more serious about it now. Per Axel 9's mention of using ibuprofen--I find that if I take a couple of ibuprofen before I skate, the initial period of foot pain that I endure goes away MUCH faster. I also find that if I DON'T take ibuprofen I get a bad headache after I skate. Well, that's my two cents worth! -Terri Subj: How does this work? Date: 93-10-31 00:27:26 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online How do things work in this news group? On internet when responding to a posting, for instance "hello", one posts another message to the board called "re: hello". It looks like one gets personal replies with copies mailed out to a bunch of people on this board. Is that how it works around here? If so, can somebody email me the address list of all interested parties? Kathleen, the guy didn't put his hand down on the ice when he did the "solo death spiral". He went into it in a (sort of) back shoot the duck but with his back hunched way forward and on a deep edge. He would sweep his free leg around which would force him onto an even deeper edge which is what made it look kind of like a death spiral. Unfortunately he can't see where he's going when he does this and it covers a lot of ice. One time while he was sweeping his free leg around he chopped down a woman like a tree who didin't see him coming. Yikes! Teri, ibuprofin is like a magic pill for me. When I take one about a half hour before skating I literally feel like I'm 20 years old again when I go out on the ice. I can skate for a couple hours without pain or loss of strength. If I ever manage to get to the double axel, it will only be with the help of modern medicine. Sorry if I comitted a faux pas by replying to BB postings on the board instead of personally responding via email. Somebody set me straight on the etiquette! Kevin Subj: Foot Pain Date: 93-11-01 19:34:28 EST From: Skate Posted on: America Online I used to have a great deal of foot pain. I was in agony! Until I got custom made boots! My boots are made by Klingbeil and cost about $425 but end up being a bargain because they last 2-3 times longer than stock boots. I have a small wide foot and this has been my salvation! If you have a hard to fit foot, maybe this would help! Subj: Late Beginning Skaters Date: 93-11-04 18:28:46 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Terri.. There are a bunch of people who are skating of all ages of the group who write here so you are in good company. We have a skating forum every thurs. night at 10PM EST and 9PM CST. You should come check it out. Also a huge number of us write E-mail so if you want to join that let me know. Subj: Responding to bb messages Date: 93-11-04 18:30:55 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Kevin, I also repsond personally on the bb because of time and then some people write but never come to the forums and may not want group E-mail. Lynne Subj: What makes a skater look good? Date: 93-11-06 00:27:17 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online Hi all, I just thought I'd throw out a topic for discussion on this BB. What makes a skater look good? This should not be confused with, "What makes a great skater", which is a different topic. The first applies to all of us who strap on the 'ol blades, whereas the second applies to people like Boitano. I think the single most important thing to looking good on the ice is skating "from the knees". The one thing in common you will notice in all good skaters is that they really "get down into their knees" when they are on the ice. Power, control, and even grace comes from good knee bend on jumping, stroking, edges, etc. Whenever you see somebody who looks a bit odd on the ice, I can almost gurantee that they are skating on relatively unbent knees. This applies to top competitors, too. The better looking ones will be putting a lot more "knee" into their program. This is usually one of the things that seperates the youngsters (such as the 13-15 year old wunderkids) from the older skaters. If you ever have a chance to take a stroking class, I would strongly reccomend it. You build up strength in your legs and they teach you how to "get down" in your knees and really deliver power into your skating. Even though stroking might be boring, it will do more for making you look good than anything else. Ice dancers might agree with this theory. Speaking of ice dancers, they are more appearance conscious than any of the other disciplines. If you think about what it is that they have in common that makes them look good, I would say that it's deep edges on deep knees. OK, it's your turn :-) Kevin Anderson (axel 9) Subj: Piroutten/Philipe Candeloro Date: 93-11-07 01:20:11 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online Hi all, I just finsished watching the mens long program from the Piroutten (sp?) comepetion. The technical ability of the men these days never stops amazing me. I used the think that Boitano was a shoe in to win the Olympics if he skated his best, but I don't think so anymore. Scott Davis is a fine skater but his jumping is still about a half notch below the worlds best. On the plus side, he is by far the best spinner of any of the men. I love watching this guy spin. His speed, postion, and centering are far above anybody else. Elvis' jumping was, as usual, world class. When he is on (which is most of the time) he is the best jumper in the world. The thing that suprised me was how much his artistry has improved since worlds. He took his black belt training and interpreted it on ice and it looked like a million bucks. The martial arts poses that he struck seemed natural flowing across the ice. If the international judging community appreciates this new artistic interpretation on ice, I think Elvis is going to win the Olympics next year. After saying that Elvis was the best skater, my favorite skater of the night was Philippe Candeloro. This guy might be the heir apparent to Scott Hamilton as the most entertaining ice skater in the world. His nickname should be "Mr. Hollywood". His programs over the last year have included either music or references to: Rocky, Connan the Barbarian, The God Father. Speaking of the God Father, that was his music at Piroutten and he basically did a mafia guy on ice. It was great! This guy can get the crowd going like no other competitive skater today. He is mega entertaining. On the womens side things were quite a bit disappointing. That seems to be a trend lately. With the exception of Worlds last year, the women have not be doing too good. I'm glad to see that Nancy was able to overcome her fall on the triple lutz and finish with a strong technical program. When she fell on the same jump at worlds last year (and to a lesser extent at the U.S. nationals) you could see in her face and in her skating that she was psyched out after the fall and she blew the rest of the program. She managed to keep herself together this time after the fall which was great. I could tell right after the fall that it didn't phase her (at least not much). For you technical junkies, she fell down because she dropped her right shoulder on take off and over rotated her shoulders a little too far before taking off. Both problems are signs of a lack of focus or nervousness (especially over rotating the shoulders on take off). Speaking of technical aspects of jumping, I've got one word for Candeloro's triple axel: "Wow!". His height was absolutely terrific. The only other guy that came close to Candeloro was the Japanese guy (I don't know his name). If anybody is interested, I can tell you what it is that he does to get this great height. Maybe I'll put up another post on the technical aspects of jumping. Kids, do not try this at home :-) Kevin Anderson Subj: Chat Date: 93-11-07 21:56:42 EST From: JerryChang Posted on: America Online I would like to participate in the "chat sessions". Can someone give me some insight on how I can get to the chat room with all you people? Thanks! Jerry from ///\tlanta Subj: chat Date: 93-11-08 10:20:39 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Hey Jerry!!! Long time, no hear! I don't get to the forum very much, but I can give you the times. They're held Thursday nights, 7:00pm Pacific, 11:00pm Eastern in the "Press Box" over in Grandstand. Hope to hear more from you! Did you get added to the E-mail list? Connie Subj: posture makes a skater look good Date: 93-11-08 12:13:33 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online I agree whole heartedly with Kevin that a nice knee bend and the resulting deep edges contributes greatly to a skater's look on the ice. I would add however that equally important is good posture. The ability to stand up straight, and tuck the stomach and bottom in, when stroking, gliding, landing, doing vertical spins. As was mentioned the ice dancers are particularly aware of line, and I think back position is the most immediate difference between most dancers and single skaters. The dancers have such beautiful straight backs. There are many strong skaters with good knee bend and strong edges but they would look infinitely better if they concentrated on their posture. Subj: Commentating Date: 93-11-08 12:20:05 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online What does everyone think of the commentating for Pirutten and Skate America. I usually like Dick Button a lot more than Scott Hamilton, but I have to say that I enjoyed Scott more this time. Dick seemed unusually harsh on the skaters and bored with the skating this time. He also was surprisingly reticent. I think a little more excitement and enthusiasm for when the skaters do something well should be in store. As for scott, I liked his technical commentary on the jumps. And I thought the schematic diagrams used on slow motion replays were nice. What does everyone else think? Subj: e-mail list Date: 93-11-08 18:48:59 EST From: LORICONLEY Posted on: America Online i love ice-skating and have enjoyed reading everyone's comments. how does one get on the e-mail list??? lori Subj: READ THIS FIRST! Date: 93-11-08 20:01:09 EST From: OlympicFan Posted on: America Online I'm interested in putting together a forum for people to discuss the '94 Winter Olympics, no matter what event you are interested in. If anyone wants to get in with me on this, please e-mail me. I want to see how many people respond to this trial balloon before I go any further. Thanks! OlympicFan Subj: Dick Button Date: 93-11-08 20:46:07 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Dick Button is infamous for making harsh comments on skaters he does not like. Any skater that Dick lauds is usually a skater that he is sponsoring or managing. Subj: Commentating Date: 93-11-09 01:05:27 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Boise, I thought that Scott has toned down his over-excitment of the past, and yes, we had to smile at the schematic diagrams...from whom did they borrow that ? I did like them, however, I want to know what went wrong with a jump, etc., and the visual really helped with my understanding of the problem. Dick Button WAS harsh on some skaters, and I don't think that passing judgement on a skater should be a function of a commentator. That is why there are JUDGES. And hey, reticence is a change! Subj: Olympic Predictions #1 Date: 93-11-09 02:50:51 EST From: SKToy Posted on: America Online Well, we've seen most of the major competitors who will be vying for the medals at the Olympics... Anyone have picks so far? If everyone skates well, I foresee this: Pairs: 1.) Mishkutenok/Dmitriev RUS 2.) Gordeeva/Grinkov RUS 3.) Kovarikova/Novotny TCH Men's: 1.) Kurt Browning CAN 2.) Elvis Stojko CAN 3.) Viktor Petrenko UKR Ice Dance: 1.) Torvill/Dean GBR 2.) Usova/Zhulin RUS 3.) Gritschuk/Platov RUS (I don't think there will be any surprise in this competition!) Ladies': 1.) Tonya Harding USA 2.) Oksana Baiul UKR 3.) Nancy Kerrigan USA I'm sure my predictions will change right after Europeans....but for now... Sklar Subj: Olympic Predictions..... Date: 93-11-09 14:14:07 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Sklar: I sure hope you're right about Tonya. As much as I would like to see Nancy bounce back from a devistating year, I think I'd like to see Tonya kick ice more. I hope things start going her way from here on out. She's had a tough battle. Connie Subj: E MAIL LIST Date: 93-11-09 15:23:08 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online HERE is what I think is an almost perfect list!!! akibono, arthur7884, axel9, boise, brendaw660, brwneyeman, carolsel, cheriechs, cksutcliff, devonh5397, edunkel, edrussell3, gener50983, gienaferL, jenna10723, jkj6985471, jlpooley, joannr, julied3964, kenav, laurap1808, leann1, linda8894, lisaseven, marger1, marshalbak, marysdncer, meld7, melissas1, morrys, mwood, nebula5, nib922, planetx, rdong, ricken11015, serendip897, skate, skatingmom, skrmom, sktoy, terrinak--- ADD YOUR NAME IF I FORGOT YOU SEE YA LOUISE Subj: Ahem...[g] Date: 93-11-09 20:52:05 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Louise, You forgot me, but that's okay! Personne n'est parfait!(no one's perfect). Besides, you had a very complete list!(-8 -Patti Subj: Sklar Predictions Date: 93-11-09 20:56:21 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online There is no evidence that Tonya can last a 4 min program. Retarting at Olympics would not work Subj: tonya death threat Date: 93-11-10 11:40:29 EST From: Boise Posted on: America Online Just read in the news that Tonya pulled out of her regional competition in Portland. The morning of the competition she received a death threat and was really shaken up. Fortunately, officials gave her a bye to Pacific Coast Sectionals. Let this be the last disaster for her this year. Subj: Tonya Date: 93-11-10 17:26:11 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Tonya was given the option skating the regional, going to sectional, or going to NHK. After the telephone threat Tonya returned to the mall and was shopping the same evening. The next day she was in the mall signing autographs. This comming saturday she will skate an exhibition in the same mall, but this time for $2000. Before forming opinions about Tonya it is wise to look for a pattern. Subj: e-mail list correction Date: 93-11-10 20:53:31 EST From: TerriNack Posted on: America Online Louise--you had me on the e-mail list but my name was spelled incorrectly. It should be TerriNack. Thanks! Subj: Olympic Predictions #1 Date: 93-11-10 21:26:24 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Sklar, I like your "picks" in Dance and Ladies, but where in all the Men do you think Brian will be? I would reverse the first and second choices in pairs . But as you say there is a lot of time yet. I do hope that Nancy and Tonya can skate their very best, they both have had such a bad time with their skating in the past year. Subj: Ladies picks Date: 93-11-11 05:16:18 EST From: LORICONLEY Posted on: America Online If Tonya can pull herself together, I think she will win the Nationals and possibly the Olympics, but she has been so inconsistent in the past. I love her skating, and dearly hope she pulls it all out. I look for Nancy to place 3rd at the Olympics. Subj: Thanks Connie Date: 93-11-11 19:29:28 EST From: JerryChang Posted on: America Online Thanks Connie.... Yes.. I'm on the maillist.. Jerry from Hotlanta. Subj: My .02 worth-Skating Pcks Date: 93-11-11 19:53:16 EST From: OlympicFan Posted on: America Online Gold, silver, bronze in that order; Men - Elvis Stojko, Viktor Petrenko, Kurt Browning Women - Oksana Baiul, Nancy Kerrigan (the Piruetten win on the Olympic ice will help her confidence tremendously, but this is Baiul's gold medal to lose), and a dogfight between Lu Chen and Surya Bonaly for 3rd. Predictions - neither Witt nor Harding will make their Olympic teams; if Kerrigan falters, the U.S. may get shut out altogether. That's what happens when you don't deliver at the prior worlds; the loss of the extra skater puts that much more pressure on those who do make it. Boitano will be fourth at best. Subj: posture makes a skater look good Date: 93-11-12 00:38:33 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online I think the reason you don't see singles skaters with the same good posture as ice dancers is that an ice dancer is usually thinking about what he/she is doing right now, whereas a singles skater is usually thinking about what they are going to be doing in a few seconds. I was trying to think of a current skater that has good posture and I can't think of any. Can anybody out there think of one? I guess somebody like Boitano comes close. Kevin Anderson Subj: Dick Button Date: 93-11-12 00:45:29 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online I think whether you like Dick Button or not, you have to respect his knowledge of the technical aspects of skating. I believe he was, among other things, the first to land a double axel and triple loop in competition. I would be grateful for any constructive criticism he might give me in my skating should I ever be so lucky. Kevin Anderson Subj: Tonya Date: 93-11-12 01:02:45 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online MorryS writes: >Tonya was given the option skating the regional, going to >sectional, or going to NHK. After the telephone threat Tonya > returned to the mall and was shopping the same evening. >The next day she was in the mall signing autographs. >This comming saturday she will skate an exhibition in >the same mall, but this time for $2000. >Before forming opinions about Tonya it is wise to look for >a pattern. I was talking to a guy the other day who used to skate with her up in Oregon. He said she was a, uh, complex individual. I've read that she smokes. Given her breathing problems, I find this behaviour very self destructive. Kevin Anderson Subj: My .02 worth-Skating Pcks Date: 93-11-12 01:17:41 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online OlympicFan writes: >Gold, silver, bronze in that order; >Men - Elvis Stojko, Viktor Petrenko, Kurt Browning A fellow Elvis fan! Unfortunately, I don't think he's going to win unless the others have a bad day. If everybody does their best I think Boitano is going to win. I don't think Boitano is the nescesarily the best, but I think the system favors him. Speaking of Elvis I loved his program that was on tv last weekend. He took his martial arts training and transfered it to the ice. It was very strong yet graceful at the same time. If you think about it, the moves that you see these martial arts guys do seem to be natural for the ice. Elvis is the first guy (that I know of) to do the crossover. It looked like a million bucks. Unfortunately it's too new to get him first place. New concepts in figure skating usually take awhile to sink in. Kevin Anderson Subj: Olympic Predictions Date: 93-11-12 14:32:44 EST From: SKToy Posted on: America Online Well, for my Men's Predictions, I also place Brian Boitano in 4th and Philippe Candeloro of France to round out the Top 5. Ice Dance is going to be another no-surprise. The only concern is whether or not our couple can place in the Top 10 there and later at Worlds to regain the 2 spots for the following Worlds. I have chosen Tonya to win the Ladies' (and must admit it was a relatively biased opinion). Pending as to how she handles the pressures at Nationals and how her skating turns out will indicate whether or not she's got it for the Gold. And for Pairs. I picked M and D to win over G and G simply because I find M/D's programs to be so sophisticated and much more artistic than those of G and G. And it's going to come down to the Artistic Impression scores as the deciding factor if both pairs skate perfectly. Subj: What makes a skater look good Date: 93-11-12 21:28:16 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Kevin, I think you have a good point about getting down into the knees. That definitely makes a skater look good. Also, I would say the way a person also carries himself or herself...posture. Lynne Subj: Dick Button Date: 93-11-12 21:32:59 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Morry and all... I would have liked to have heard that Dick might have tried a brief routine for Skates of Gold but maybe he might have had to be reviewed by a commentator who had at one time been a recipient of some of his comments. Perhaps this is the reason. Lynne Subj: Predictions Date: 93-11-12 21:35:38 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Sklar...I am curious as to why you don't consider Brian a serious challenger for the gold and also Brasseur and Eisler. Also, Tonya is too erratic and inconsistent. I would probably go with a more consistent skater and I don't think we can count Katerina out. Just curious.... Lynne Subj: E-mail List & Louise Date: 93-11-12 21:38:42 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Louise.. I tried to send you mail but AOL kept saying you are not a known user. What happened? Did you change your screenname or maybe it is my computer or something? I hope everyone on the list makes a note here they want to receive and send E-mail. I have both of my boxes nearly full so I need to just include those who want to participate. So, I am officially saying for sure that YES, I want to be on the E-mail list. Lynne Subj: E-mail List and TerriNack Date: 93-11-12 21:41:41 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Terri, I tried to send you mail also and AOL said you were not a known user. Obviously, both you and Louise are but that is what they said as of today...Fri., Nov. 12th. I will try again... Anyone else having a problem sending mail to Louise and Terri? Lynne Subj: Olympic Picks Date: 93-11-12 21:44:44 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi All, I can't imagine Brian Boitano not being a medal contender. I am really interested as to why some of you are counting him out. I think it will be a real fight for the gold but frankly, I think that that competition is going to be between Viktor, Brian and Kurt for the gold. It will be whoever can skate the most perfect program and who will complete the most difficult jumps. Lynne Subj: Dick Button again Date: 93-11-12 21:51:11 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Kevin, I agree with you that Dick certainly knows his skating and his past accomplishments more than qualifies him to make constructive criticism. The only problem I have with Dick is when he is in the position of commentator and he makes obviously biased comments in favor of some skaters. I think when he is acting as commentator he should make an effort to be unbiased and restrain himself from some of the harsh criticism he has leveled in the past. I know that it is difficult for him not to get very involved but I think that being unbiased helps the viewers form their own opinions. Some of the best commentators I have enjoyed are Scott Hamilton and Underhill and Martini on CBC. Lynne Subj: Elvis Date: 93-11-12 21:53:45 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Kevin..I think that Elvis is going to be one of THE medalists in the next Worlds. I think this year he may not be but definitely he is the future of men's skating along with Aren Neilsen, Mark Mitchell, Scott Davis, Alexi Urmanov, and Rudy Galindo. Lynne Subj: STOLEN CREDIT CARDS-email list Date: 93-11-12 22:44:45 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online SKATING MOM is back--my credit cards were stolen so all my accounts were cancelled--there should be some way to put a persons account on temporary hold yet still receive mail if there is a problem with a card!!--also terrinack was spelled wrong on my e mail list--also add pattisk8 and nicole J Subj: Tonya Date: 93-11-13 11:35:07 EST From: Mel D 7 Posted on: America Online I'm not sure if you all go my e-mail, since I didn't have the full list then. I was wondering if any of you wanted to have your name put on a birthday card for Tonya. She's been having a hard time lately, and a couple of us from *P thought it would be a good idea to send Tonya a card wishing her a happy b-day, good luck at nationals, etc. If anyone would like to participate, please let me know. Melissa Subj: Olympic Picks Date: 93-11-13 11:43:36 EST From: Mel D 7 Posted on: America Online Lynne, I personally, am not counting Brian out. I think you are right in your predictions, it should definitely be a fight between Viktor, Kurt, and Brian! Melissa Subj: Dick Button Again Date: 93-11-14 01:31:08 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online Lisa7 and MorryS both have the opinion that Dick Button's comentating is biased towards the skaters that he likes or supports. I'm not disagreeing with this, but it brings up the question, who are Dick Buttons favorites? Kevin Subj: Dick Button Date: 93-11-14 01:39:23 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online Lisa Seven writes: >Morry and all... >I would have liked to have heard that Dick might have >tried a brief routine for Skates of Gold but maybe he >might have had to be reviewed by a commentator >who had at one time been a recipient of some of his >comments. Perhaps this is the reason. >Lynne I guess the topic of the week is Dick Button :-) Anyway, does the guy even prerform anymore? He must be pretty old if he competed in the Olympics in the 1940s. This brings up another question. Who is the oldest performing skater (current and past)? The oldest skater (just a regular guy, not a performer) I know is 77 years old (he's a speed skater). I see him every monday night at the fasion island ice rink in Foster City. He makes the 60 year old guy I know look like a kid. I would consider myself blessed if I could still put on the ol' skates in my late 70s. Kevin Subj: Button's favs Date: 93-11-14 02:00:15 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online HE WORSHIPED LISA MARIE ALLEN--a tall elegant skater who never quite made it and is now doing shows and pro competitions--also Tiffany Chin was one of his favored ones--he loved that man named scott something who skated to rocky--????now who could that have been---^^^^^^^========Louise Subj: Button's Faves Date: 93-11-14 09:05:48 EST From: LauraP1808 Posted on: America Online I thought it was David Santee who skated to Rocky. I do remember Lisa Marie Allen, gee Louise, I must be getting old. I saw her skate not too long ago and she's still beautiful. Laura Subj: e-mail list Date: 93-11-14 10:01:52 EST From: LORICONLEY Posted on: America Online please add me!!!!!!!!!!!! i love this place :) lori Subj: Button Favorites Date: 93-11-14 11:19:52 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Lisa Allen recently skated in an LA Club event. She brought down the house. The event also included Chen Lou and other intenational Stars. It was my pleasue to induct Richard Dwyer into the Hall of Fame at the show. Some of you may be too young remember Richard, but he is a roll model for any skater that is comming up. Nice guys to make it. Subj: Rocky Music Date: 93-11-14 11:26:12 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Laura, You are correct it was David Santee. If you want to see a Button favorite wait for his comments when Elaine Zyack skates and if you want to hear him go negative wait till Todd Eldrige skates. This confrontation started whe Todd first hit the big time and Button wanted to manage him. Todd turned him down. At Worlds in Halifiax after an especially harsh comments Todd in practice landed a triple axel right in front of Button and gave him the Italian peace sign on the runout. The whole US team cheered. Subj: Dick Button Date: 93-11-14 11:59:59 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Kevin.. I don't think Dick performs anymore..I was being sort of sarcastic about his skating in Skates of Gold. I don't know if he even skates at all recreationally. He may have injuries or a health problem that prevents it. I just realized that we don't know a whole lot about what Dick is doing lately which really is a shame considering the man's accomplishments. Maybe someone can update us. Offhand, I can't think of skaters he prefers though at the time when he is doing his commentaries, I can tell if he doesn't like a skater or if he does. The fact that it is so obvious is a distraction. Dick does know his skating and if he could just leave that obvious preference you can pick up on out of what he is saying about a skater, it would be great. I definitely think he is good to have on hand but wish he would sort of take a look at Scott Hamilton's commentaries that are usually very objective and enthusiastic. If a skater doesn't do well, Scotty usually doesn't point it out so harshly. It would be very interesting to know who is still skating on a regular basis of the older skaters. The Protopopovs do but they are the only ones I have seen of their age group. L Subj: Dick Button AGAIN Date: 93-11-14 12:04:46 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Morry and all.. jogged my memory and I do remember how Dick would just literally fall over himself when Elaine would skate. He sometimes will get so enthusiastic over certain skaters..i.e."She's just wonderful, just wonderful.." etc. that it is obvious who he likes and he doesn't as he won't emote much over others. I didn't realize that Dick was managing skaters. Was he managing them when he had the Nutrasweet Pro Championships? Lynne Subj: Yes David Santee Date: 93-11-14 15:54:30 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Dont Know why I thought his name was Scott!! It was David Santee--I think his brother or something like that used to write on Prodigy-- Subj: CENTRALS 1994 Date: 93-11-14 15:57:21 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Already looking towards next year--Our club The Palomares Figure Skating club of Redwood City has been awarded the Central Pacific regional for next year--guess that means no hotel, airplane, or travel for Dan and Kristina next year!! And home ice advantage too--I am going to be chairperson of part of it so will let you all know whats going on!!--Really excited about Coast Week of Dec 5-11---I shall be announcing many of the events--it is a shame Brian wont be there for us!! Louise Subj: Olympic Prediction Date: 93-11-14 20:44:35 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online Here are my Olynpic predictions, which change about every other day... MEN... 1. Kurt Browning 2. Brian Boitano 3. Elvis Stojko 4. Alexei Urmanov 5. Philippe Candeloro WOMEN...1. Oksana Bayul 2. Surya Bonaly 3. Nancy Kerrigan 4. Lu Chen 5. Josee Chouinard PAIRS...1. Gordeeva & Grinkov 2. Mishkutenok & Dmitriev 3. Brasseur & Eisler DANCE...1. Usova & Zhulin 2. Torvil & Dean 3. Not sure yet Subj: TV commentary Date: 93-11-15 03:21:25 EST From: RickN11015 Posted on: America Online Dick Button has often seemed to me to be a bitter, cyncical old man. I like Scott Hamilton's commentary. He watches the skaters in practice, and knows what he's talking about. He's honest about mistakes, but gets excited when they do something well. Barbara Underhill and Paul Martini (did I get their names right?) are also good commentators. -- Rick (RickN11015) Subj: Email list Date: 93-11-15 03:27:59 EST From: RickN11015 Posted on: America Online My screen name was mis-spelled on Louise's e-mail list: it's RickN11015 (why couldn't I have picked something simple?), not Ricken11015 (that is, no "e"). There's probably a better way of getting this information to everyone, but I'm still learning my way around AOL. I appreciate being on the e-mail list--I'm a "fan", not a skater, so I don't write a lot. Rick (RickN11015) Subj: e-mail list Date: 93-11-15 12:14:25 EST From: TeresaM106 Posted on: America Online Could you add me to the e-mail list. I'm not a skater, just a fan. At least not yet. We're moving and our new home area has a rink. First time every we've lived within 70 miles of an ice rink! I'm a writer and have published some poetry and a short story or two. What excites me most is that I just finished my first novel. A romantic suspense set in--where else--figure skating! It's nail-biting time, though, because a synopsis and first three chapters are in the hands of an agent. Teresa Subj: Novel Date: 93-11-15 12:34:51 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Teresa: Good luck on your novel!! I'm sure there are many of us out here who would be very interested in reading it! Where are you moving? No trouble finding ice here in the SF Bay Area; there is a new ice rink opening very soon in Fremont. Kristi Yamaguchi is a major investor, and I have the impression will be quite active in managing the rink. At least the paper says she has an office there. Connie (a mom of a competitive roller skater.) Subj: Predictions--Revised Date: 93-11-15 14:00:59 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online When I made my predictions yesterday, I forgot Viktor Petrenko. How could I? I'm so ashamed of myself! I think he'll get a medal. Right now, I think he'll get the silver, but the gold is not out of his reach. It all depends. Subj: Fawning commentators Date: 93-11-15 16:00:35 EST From: NicoleJ Posted on: America Online Hi all, I have a tape of the 1990 worlds ladies short program where Toller Cranston just ogles and verbally drools all over Jill Trenary. Jill is gorgeous but, what does that have to do with her landing jumps. I'm glad he's hasnt been commentating the pros lately. Nicki Subj: Olympic Hopes Date: 93-11-16 16:30:26 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online I have an idea; we've talked about who we think is going to win, and why. Now let's talk about who we WANT to win! Example: MEN'S 1.Mark Mitchell 2.Kurt Browning 3.Elvis Stojko 4.Viktor Petrenko 5.Brian Boitano WOMEN'S 1.Nancy Kerrigan 2.Josee Chouinard(did I spell that wrong? Sorry.) 3.Oksana Bayul 4.Tonya Harding-Gillooly 5.Surya Bonaly PAIRS 1.Brasseur/Eisler 2.??????????? 3.??????????? DANCE No idea! I'm dance-illiterate. It so much harder to "get" than freestyle -Patti Subj: dream picks Date: 93-11-16 18:50:34 EST From: LORICONLEY Posted on: America Online Hear are my dream picks for the Olympics men's 1. Brian Boitano 2. Kurt Browning 3. Mark Mitchell 4. Elvis Stoiko women's 1. Nancy Kerrigan 2. Tonya Harding 3. Josee 4. Surya Subj: USOC '93 Athlete of Yr. Date: 93-11-16 21:35:48 EST From: OlympicFan Posted on: America Online Nominees from figure skating for USOC Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year are Jenni Meno and Todd Sand. One man and one woman from each sport is eligible for the award which will be announced 1/11/94 Subj: Dick Button Date: 93-11-17 16:07:13 EST From: SERNDIP897 Posted on: America Online I read in a People magazine article two years ago that Dick was busy tending to his newly aquired farm in New Salem, New York (10 miles from where I reside). He was shown with a baby goat named Knickerbocker. I have yet to see him around town grocery shopping, etc. I hope I do someday. Subj: Pro Am in Philly Date: 93-11-17 18:47:25 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Mark Mitchell has withdrawn and been replaced by Todd Eldredge. RosalynnSumners has withdrawn and been replaced by Nicole Bobek. Hope this is the end of withdrawals. It is driving our organizing Committe nuts. Subj: Philly pro-am withdrawals Date: 93-11-17 21:53:25 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Morry --- it's driving me nuts too! I spend all this $ for tickets and now I hear first no Mark Mitchell and NOW no Rosalyn Sumners! grrrr......... JLP Subj: e-mail list Date: 93-11-17 23:26:16 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Louise and all - Sorry I haven't been around in the longest time. My work schedule is at about 60 hours a week now, and it'll only get worse as Christmas is closer, so sorry I haven't been on the boards lately. I was just catchin up on some old notes and wanted to mention that in a note about the e-mail lists, I was listed as leann1, but it's LeeAnn1. Thanks, Lee :D Subj: Pro-Am Date: 93-11-18 12:00:05 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online My advice to anyone going to a Pro-Am is to wait as long as possible to buy the tickets. Withdrawals are quite commonsince none of the skaters are required to enter the event vs. Nationals and Skate America. Long range we are working on a proposal to include Foreign Skaters in the Pro-Am. That cannot take place until next year, however because we must convince the ISU to let us do it. They are a real pain to us. Subj: Mark Mitchell Date: 93-11-18 16:01:35 EST From: TeresaM106 Posted on: America Online Any idea why Mark withdrew from the Pro-Am? I didn't get the Skate America broadcast--pre-empted by two back to back episodes of Simon and Simon--but I understand Todd Eldredge looks really good. Does anyone have any thoughts on the broadcast of Skate America? I'd appreciate any opinions, because I live in a place where the big winter sport is Football!!! No ice! :( What do you think that the effect on Mark and how the judges perceive him the withdrawal will have. I remember someone mentioning that Mark was disappointed in his showing in Skate Canada. Has anyone heard why? Did he pop a few jumps? Teresa, the left out of network loop in SC Subj: No Mark?)-8 Date: 93-11-18 16:46:29 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online I'm really glad that I didn't try to convince my mom to let me go! Only one of my favorite skater will be there now-two, if Caryn Kadavy is competing. Oh, and with Nacy it makes 3. But still, I wanted to see Mark skate more! Pout, pout.[g] -Patti Subj: Pro-Am Date: 93-11-18 18:00:13 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Morry -- If I wait to buy tickets, then I won't get good seats. Dick Button's competition in Landover is an example -- I called the FIRST day tickets were on sale, which was in APRIL for a December competition, and I'm still in the TWELFTH row, and on the end! If I had waited until they got around to actually announcing who was gonna compete in the darn thing, I'd be watching from Row ZZ through a telescope, or maybe even from out in the parking lot. I don't see any too well, and good seats are important to me. I'm sure I will enjoy myself no matter who ends up competing -- it's skating, after all. JLP Subj: Philly pro Am Date: 93-11-18 20:51:04 EST From: MarySdncer Posted on: America Online Janet , I just know you will enjoy the Pro Am and We're looking forward to your report . It's only a few weeks away. I'll be in Az. wishing I was skiing instead . Mary Subj: re: Button's favs Date: 93-11-19 01:55:01 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online SKATINGMOM writes: >HE WORSHIPED LISA MARIE ALLEN So do I! Her skating isn't too bad, either! Kevin Anderson P.S. I saw her in a show about a week ago. She is still beautiful. Subj: re: Buttons Favorites Date: 93-11-19 01:58:18 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online MorryS writes: > It was my pleasue to induct Richard Dwyer into the Hall of > Fame at the show. Some of you may be too young remember > Richard, but he is a roll model for any skater that is comming > up. Nice guys to make it What Hall of Fame? Is there a skating hall of fame? Where is it? Kevin Anderson . Subj: Dan and Kristina pass tests Date: 93-11-19 02:04:42 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Today Dan took a bronze dance HoeDown and amazingly for the first time the judges did not complain about his knees--HE USED THEM!!!--Kristina took three preliminaries and one pre bronze and passed all of them with flying colors--the judges loved her extensions and skating--Now she is qualified to compete after only 8 weeks of dance--amazing what a 9 year old can do when she wants to!!!--They were both very excited--It was very cute after Kristina passed her dances Dan gave her a silver necklace with skates and said she should wear it for luck when they compete--all together now AAHHHHHHH--His daddy taught him right---Louise--- Subj: Stars on Ice Date: 93-11-19 02:05:07 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online Tickets just went on sale here in the Bay Area for Discover Cards Stars on Ice. I managed to get a ticket in the fourth row at the San Jose Arena. It looks like a lot of the most popular skaters who didn't reinstate for the Olympics are going to be in it. In particular, Kristi Yamaguchi, Scott Hamilton (my favorite skater), and Paul Wylie. A great line up! Kevin Subj: Mark Date: 93-11-19 10:18:56 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Mark is training in Italy and did not want to run back and forth across the Atlantic. He has a real problem with Jet Lag. I know that to be true since I have been a team leader for some of his events. Judges will not think or be affected by his decision. Subj: Hall of Fame Date: 93-11-19 10:27:21 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online The Hall of Fame is in the USFSA Museum at the Colorado Springs Headquarters. It is a great exhibition taking up two floors. It it are the Championship costumes of many of the most famous skaters ever. There are rare books, and medals of past and present Champions. One of the most priceless is the section devoted to Sonja Hinie. In addtion to all the artifact there is a large film library. When you see past performances of Skaters on TV, especially older ones they usually come from the USFSA Museum. The Museum is open to everyone from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday thru Friday. Subj: Dan Date: 93-11-19 10:29:26 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Congratulations on the Hoedown. Now forget it. The Howdown is one of the worst dances ever invented. Unfortunatly we now have the darn thing in Competition. Subj: Reinstatement Date: 93-11-19 10:32:39 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Don't forget, Scott did reinstate. He does not choose to skate in competitions held for elegible skaters. There are other benifits for skaters to be reinstated other than a chance at the Olympics. Scott will very likley be a member of the Olympic Committee in the not too distant future. Subj: Reinstatement Date: 93-11-19 11:05:03 EST From: LauraP1808 Posted on: America Online Morry, Scott could also JUDGE, couldn't he? Somehow I don't picture him doing that though. Thanks for mentioning Mark's "jet lag" problem, I was just about to do that. Personally, I think he's better off staying with Carlo as long as he can,don't you? Whether or not he skates in the PRO AM shouldn't have any bearing upon the outcome of Nationals. Later-Laura Subj: Scott Hamilton Date: 93-11-19 11:38:02 EST From: MarySdncer Posted on: America Online Morry, Scott is a great skater and a wonderful guy. When I started skating he was training at CIA . He comes into Denver quite often and we get to see him . Congratulations on the Hoe Down . Glad I didn't have to take that!! Mary Subj: Dan Date: 93-11-19 11:41:08 EST From: MarySdncer Posted on: America Online Congratulations on passing the Hoe Down. Dan!! The way I wrote the last note it looked like I was congratulating Morry?? Just had to correct this. Mary Subj: Stars on Ice in Cinci Date: 93-11-19 18:22:57 EST From: TerriNack Posted on: America Online For those of you in the Cincinnati area, I just found out tickets for Stars on Ice go on sale December 13th at select-a-seat or at the Coliseum. The performance is Jan. 27--I can't wait! -Terri Subj: stars on ice Date: 93-11-19 19:10:23 EST From: LORICONLEY Posted on: America Online anyone have any idea when Stars on Ice comes to Cleveland or pittsburgh area? info appreciated!!!!! Subj: Stars on ICe Date: 93-11-19 20:56:30 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online According to Blades Magazine, Stars on Ice will be in Cleveland on 1/26 at Richfield Coliseum and in Pittsburgh on 1/29 at the Civic Center. We plan to attend the Chicago area show on 1/21 at the Rosemont Horizon (Our parents skating group is organizing a trip down.) Marge Subj: Scott as a Judge Date: 93-11-19 23:11:20 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Yes, Scott can judge if he takes training and does some trial judging. We would love to have him do just that. However, Scott want to do anyting he tackles well and says he cannot devote enough time to become a sharp judge. My own feeling is that he would be one of the best from the start. Subj: Mary, Morry and the Hoedown Date: 93-11-19 23:14:26 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Fortunately the dance was not around when I took my dance tests. I was stuck with the European Waltz for 3 years since it started as a Bronze Dance and moved to Silver when I did. Subj: stars on ice Date: 93-11-20 14:34:36 EST From: LORICONLEY Posted on: America Online marge thanks for the info. i must have tickets!!!!!!!!!!! Subj: Letterman Article from *P Date: 93-11-20 16:04:26 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Check in the Olympic folder here in the Winter Sports BB for an article for an article from *P about how CBS will show Letterman THEN the Olympic late night report during the 1994 Olympics. Subj: European Waltz Date: 93-11-20 18:31:55 EST From: E Dunkel Posted on: America Online The Euro? That was one of my "favorites," too....(yeah, okay, not really). -Ellen Subj: Hall of Fame Date: 93-11-21 00:54:37 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online Thanks for the info on the skating museum in CO. I'll be sure to check it out if I'm ever in the area. The film library sounds very interesting to me. Awhile ago I was asking around on internet if anybody knew if any of Sonja Henie's movies were out on video and the consensus seemed to be no. I'm really interested in seeing what the "old time" skating looked like (particularly the first quarter of this century). I'm sure it was quite different than it is now. Kevin Anderson Subj: TV Reminder Date: 93-11-21 11:06:42 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online Just a reminder: Skate America will be on at 3pm CT 4pm ET today on ABC and next Saturday at 1pm CT 2pm ET Skate Canada will be on CBS. For other time zones check your local TV listings. Marge Subj: Euro. Waltz Date: 93-11-21 11:24:30 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Why turn the 3 on 3? Everyone knows that the 3 should be on 4 like in the American Waltz.. But, then I had a tin ear anyway when competition time came around. Subj: Sonja Henie on Video Date: 93-11-21 18:05:45 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online Kevin- One film of Sonja's - Sun Valley Serenade - IS available on video - check the musical section of your local store/rental emporium. It's one of her better films. You can also often see One In A Million, Everything Happens At Night and Thin Ice on American Movie Classics. Subj: Skate Am TV coverage Date: 93-11-21 18:07:11 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online Did it bother anyone else when Julie Moran mentioned that six of the judges from WOrlds last year when Roca & Sur placed 11th had been suspended? She made it sound like they were suspended for not placed Roca & Sur in the top ten! Also no mention that those judges were reinstated. COmmentary....gotta love it..... Subj: Skate America Date: 93-11-21 22:09:06 EST From: LauraP1808 Posted on: America Online Julie, I heard that comment too and that's what it sounded like to me. I thought Brian Boitano looked VERY good, and even though his program isn't 100% yet, if his knee holds out, I think he'll be a force to reckon with. My son, however, thinks he should wear different pants. He did NOT like the brown ones at all.[g] Laura Subj: Skate America Date: 93-11-21 23:37:26 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online Laura- I agree with Matthew on Brian's pants. I think if Brian is going to wear pants, they should be PANTS and not TIGHTS - those were just tights with flared legs. Lewd, laviscious and offensive to children & Christians....:) Julie Subj: Nations Cup Date: 93-11-22 01:31:04 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online Janet: Thank you for the results from Lalique and Nations Cup. Much appreciated. At Nations Cup, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Tanja Szewczenko from Germany won the Woman's first place. I do note that you mention that Oksana two-footed a lot of her jumps, but even if Tanja wan because of Oksana's mistakes, I find it also interesting that the first time that Oksana has been bested this season it was by someone her own age. And was that a Russian skating for Japan? The Pair that came in fourth, Yukiko Kawasaki and Alexei Tikhonov? Or does anyone know that? Subj: Skate America Date: 93-11-22 10:43:03 EST From: LauraP1808 Posted on: America Online ALL:Please note that Julie's "lewd,lascivious[sp] comment" was a quote from someone who was sitting next to her at a recent competition she attended. Loved the dance couple from France, whose names I can never spell without looking them up and also thought that Rene and Gorsha looked much better than the last time I saw them. Any scoop on whether he will get his citizenship in time? Laura Subj: Skate America Date: 93-11-22 10:44:54 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Hi All: We just caught the last half of Skate America yesterday. We saw the Russian Pairs team that won. I can't remember their names, much less spell it! The comment I would like to make is on thier costumes. One of the worst, I feel. She had that nude wrapped around her body and he had those ruffels on the shoulders of his tux, and what looked like attepmt to make a flower on his lappel. I think the idea of a tux and ballroom type dress was good for their program, but I'm afraid the designer's desire to be innovative failed miserably. On another note, have you noticed that the pairs teams seem to be doing some lift combinations? At least more than I can ever recall seeing. Roller pairs have been doing lift combinations for years and the men spin very fast. It's exciting to watch. I have a feeling that ice pairs may be doing this more and more. It can't help but to add some extra power to this part of the discipline. Connie Subj: Landover seating. Date: 93-11-22 16:37:29 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Janet, I know what you mean! My mom bought the tickets at the darn thing, and we have our seats in Row N! Where are yours? Ours are in the area near to where they come out to skate...didn't you have your husband call for you? Sheesh. Remind me to bring the cellular phone to Landover, so I can buy tickets to Campbell's![g] -Patti PS-It's not much fun to sit in Nosebleed Territory. That's where I sat last year-Paul Wylie looked like a little brown-haired flea![g] The pictures didn't come out, either...[g] The $15 extra is worth it! Subj: Ahhhhhhh...[g] Date: 93-11-22 16:41:04 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Louise, Dan sounds so cute![g] Wish there had been guys like that when I was his age! Actually, I still wish there were! Does he have an older brother?[g] -Patti Congratulations to Dan and Kristina! Subj: Brian's Tights Date: 93-11-22 16:49:28 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Julie, I really don't see why they would be offenisve to Christians alone...maybe I should pay more attention in Sunday School? I don't like them either. It's sort of like those REALLY tiny swimsuits that male competitive swimmers wear. Very revealing....[g] -Patti Subj: Problem logging on Date: 93-11-22 22:51:00 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Am I the only one have trouble logging on. It took me exactly 10 miniutes to get to this point. First nothing would have after the checking password notice. After cancling and retrying 5 times I finally got on. It took another 2 miniutes to get to the BB and just as I started to type this bitch the Network News came on and I had to stop to make that go away. AOL is great when it works. Subj: Julie Date: 93-11-22 22:53:22 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online She has been well trained by Dick Button. We from the USFSA have lodged a loud protest to ABC on her comments. Subj: Brian Date: 93-11-22 22:55:04 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Brian is too old and too large to dress like a Leprochan. Subj: Japanese Russians Date: 93-11-22 22:59:35 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online There are a lot of Russians from eastern Russia that are of Japanese decent as well a Korean and Chinese. On Sakalin Island in Russia most of the people I have met are Japanese or Mongolian Subj: Citizenship Date: 93-11-22 23:00:52 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Will call tomorrow and see what Gorsh says. Subj: Brian's tights Date: 93-11-23 15:29:13 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online Brian's tights aren't that bad. Ballet dancers wear skimpier ones. Besides, Brian's got nice legs. Why not show 'em off? I do think he looks better in pants that aren't so tight, but what he wore at Skate America certainly did not offend my eyes. --------Jen Subj: Nation's Cup Date: 93-11-23 15:34:25 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online I wish they'd show the Nation's Cup on TV. I haven't seen Tanja skate since last year at Skate America. She's young, and at her age, one year can make a big difference. As for Oksana, she probably wasn't having a good day. You can't win 'em all. The Chicago Bulls didn't win every game last season, but they were still the world champs. Besides, a silver medal's not bad. Lots of skaters would be thrilled to get one. Coming in 2nd is lots better than coming in 10th or 15th. --Jen Subj: Skate America Date: 93-11-23 15:36:02 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online One big gripe I have about the Skate America coverage is this--Why didn't they show Punsalan & Swallow? --Jen Subj: Gorsha Sur, Citizenship Date: 93-11-23 20:01:39 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Last week Gorsha testified before the House Judiciary Subcommitte asking that his application for Citizenship be expidited. The Committee voted unanimously for action that will accelerate his case. The recommendation must now be voted upon by the full Committee and then the House and Senate. It must be done before they go into recess or it is all over for this year. Hope you all will pray the the polititians get to the citizenship issue. Subj: Mark and Jet Lag Date: 93-11-23 21:13:21 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online All - Since Mark has such a problem with jet lag, wouldn't it be a good idea for him to come and skate in the Pro-Am and stay in the US for Nationals so he won't have a problem with it then? Just wondering. Lee :) Subj: Mark & Jet Lag Date: 93-11-23 23:22:07 EST From: JulieD3964 Posted on: America Online LeeAnn- BUT, if Mark were to come back to the States and do the ProAm, he'd miss out on a lot of valuable training time if he did NOT return to Italy. And, if he did do the Pro-Am and went back to Italy, he'd be fighting the jet lag for much of the time he would have been training. I think he made the right decision in withdrawing from the Pro-Am. Julie Subj: Skate America Date: 93-11-24 00:29:52 EST From: EdRussell3 Posted on: America Online Oksana, although she did all right at Skate America was clearly not up to par with what she had done at Worlds. Neither was Surya. The pressure is clearly on both of these Ladies now to perform at each and every competition. If they don't know how to handle it, any loss can be significant - especially if they fully expected to win. On the other hand - it appears that Nancy K. has had some changes. Apparently she can now make mistakes and go on and skate the remainder of her program. Hopefully she keeps that attitude up. Re: Skate America and Boitano's spread eagle - triple lutz. On camera, it was very easy to see that it was a triple lutz. I'm not sure why I had trouble immediately identifying it from row "L", perhaps a part of it was hidden by the boards???? Oh well.... Re: Ice Dancing on TV. Definitely loses something. I think at the very least they should pull the camera back. Part of the dance comes from the flow and the use of the ice. If they are in as close as they get for freestyle - you can see the technical part - but you definitely miss the feel of the dance. The French couple was so clearly superior to the others it wasn't even a real contest. Subj: Skate America Date: 93-11-24 12:27:11 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online Ed-- Yes, I agree that Surya and Oksana are going to be under a lot of pressure this year. Neither of them skated perfectly at Skate America, but it's early in the season. Hardly anyone skates perfectly this time of year. I just hope that the pressure doesn't get to them. They're both so young. Remember Midori Ito in 1992? There was so much pressure on her! I don't want to see the same thing happen to any of the young skaters in this Olympics. --Jen Subj: Happy Thanksgiving! Date: 93-11-24 15:50:40 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Even though it's not until tomorow, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much turkey, and be sure to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade![g] -Patti PS-Is there a forum tomorrow? Subj: Tonya Harding , Rosalin Sumner Date: 93-11-24 16:50:51 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Sorry to report that Barbara Flowers, the choriogerpher for both Tonya and Rosalin died yesterday of Cancer. She was a nice Lady. I got to know her when she was with Tonya at the Albertville Olympics. Both skaters are terribly upset over Barbara's death. Subj: Gorsha Date: 93-11-24 20:35:27 EST From: MarySdncer Posted on: America Online I will be praying that Gorsha gets the necessary approval.My new grandchildren(Russian ) will automatically become citizens in 6 mos. Very sorry to hear about Barbara. Mary Subj: Gorsha's Citizenship Date: 93-11-24 21:57:01 EST From: Linda8894 Posted on: America Online Morry, I have been praying for all to go well with Gorsha since I met him at Nationals last year. I have called our Congressmen and Senators to voice my opinion on the issue as well. My prayers are with him and my fingers are crossed. Linda Subj: Thanksgiving! Date: 93-11-25 17:14:45 EST From: Gienafer L Posted on: America Online I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to y'all! I'll try to make it to the Forum later tonight. --Jen Subj: World Junior Figure Skating Chps Date: 93-11-26 14:24:00 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Practice starts today in Colorado Springs for the Jr World Championships. The first event will be tomorrow. There are 40 countries entered so there will be elemination rounds all this week. The finals will be next week. If any of you happen to be there please look me up. I will arrive on the 1st. RGDS- Morry Subj: Hamilton vs. Button Date: 93-11-26 22:16:28 EST From: MaryAnnCat Posted on: America Online I have followed skating for a long time as a spectator and learned an awful lot about the technical aspects from listening to Dick Button. In my opinion, he is much more honest about the quality of skating for all skaters than is Scott Hamilton. I have heard Scott rave about a jump that was not centered, had a poor landing, and no flow out. If complimenting everything is good commenting, he's great. There have been many times when his positive comments have been so ludicrous that my daughter and I have to laugh out loud! It seems to me that Dick Button is much more concerned about the proper technique on all that goes into skating than almost anyone else I have seen. I appreciate that and I cannot imagine why a skater would not want to hear how he/she can improve as well as what he/she did right. MaryAnnCat Subj: Gorsha Citizenship Date: 93-11-26 22:25:44 EST From: MaryAnnCat Posted on: America Online I am another who is hoping that Gorsha can compete for the U.S. Realistically, though, after last year, do they have any kind of chance? Note to Linda8894 (wherever you are), hope things go well for you this year! MaryAnnCat Subj: Dick Button Date: 93-11-26 23:59:07 EST From: Sterling22 Posted on: America Online Was it just me or was Dick Button practically drooling over Brian last week (on the coverage of skate america). By the way, i think Brian looks great in tights, but not the orange ones. He looks like an orange tree frog (th eblack ones look best). Subj: SKATE CANADA Date: 93-11-27 16:56:12 EST From: TeresaM106 Posted on: America Online I'm so upset! Our local CBS affiliate decided they'd rather show a football game today instead of the network's coverage of Skate Canada! I'd be thrilled to hear anyone and everyone's impressions of the skating! I'm desperate! I wanna know how Mark Mitchell and Kurt Browning skated! This is the third time this season one or another of the local affiliates have done this!!! Looks like I'm going to have to move back to the north to get decent figure skating coverage. Course, we'll be moving sometime early next year, anyway. Just pray it isn't during nationals, Olympics or Worlds. Just my luck. Teresa in SC, desperate for figure skating Subj: Skate Candada, Pairs Date: 93-11-27 17:57:02 EST From: MorryS Posted on: America Online Just saw Gordieva and Grinkov do the long program at Skate Canda.. If they skate that program that well at Olympics we only need speculate on which team will be second. As a Judges the Skate Canada performance was the best Pairs Long program I have ever seen. Don't usually go out on a limb like this but the progam gave me chills it was so awsome. Subj: Skate Canada Date: 93-11-27 18:29:10 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Teresa -- if you will look under the results category, I posted complete results for Skate Canada a couple of weeks ago. They didn't show much of the actual competition on CBS. Just Browning's technical and long programs, G&G's long program, and about 4 seconds of Chen Lu's long program. JLP Subj: Skate Canada Date: 93-11-27 19:25:45 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online For once I was home and able to watch some skating, sat down to watch an hour or so of Skate Canada and we only got to see about three programs. It was mostly speed skating. Bummer! I was hoping to see Mark skate. When does he skate again? Connie I did enjoy what I did get to see though! (-8 Morry, I agree with you. G&G skated beautifully. Kurt looked rusty, and Oksana looks as though the pressure is really getting to her. Perhaps she's lost some of that hunger that seemed to drive her at worlds. Subj: Dick Button/Brian Date: 93-11-27 23:46:50 EST From: Linda8894 Posted on: America Online Dick Button always drools over Brian, especially when it comes to the triple lutz, triple salchow and sprread eagle. I keep telling myself that it is because he thinks Brian is a skater's skater and he appreciates his technical excellence. BTW I think the tights fit the programs in which he wears them - they fit Pavarotti and Carousel very well among others. A classical skater should wear classical costumes. Linda Subj: Pairs - MorryS Date: 93-11-27 23:50:10 EST From: Linda8894 Posted on: America Online Morry, I agree with you totally, Gordeeva and Grinkov were awe inspiring. Their costumes, artistry, athleticism and interpretation were supurb and will be a hard act to beat . they are a pleasure to watch and I am so glad I was able to do so today. Linda Subj: Brain & Button vs Hamilton Date: 93-11-28 00:30:23 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online I don't have any problems with Boitano wearing tights although I would never wear them myself skating. If I want somebody to know what religion I am, I'll tell them :-) Seriously, I think they distract from his performance (as evidenced by all the talk on the subject) and I think he should get something else. I think the difference between Button and Hamilton's commenting style is that Button comes at it from a coaches point of view, while Hamilton approaches it from a fans point of view. Both techniques are valid, they're just different. Kevin Anderson Subj: Lake Arrowhead Date: 93-11-28 01:01:43 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online I just got back from skating at the two rinks at Lake Arrowhead in Southern California. For those of you who don't know (which is probably most of you), there is a semi-outdoor public rink and a private international training rink at about the 5000 foot level up in the San Bernadino mountains. It's absolutely gorgeous up there. The training rink is used by a lot of well known skaters. The training rink was pretty neat. They only let a maximum of 25 skaters on the ice at a time. There are no boards (you just step onto the ice from any direction), and there is a big mirror at one end (I was afraid to jump at that end because I was afraid I would be looking at myself while I jumped which would probably have caused me to kill myself) I was kind of proud of myself that an old geezer like me could keep up with most of the kids out on the ice :-) . This time of year there are mostly only the year-round serious skaters down there (the ones who move there just to train) and the caliber of skaters was pretty impressive. Michelle Kwan's sister was there (Michelle was at the morning session). Sorry I can't report on her since I was too busy out on the ice to pay attention to what the others were doing (If you turn your head for 1 second somebody would cream you). There was also a Peter SomeThing-Guuard(?). Somebody told me he won a medal at worlds or the Olympics awhile ago in dance. I thought it strange that he was teaching freestyle if he was an ice dancer. Anyways, I highly recommend a trip over there for anyone in this group who ever visits So. Cal. The area is absolutely beautiful. There are a few chairs in the private rink for spectators if you just want to watch for awhile. I wouldn't reccomend skating yourself unless you're pretty strong in at least your doubles. They do, or so I've been told, have a summer skating camp type set up (with cabins, bad food, the works) during the summer for all levels. I had an absolutely wonderful time and I'm sure most of you would too. Kevin Anderson P.S. What are some of the other great rinks out there for skating or meeting famous skaters (besides the Broadmoor and the Olympic training rink in NY)? I'd like to hear about them and if I'm ever in the area visit them. Subj: Love these boards Date: 93-11-28 01:08:24 EST From: Mothra Posted on: America Online Okay.. I confess.. I'm totally addicted to these skating folders! I have a couple of questions which perhaps y'all can help me with. I was just given a pair of skates from my aunt in Japan, which is perfect since I have wide Japanese feet and find it torture to wear the rental skates from a rink. Now, my question is: 1) Does anyone know of a rink in the Bay Area where I can go to learn how to do good things with skating? I can skate and took lessons when I was younger, but I feel kinda insecure about being this big adult skating among a buncha talented kids. 2) What kinda exercises can help one to have a good skating "body" ie., good legs etc. While I cannot possibly skate everyday, I'd like to maintain some sort of nice exercise program that would help make easier the times I do skate. Anyway, those are my questions :D I love to watch ice skating, too. Anna Subj: Bay Area Skating Rinks Date: 93-11-28 09:08:44 EST From: CKSutcliff Posted on: America Online Gee, Anna, there are quite a few rinks in the Bay Area. There's one in Redwood City, the one in Dublin where Boitano trained, the HUGE Iceland in Berkeley, there's the one at the shopping mall at Fashion Island in San Mateo and then there is a brand new rink (an Ice O Plex) in Fremont (off Stevenson, I think) which is the one that Kristi Yamaguchi has invested in. I also believe there's one is San Jose. Your best bet is to choose one that is located conveniently and call to find out what they have for adults. Connie Subj: Lake Arrowhead Date: 93-11-28 10:06:34 EST From: LauraP1808 Posted on: America Online Axel 9[Kevin], The "GUARD" person you mentioned must be Peter Oppegard. Did you happen to see him coaching any pair teams?I'm happy that you enjoyed yourself out there, it certainly is a beautiful and well known training facility. And, this may come as a surprise to you, but most of the people I know on this board DO know about it. In fact, some here have been there in one capacity of another[g]. Would you like to train there in the summer? Laura Subj: Skate Canada Pairs Date: 93-11-28 10:14:04 EST From: LauraP1808 Posted on: America Online The set up of this board drives me crazy!!!! You're right Morry, they were outstanding. IMHO, nobody will ever catch them, even if they're having a bad day[g]. I wouldn't worry about going out on a limb and stating that,,, I don't think their superiority in pairs can be denied. Laura Subj: Lake Arrowhead/Other Rinks Date: 93-11-28 17:04:31 EST From: JL Pooley Posted on: America Online Kevin -- that sounds like it was Peter Oppegard, who won the bronze medal at the '88 Olympics in pairs, not dance, with Jill Watson. He coaches now. Best rink I've personally seen for meeting people is the one at the Sun Valley resort in Idaho. They have shows every weekend throughout the summer, with a different headliner each week (I saw the Duchesnays), plus which, skaters like Gary Beacom or Linda Fratianne are there on and off for most of the summer. It's an outdoor rink with bleachers on it, and you can wander by and watch the skaters practice and then go skating yourself. The day I skated it was very cold and disgusting weather, so I practically had the rink to myself. JLP Subj: Figure Skating Contest Date: 93-11-29 00:26:26 EST From: LeeAnn 1 Posted on: America Online Hi All - A figure skating contest has been approved. The idea is to correctly guess who will be the first through fourth place finishers at the US nationals. Not who you want to win most, but who you think will win. More details will be posted later, but start thinking up your answers. Talk to you later, Lee :D Subj: Brian Boitano Article Date: 93-11-29 01:16:35 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online I just found out somebody already posted this article on the email net, but since I just spent a long time typing it, I thought I'd post it here anyways. The following article was in the San Fransisco Chronicle in the sports section on 11/27/93. I thought I'd pass it along for all of you Boitano-philes out there: Boitano Is Content Away From Jet Set by C.W. Nevius Lately Brian Boitano has been doing a publicity tour for Visa, which is providing money for Olymoic development. That means he he's been interviewed by all manner of reporters, many of whom don't know Boitano the Olympic champion from Brian the pizza delivery man. "So," one interviewer began, "you won you gold medal in...skiing?" Close. It was the Winter Olympics, and he did slide across a frozen surface with attachments hooked to his boots. But it was skating, not skiing, in which Boitano won his 1988 gold medal. Another interviewer wanted to know if he'd considered putting on an ice show "like Dorothy Hamill." "Oh," Boitano said, his eyebrows rising in irony, "Good idea." In fact, Boitano was one of the first to create and produce his own show. He toured with Katarina Witt, the two-time gold medalist in women's singles, for three years. A third wondered if the Winter Olympics had been moved to off-years from the summer games to give the event "an identity of its own." "An identity of its own?" Boitano asked. "Actually, if I'm not mistaken, the winter Olympics have the higher television ratings." So much for immortal fame. When Boitano won the "Battle of the Brians," defeating local favorite Brian Orser at the Calgary games, he was an international superstar. Now he's out of the jet set and back to the drafty, ramshackle Belmont ice rink (me: I skate there sometimes but I've never seen him there) where he joinged Linda Lever's skating class as an 8 year old. All of which is just fine with Boitano. He could practice somewhere else, but he likes the old barn (me: that's being nice to the place :-) ) Lever always has been his coach, from double-runners to Olympic gold. And besides, Boitano is perfectly content with his place in history. Among skaters, he'll never be forgotten. He didn't invent a unique jump (me: apparantly the author never heard of the 'Tano triple lutz) or move on the ice, but he changed the sport forever. He refers to it as "the so-called Boitano rule," but the modesty is pointless. He's linked with the most dramatic change in the amateur rules since skaters were allowed to leap in the air during competition. When Boitano, a professional, challenged the right of the International Olympic Committee to ban him from the "amateur" games, the official body folded up like a card table. From now on, anything goes. "I don't need to turn professional again," Boitano says. "I can do anything. When someone like (amateur) Kurt Browning gets $50,000 (me: yikes!) for the goodwill games, you know you can do anything." The odd part of the change in the rules is how few skaters have elected to take advantage of it. Fremont's Kristi Yamaguchi, the 1992 Olympic gold medalist and darling of Albertville, has announced that she will stay with "Stars on Ice," rather than make another attempt at the gold in February in Lillehammer, Norway. Paul Wylie, the silver medalist in Albertville, also is sticking with the ice show. Instead, it is the class of '88 that is stepping up. Boitano is in training; Witt is working hard, and even 1984 ice-dancing sensations Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean are plotting an Olympic comeback. Of that that group, however, it is the steady Boitano who looks like the best shot. The irony is, now that he's got everyone's attention again, he still can't get them to ask the right questions. "They want to hear that I live to beat (1992 bronze medalist) Kurt Browning or (gold medalist) Viktor Petrenko," Boitano says. "That Subj: Boitano article Date: 93-11-29 01:17:54 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online Oops! The last quarter of the article I just posted got cut off. I anyone wants the rest of it let me know Subj: Barbara Flowers-Tonya & Rosylyn Date: 93-11-29 11:24:06 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online For the first time in weeks the newpaper here did have news on skating and when they did it was to report the sad death of Barbara. At least they did report it as I wouldn't have known about it until I read the bb here. Barbara is originally from Lafayette...a town about 50 miles from me where I do alot of work. It has alot of creative people being the center of the Cajun culture. I don't like this state but if I had to live in it much longer, I hope it is in Lafayette. lynne Subj: Lake Arrowhead Date: 93-11-29 11:31:16 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Kevin and all.. Yes, I have heard how beautiful the rinks are there and when I get out to Southern Calif. next I am going to go see them. Hopefully this will be in the next 4 months. Peter Oppegard is who I think you were referring to. He and his partner, Jill Watson, won the bronze in Pairs back in 1987. He also was skating in some professional competitions with a new partner, Cindy Landry, who won the silver in Pairs with her partner I believe in 1990. I don't think he is competing anymore. I could never really tell how good a single skater he was but I think he could have been quite good alone. Perhaps someone else who has seen more of his skating can comment on that. Anyway, thanks for the beautiful description of Lake Arrowhead. I wish I were there. Lynne Subj: Observations-Brian, Nancy,G&G et Date: 93-11-29 11:50:38 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online It could be that Nancy is feeling less pressure these days and that is why she is doing better...that PLUS she has cut back on her other commitments such as endorsements, advertisements (so I understand) and is focusing on training. I do think that the pressure and attention is more on Oksana which helps Nancy and the other girls. Oksana, by the same token, seems to be feeling it which we have unfortunately seen happen to about every girl who wins the gold. The skating world now is such a pressure cooker it takes alot to stand up to it and for a 16 year old (WHY do they keep saying she is 15) it is tough. The only one that I have to say I have seen hold up with nerves of steel time after time is Katerina Witt. She may not be up there technically with the newer skaters but when the nerves get to the rest of them they won't be getting to her and that may get her the spot on the podium. I am not Witt's biggest fan but I certainly appreciate her confidence and her ability to hold up under alot of heat. I think that Brian's tights suit him. As Linda mentioned, he is a classical skater and to me, he ranks up there with Mikhail Barishinov and others of the ballet world who also wear similar attire. Barishinov is in his 40's I believe and the times I have seen him dance the tights look appropriate still. I think it is all in how they are made and if the person can wear them. The ones Brian used at Skate America were sort of ill fitting for some reason and I thought that they detracted from his performance then. But, he has the legs to wear them and for his type of skating I think it shows off the leg work and jumps. I guess that certain skaters have certain styles and that is his. I thought it was rather funny when Julie sat next to the people having a fit over his tights at some competition the past year saying how they were indecent etc. Obviously, these people have never seen a ballet performance. Petrenko sure has his that seem to have become "him" lately. I don't think I ever think of Viktor without seeing that flowered or multi colored shirt he has worn for years. Maybe it is a good luck shirt or has some sort of personal significance but now Viktor wouldn't be Viktor without seeing him in that shirt once in awhile. Gordeeva and Grinkov have been wonderful for years. I fell in love with them in 1987 when I first got my VCR and taped Worlds. She was barely 15. I have tried to tape everything they have been in since then. I also do love Brasseur and Eisler. This is going to be a really painful Olympics this year in all the different categories. Someone mentioned Ivan Lendl and his application for citizenship to play tennis for the U.S. I am not up on tennis so perhaps someone knows more on this but it seems he didn't get the OK in time. I hope Gorsha has more luck. He and Renee are wonderful ice dancers and they work hard...they deserve the chance. What I would like to wonder is from an objective standpoint it seems sort of peculiar that many of the skaters representing other countries have moved here and are living here. I can understand why they are that is for sure. The availability of ice, funds, competitions that involve money where they don't have to fly internationally etc. certainly are reason enough considering what they have to go home to. But is there a rule or a certain time that skaters must live in their home country in order to continue to represent that country? Subj: Barbara Flowers Date: 93-11-29 17:17:04 EST From: MWood Posted on: America Online I am so very sorry to hear about Barbara Flowers. There is a picture in my mind of her standing at Tonya's side when Tonya had won something in 1991 (I forget whether it was Nationals or Skate America) and grinning broadly and saying loud enough for the TV to pick it up. "We're happy." I'm so glad she had those kind of moments. I'm sure she will be greatly missed by her charges. Subj: Watch out Galleria Tree!! Date: 93-11-29 19:28:42 EST From: ALbertPal Posted on: America Online Howdy folks, I finally made it!!! Well, at least temporarily. I have a free 1 month trial, (actually I have around four of them).. Anyway. So tell me Ellen, Julie, Caryn, etc. How you been? LONG time no see. You folks must get me up to speed as to what I've missed in the past few years. Oh, incidentally, I shut out the lights as I left Prodigy. I was going to bid a grand farewell to you all before you left Prodigy, but I got a comm error and I lost my four page message... after that, I didn't have anymore time to re-enter it. Meanwhile you folks left. Hope everyone had a keen Thanksgiving and I am looking forward to this year's harvest of Christmas cards:) Always yo's - ALbert (P.S. who has the family album?, I'm still waiting for it. heh-heh-heh) ;) Subj: FAMILY ALBUM Date: 93-11-29 21:45:48 EST From: SKATINGMOM Posted on: America Online Now that you mention it Al--I tried to get one going here, but only got 3 responses--once again if you guys send me bio plus home addresses I will be glad to copy and compile it(for free guys!!)--Louise It would make a nice new years gift-- Subj: Reason for Room Date: 93-11-30 00:35:18 EST From: MargeR1 Posted on: America Online The reason we are now able to post here again is that the earliest notes from April through May 31 are now gone. (This means all reviews of the Campbells shows) The folder is listed as created on 4.9/93 but the first folder still here is dated 6/01. Marge Subj: Family Album Date: 93-11-30 19:27:28 EST From: Pattisk8 Posted on: America Online Louise, I think that's a good idea! Why don't we make an AOL Address and Biography Book, or something like that?[g] We could all send around our pictures and bios. What do you think?[g] -Patti Subj: E-mail list Date: 93-12-02 01:51:41 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Hi Albert.. We all have a big group list I will try to put you on. Cristy isn't on here but has access. I am sure she is going to miss thinking about throwing you on the tree this year. Let's many years is this we have thought about tossing you on...2? Lynne Subj: Bios Date: 93-12-02 01:53:12 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online Louise.. It would be a great idea. The problem is that I keep forgetting and I liked the idea before when you mentioned it. Lynne Subj: Missing Notes Date: 93-12-02 01:54:09 EST From: LisaSeven Posted on: America Online I think some notes are missing that were here that I wanted to read. Is there another folder as I don't see them. They were in response to my note on Brian's tights. Lynne Subj: Holiday on Ice Date: 93-12-03 23:18:49 EST From: Axel 9 Posted on: America Online For you S.F. bay area people out there, Kristi Yamguchi's "Holidy on Ice" will be on Monday, dec 6 on chanell 44 at 8 pm. If you're going to be at the Pacific Coast Competion you might want to tape it. Kevin Anderson